Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 201 Successful arrest

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As soon as Zhang Xu, who was about to go back to the dormitory to sleep, walked into the castle foyer, he saw Leif flying in from the gate of the castle, and then flew along the stairs to the common room of the Lion Court.

This is now a daily routine at Hogwarts. Since Neville mastered the Flying Curse, the students can see Raffles flying in different corridors six days a week.

At first, the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang thought that the flying toad of Lyfe was some kind of magical animal.

Zhang Xu couldn't help thinking that he might be able to make a game called "Traveling Toad" based on Raffles in the future.

Nothing happened overnight, and a new day came.

While eating breakfast in the cafeteria, everything was as usual in the cafeteria, and the students discussed the upcoming three-school Quidditch competition.

Dumbledore wasn't in the cafeteria this morning, but everyone was getting used to it.

It's just that Zhang Xu felt that little Barty seemed to look at him a few more times.

Laughter is the best weapon, as the saying goes, and it's true for wizards as well.

Laughing can interfere with the pronunciation of wizards when they chant spells, and the high excitement of the sympathetic nerves can also interfere with the concentration of wizards when casting spells, and wizards, like ordinary people, will be fainted or convulsed by laughing and laughing for too long .

So when Professor Moody took out the flagon and took a sip before class, and then burst out laughing at the roll call, Zhang Xu rang the Hogwarts emergency evacuation alarm.

From the loudspeakers all over Hogwarts Castle, what came out at this moment was no longer the sound of "Happy Moment" and "Daily Order" hosted by the Weasley twins in the past, but a burst of short and piercing alarms. ring.

"All students return to the common room immediately, this is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill!"

Dumbledore's serious recording accompanied the sound of the alarm bell.

At the same time, arrows of different colors lit up on the aisle, marking the paths leading to the common rooms of the four colleges.

In less than two minutes, all the students in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom had withdrawn from the classroom, leaving only Zhang Xu still sitting in his seat.

have to say,

The laughing Moody's face is more distorted and terrifying than usual, it's okay to scare a child into tears.

Little Barty already felt that something was wrong with him when he just started laughing. He ignored the students pouring out of the classroom, and while laughing wildly, he took out a bottle of potion from his body and poured it into his mouth.

Many children are often taught by their parents not to talk or laugh loudly while eating and drinking, otherwise they will be choked.

So little Barty was choked to death by that bottle of potion.

After drinking half a bottle of potion, the symptoms of "Hanxiao Xiaoyao San" disappeared. Little Barty gasped for breath while holding on to the podium, his stomach was a little cramp.

Only then did the students all leave the classroom.

Little Barty almost solved the poisoning problem in a short time, which surprised Zhang Xu.

It's not that Zhang Xu never thought about using more powerful medicines, but those medicines are fine if they are put in food, but they are easily exposed when they are put in potions.

In order to prevent the spell from flying around and hurting his classmates, Zhang Xu's original plan was to wait until little Barty laughed until the students had left before he made a move, but the reality turned out to be a bit skinny.

Facing the little Barty who was panting non-stop, Zhang Xu didn't say much, just raised his wand and shot a spell over it.

(·_·)o—★...you are paralyzed

Little Batty, who had already sensed that something was wrong, realized that he had been exposed. He had been watching Zhang Xu's every move with his magic eyes just now.

Little Barty jumped aside to avoid Zhang Xu's paralyzing spell, and the podium that was hit by the spell exploded instantly.

As soon as the little Barty who jumped away touched the ground, he felt his feet slip and fell to the ground.

It was just now that Zhang Xu used the transformation technique to conjure a piece of banana peel at his foothold.

In line with the principle of beating a dog in the water, Zhang Xu raised his cane and dropped it, and Moody's artificial leg was instantly torn apart.

Zhang Xu, who had taken the lead for a while, kept using magic spells to greet Little Barty, trying to get rid of him in one go.

But Little Barty is worthy of being a Death Eater who has experienced many battles. Even without a leg, he was still able to roll and climb, and narrowly escaped Zhang Xu's spell.

Just when Zhang Xu cast two spells, Barty cast a spell on himself, and then his body began to deform rapidly, Moody's fake eye fell out, and a new leg grew out of the original broken leg .

Seeing the restored prototype of Barty Jr., Zhang Xu accelerated his attack.

In a very short time, Zhang Xu cast three magic fronts without shadows on Barty Jr.

Now Zhang Xu doesn't want to keep his life alive anymore like before. Just now he had the advantage that Barty Jr. didn't recover, so he had a slight upper hand.

Now that Little Barty has recovered, Zhang Xu will be in trouble.

Although Zhang Xu was able to fight with werewolves and even the Peruvian Venomous Dragon, and he was able to use his big moves to kill eight-eyed spiders and infernal corpses, but at that time he was playing the role of a berserker or a fort, and there was no magic that could hurt him at that time.

In wizard duels, his experience and skills are not high, and he is usually good against other students, but in front of Professor Flitwick, he can only last a few minutes before waving the white flag in suspense.

