Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 2 You, the time-traveling senior, are mighty and majestic

Zhang Xu didn't hold back, and confessed to Mr. Zhao that he came from another world in 2017. Mr. Zhao also told Zhang Xu that he came seven years earlier than Zhang Xu.

The two each talked about some situations in their original worlds, and found that both of them came from the same world.

Many memories of Mr. Zhao's previous life have been blurred, while Zhang Xu still remembers a lot. Under Zhang Xu's narration, Mr. Zhao's dusty memories of more than a hundred years have gradually thawed out.

Zhang Xu talked about the commissioning of the Liaoning in 2012, the launch of the domestically produced Type 001A aircraft carrier, and the uncanny workmanship of nature in Nansha. Mr. Zhao, who was a naval officer in his previous life, was as happy as a child over a hundred years old, and went back to his room He took out a bottle of old wine and poured himself wine while listening to Zhang Xu.

After Zhang Xu talked about the things that happened to Mr. Zhao in his previous life, Mr. Zhao talked about his own story over the past hundred years.

Mr. Zhao was born in the 1840s into a family of alchemists famous for divination. Mr. Zhao's family has always been famous in the world of alchemists for its impartiality and neutrality. Many sects and families of alchemists are willing to ask Mr. Zhao's family to come forward to mediate.

During the Second Opium War, many wizards from Western powers landed with the British and French allied forces. In order to discuss how to deal with the invasion of Western wizards, leaders from all walks of life in the Huaxia alchemist circle gathered in the Zhao Family Manor to discuss countermeasures.

On the day of the meeting, bigwigs from all walks of life were sitting in the lobby of Zhao's Manor, waiting for the auspicious time to start discussing. At this time, a well-known senior teased Mr. Zhao, who was greeting the guests, and asked him to take a divination to see how the future would be. Other guests also booed together to let Mr. Zhao count.

Mr. Zhao, who couldn't resist the crowd, was holding up a spirit in the lobby under the signal of the old man of the Zhao family at that time.

The divination spells passed down by the Zhao family often have some light and shadow effects when divination with mana. When divination is performed with blue light, the result of divination is generally accurate. When it emits silver light, the accuracy rate increases. When it emits golden light, it is basically 80% accurate. The appearance of that kind of light and shadow is random. And the higher the accuracy rate, the greater the burden on the operator. As far as Mr. Zhao, who had just stepped into the threshold at that time, it would be good for an alchemist of his level to be able to flash a blue light, and then he would be able to recover after sitting down for a while. Happy.

But the problem lies in this divination. The alchemist's history books specifically indicate the important position of this divination in history, and it is a compulsory part of the college entrance examination.

After Mr. Zhao began to hold the spirit, colorful lights appeared on his body. According to historical records, such light and shadow only appeared two or three times in ancient times, and the accuracy of divination was 100% every time it appeared.

At that time, Mr. Zhao fell into a coma for three months after writing three ghost essays. In the subsequent discussions, these three ghost essays became the core idea of ​​the discussion at this time.

You can't do it without a core, the legend of this colorful light has been recorded in various ancient sects and families, and it is now appearing in front of you, you must have a core.

This discussion lasted for three consecutive days and three nights, and finally everyone reached three consensus points.

1. The alchemists are fully involved in the war.

2. Various sects and families send their children to study abroad.

3. After the hero appears, they will be supplemented together.

Hearing this, Zhang Xu stared at Mr. Zhao firmly, and said, "Mr. Zhao, this is what you are doing. 'China is at its most dangerous', 'Learning skills from barbarians to control barbarians' and 'Five stars bring out the benefits of the East' The three sentences of "China" seem like you are playing tricks no matter how you look at it. Don't think that you changed the lyrics of the national anthem so I can't see it. The second article was published at that time. , the third one hasn’t been unearthed yet.”

Elder Zhao glared at Zhang Xu, and said, "Changing the fate of the country can't be regarded as making trouble... Changing the fate of the country!... Can the matter of transmigrating people be regarded as making trouble?"

Zhang Xu could figure out everything that happened later. With Mr. Zhao, the time traveler, behind the scenes, it was no wonder that the wheel of history turned so happily.

After Mr. Zhao finished telling his history, he asked Zhang Xu a question; "What do you think about the full integration of alchemists into society that I have been promoting?"

Zhang Xu didn't expect Mr. Zhao to ask him this question, and he pondered for five minutes before answering: "I agree with this matter, the power of our alchemists is also part of the power in this world, and this power can be used well. It has greatly promoted the progress of society. It is just how to prevent alchemists from becoming a privileged class in society, and we have to work hard, and the international "International Statute of Secrecy" also affects us, right?"

"These two points are indeed the biggest problems, but they are not impossible to solve." Mr. Zhao said, "Alchemists have existed semi-openly among the people for thousands of years, and full disclosure would only pierce a piece of window paper. In the past The reason why alchemists did not enter the world and become masters is that alchemists cannot be enemies of the whole people. And now that technology has developed, the power of alchemists is not much threat to ordinary people. In the face of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, alchemists are not It’s not much better than ordinary people. It’s just a conventional weapon. A submachine gun facing the soul-killing curse can give you a shuttle, and the iron armor curse can’t prevent 40 fire. After the difference in force between the two sides is eliminated, the remaining difference will be resolved. .”

"Internationally, it's simple. The International Federation of Wizards has always been a matter of the European and American magic circles. They can't control us. Back then, the International Federation of Wizards wanted to sign an unequal treaty with the big powers and the Qing Dynasty. Signed an unequal treaty. When we were stupid, we ignored them, and all their claws were chopped off by us. During the Anti-Japanese War, they wanted to unite with Japan to put pressure on us. As a result, Japanese wizards were killed. We wiped out half of them. After 45 years, they basically stopped dealing with us. Their "International Statute of Secrecy" means to us that unsigned paper is toilet paper in the toilet."

"Now that the United States has seen the benefits of what we do, they have begun to learn from us. A while ago, the Magic Congress of the United States and the US government reached a consensus and began to gradually open up the magic world. Other countries are also starting to wait and see."

"Now the most stubborn part is Europe. Those old stubborn wizards and nobles thought that it was still in the Middle Ages, and they still stuck to their ways. The result now is that the development of magic in the world is the slowest, if there is still Dumbledore around It’s stuck there, it’s already been eaten and wiped clean.”

"Who is stronger than you and Dumbledore?" Zhang Xu asked subconsciously when he heard the familiar name.

"I've met each other before, but I haven't fought each other. It's 50-50 when we test each other. It's hard to say if you are fighting for your life. You must know that when I was on the battlefield, I had a cane and a light machine gun." Elder Zhao replied.

The corners of Zhang Xu's mouth twitched uncontrollably. This painting style is different from "Harry Potter", but somewhat similar to Gandalf.

"Have you met? When?" Zhang Xu asked curiously.

"In the 1970s, a few Death Eaters came here chasing wizards who fled to Hong Kong and wanted to make trouble here, but we all left them behind. Dumbledore came here on behalf of their Ministry of Magic to think I took them all back, and I received him. When the conversation broke down, we tested each other, and everyone found that the benefits of the fight were not worth the loss, so we continued to talk. Later, he was brought back dead, and he was forced to work for a few years after serving his sentence. Put it back again." Zhao Lao said.

"Back to the topic just now." Mr. Zhao continued, "Now there is a tendency for the magic world to be open all over the world, but those in power in Europe have been pretending to be deaf and dumb as if nothing happened. On the contrary, Dumbledore I can't see what he's thinking, but now he personally extended an olive branch to us." Mr. Zhao continued.

"Olive branch? What's the situation?" Zhang Xu asked.

"I just want to recruit a student from our side to study abroad. The excuse is to provide a window for communication between the two parties. The admission letter from Hogwarts has been sent, and the name is left blank for us to fill in by ourselves." Zhao Lao replied.

"Then you asked me to come over..." Zhang Xu asked anxiously.

"I called you here for an interview. Now that the interview has passed, I've decided to let you pass." Mr. Zhao replied affirmatively, "The Ministry of Education's candidate list came for my opinion, and I saw that your name is also on it. You are the nominee. With my face, they will definitely agree."

"Wait, is this matter under the supervision of the Ministry of Education?" Zhang Xu, who was not very clear about the operation of the alchemist class's authority, asked.

"Hey, what you said is that the whole country plays a game of chess, and we alchemists are no exception." Elder Zhao replied as a matter of course.

"But you should have read the book "Harry Potter". If you haven't read it, you must have heard of it. The next few years will happen to be when Voldemort returns to make troubles. It is too dangerous for me to go there at this time. "Zhang Xu said.

"First of all, what I want to tell you is that it is better to have no books than to believe in books. What happened in this world, part of the information was transmitted to our previous universe through the gap between universes, which happened to coincide with the author's brainwaves, so The brain hole of "Harry Potter" appeared in the author's mind, and then he wrote it. The spread of information in the universe still ignores time. You and I came here only a few years apart. The world we arrived at It’s been more than a hundred years, and maybe there are still fellow villagers in this world that we haven’t discovered. A few years later, the story was passed on to the author in his hometown. Who knows if the signal is distorted. The radio transmission is far away. If the signal is lost, don’t expect 100% accuracy for this kind of information transmitted across the universe. I’ve read the novel, and I don’t remember it mentioning that Malfoy’s father was arrested by us and sent to a labor camp. The labor model in the labor reform farm, because of his good performance, his sentence was reduced." Zhao Lao said, "Besides, I let you go there to serve as a window for exchanges between the two parties, not to let you go against Voldemort and eat melons by the side. While watching them make trouble, no one said you. If you are willing to make trouble with them, I have no problem. At that time, I will personally sponsor you some small things to ensure that you will be fine under normal circumstances, at least you can save your life. Those who were caught by us before Don’t be afraid of the Death Eaters who have been sent back, I’ve already let you know, if they dare to touch you, I’ll personally lead someone to knock you at the door, and we can do what the Japanese did in Wanping City back then.”

So Zhang Xu appeared on the train to Hogwarts.

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