For a moment the situation was reversed, Barty Jr. began to gain the upper hand, and Zhang Xu began to be suppressed.

As the saying goes, to defeat an enemy stronger than yourself, you need to pull the opponent into the field you are familiar with, and then defeat the opponent with rich experience.

After Zhang Xu jumped behind the desk to avoid a Cruciatus Curse shot by Barty Jr., a group of colorful paper cranes flew out from behind the desk and rushed towards Barty Jr. like a swarm of hornets.

Facing the paper cranes swarming from all directions, Little Barty didn't dare to take it lightly, and temporarily gave up the attack on Zhang Xu, and concentrated on dealing with these thousands of paper cranes that would explode the spell.

Relieved, Zhang Xu immediately transformed the tables and chairs in front of him into a few gray wolves with Transfiguration, and controlled them to pounce on Little Barty.

Little Barty was caught off guard and fell into a disadvantage again.

Just when Little Barty had just finished off the two gray wolves, he heard a "boom", and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right hand, and the wand in his hand fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, there were two more "boom booms", and Barty Jr. was shot in both legs, and was thrown to the ground by a gray wolf.

While controlling another gray wolf, Zhang Xu took the magic wand that Little Barty had dropped, and threw two golden ropes to tie up Little Barty who was lying on the ground.

After seeing that Lockhart, who was possessed by Riddle, could be tied with a strong golden rope to make little Barty into a rice dumpling, Zhang Xu was relieved.

After putting away the pistol, picking up the bullet casings on the ground, and using the Flying Curse to recover the bullets in Barty Jr.'s hands and feet, Zhang Xu made it on a table, took out a can of Jianlibao and cooled it down with a magic wand, and drank it.

At this time, Barty Jr. Big Meat Dumpling Crouch was lying on the ground, struggling while muttering words.

"The spell you chanted is useless, so you can't untie the rope." Zhang Xu said to Little Barty.

Facing Little Barty's eyes full of hatred, Zhang Xu took a sip of Jianlibao and continued: "If you want to untie the rope, you must first recite the untie spell. The untie spell is in Chinese, don't you know? After reciting the unbinding spell, read out the key. The keys of the two ropes are different, one is in Sichuan dialect and the other is in Wenzhou dialect.”

Then Zhang Xu took out a few golden ropes and put them on the table next to him, and said to Little Barty: "I still have ropes for Zhuang, Yao, Guiliu, Hakka, Hokkien and Mongolian. , want to challenge it?"

The bewildered little Barty had never heard of these languages, and finally gave up struggling.

"How did you find out?" Barty Jr. asked.

"I found out at the beginning." Zhang Xu replied, "You are too stupid, why are you trying to steal Professor Snape's African tree snake skin, and steal so much at once. Just look up its usage and It can be deduced that someone needs to make a lot of polyjuice potion. Hogwarts gave you a lot of salary in advance before the start of school. If you have money, go to Diagon Alley to order it. Buy it together with other potion ingredients, who knows What are you going to do. The professors at Hogwarts don't often purchase various materials."

Little Barty said: "My money is dedicated to the Dark Lord!"

"It's not easy for your master to ask for money, just ask Lucius Malfoy." Zhang Xu said, "Does he still dare not give it?"

Just then, the door of the classroom opened, and Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick came together.

"You came later than expected, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick." Zhang Xu said to the two of them.

"It's great that you're all right, Zhang." Professor Flitwick shouted happily, "You caught him!"

"It's just a fluke." Zhang Xu said with a smile, "If I didn't use some other methods, I could only escape."

"Has Professor Moody been rescued?" Zhang Xu then asked.

"He was rescued, but his condition is very bad, he is too weak." Professor McGonagall replied, "He is now being sent to the school infirmary."

"That's good." Zhang Xu said.

"Then what should we do with him?" Zhang Xu asked, pointing to Little Barty on the ground.

"We need to find an absolutely safe place to lock him up, and then deal with him when Professor Dumbledore comes back," Professor McGonagall said.

"Is it an absolutely safe place? I know such a place." Zhang Xu said.

Half an hour later, in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets located underground at Hogwarts, Zhang Xu knocked the stunned Barty to the ground.

"Okay, let's lock him here first, everything will be discussed when Professor Dumbledore comes back." Zhang Xu said to Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick and Harry Potter who came to open the door.

The three of Professor McGonagall looked at Little Barty, who was tied into a ball by eight ropes, and nodded.

After leaving the secret room, Zhang Xu suddenly remembered something, and said to Harry: "Harry, you immediately ask Dobby to take Winky to Black's house, and let Winky learn from Kreacher of Black's house."

Seeing Harry's puzzled eyes, Zhang Xu explained: "Winky used to be a house-elf of the Crouch family. I was afraid that she would let Barty Crouch Jr. go, so I have to let Winky leave Hogwarts first." .You and Dobby will make it clear that Winky cannot be returned to Hogwarts without an order from Professor Dumbledore."

After hearing the words, Harry realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately turned to the kitchen to find Dobby and Winky.

Zhang Xu walked towards the school infirmary, he was going to visit the unfortunate Professor Moody.

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