Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 204 Taking advantage of your illness and asking for your money

( ) "Mr. Minister, long time no see." Zhang Xu greeted Fudge after catching up.

Just now Fudge and Dumbledore broke down, and when he walked out of the ward angrily, he saw Zhang Xu, but he was not in the mood to say hello to Zhang Xu at that time.

Now that his anger has dissipated, and he has always had a good impression of Zhang Xu, so Fuji exchanged a few words with Zhang Xu who came to say hello.

After exchanging pleasantries, Zhang Xu put forward his request straight to the point, "Mr. Minister, I want to go to Azkaban and hope to get your approval."

Hearing this, Fudge looked at Zhang Xu with a strange expression on his face.

It's a big or small thing, and no one is going to go to the state prison for nothing to do. If Zhang Xu was going to visit the prison, it would be a small problem, but Fudge knew that there was no acquaintance of Zhang Xu in Azkaban, so if Zhang Xu was going to make trouble, it would be a lot of fun.

Seeing Fudge's question, Zhang Xu explained: "I saw a house in Hogsmeade, and I want to buy it. That house belongs to Rodolphus Lestrange and his wife The property of Bellatrix Lestrange, I need the consent of both of them to buy it. But they are both locked up in Azkaban now, so I want to talk to them .”

After listening to Zhang Xu's explanation, Fudge was relieved, such things were not uncommon after the downfall of Voldemort.

For hundreds of years, when a prisoner was imprisoned in Azkaban by the whole family, their property would be swallowed up by a group of people at a low price.

Wizards, like Muggles, are greedy when it comes to gold coins.

A man driven mad by dementors is obviously a good bargain.

It's just that everyone cares about face, and eating will not be too ugly. When people are not dead, everyone will only eat less than 40% of each other's property. When people are about to die, everyone will eat the remaining 60% many.

So when Fuji knew that Zhang Xu was just asking for money, he readily agreed to Zhang Xu's request.

Fudge said to Percy on the side: "Weasley, you are now in charge of taking Mr. Zhang to Azkaban, and then help him complete the formalities of the property."

After receiving the minister's order, Percy naturally nodded in agreement, expressing that he would definitely get things done.

After thanking Zhang Xu repeatedly, Fudge declined everyone's suggestion to have a meal together, and returned to the Ministry of Magic alone.

After leaving St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries, Zhang Xu first invited Percy to have lunch at a nearby restaurant. Zhang Xu rushed over just now before he had lunch.

After lunch, the two found an empty alley, and then Percy used Apparition to bring Zhang Xu to Azkaban.

In Azkaban, Zhang Xu received a warm welcome from the dementors.

After Zhang Xu delivered a large package of food additives, the leader of the dementors personally led Zhang Xu to Bellatrix Lestrange's cell.

After the troublesome dementor left the cell, Zhang Xu who entered the cell saw a skinny woman lying on the ground in the corner.

Just like the addicts in the anti-drug promotional videos that Zhang Xu had seen, Bellatrix was now like a living skeleton with a layer of flesh on it.

Bellatrix noticed that someone had entered the cell, and she struggled to get up from the ground and sat against the wall, looking at the wizard who walked in with empty eyes.

At this time, Zhang Xu put on the hood of his robe, so that others could not see his face under the effect of magic, and his voice also changed.

Standing in front of Bellatrix, Zhang Xu showed his finger with Marvolo Gunter's ring, and asked Bellatrix: "The Dark Lord asked me to ask you, are you still his faithful?" Servant?"

Scarlet asked Zhang Xu to keep the ring after she found it in Gaunt's old house. She asked Zhang Xu to dispose of the soul fragments inside before returning it to him.

It's just that Zhang Xu has never been able to find a chance to come to Azkaban, so this matter has been delayed until today.

Bellatrix heard Zhang Xu's question, and recognized Marvolo Gunter's ring, and her whole person suddenly became radiant.

Bellatrix immediately got up, knelt in front of Zhang Xu, took Zhang Xu's hand with the ring, and kept kissing the ring on Zhang Xu's hand.

At this moment, Zhang Xu felt chills in his heart, and had the urge to take out the gas tank and smash her to death.

"I will always be the most faithful servant of the master." Bellatrix said excitedly.

"Very well, I believe the Dark Lord will be happy for your loyalty." Zhang Xu said, "Now the Dark Lord has returned to England, but he is still very weak. Would you like to help him?"

What followed was Bellatrix's words of loyalty.

"The Dark Lord once let you keep a golden cup. Only the Dark Lord and you know about it. Now the Dark Lord needs it to restore his power. When the Dark Lord regains his power, he will come here himself and take you out .”

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he saw Bellatrix's skeleton-like face full of pride and excitement.

"The cup is in my vault at Gringotts," said Bellatrix.

Zhang Xu nodded, took out the parchment and quill pen and handed them to Bellatrix, and then said: "Very well, you write an anonymous treasury property transfer document, and I will hand them all over to the black man." Demon King's."

What Zhang Xu said to Bellatrix was to hand over "them" to Voldemort, implying that except Hufflepuff's gold cup, all the rest of the property should also be handed over.

Zhang Xu was not afraid that Bellatrix would be reluctant to part with the money. As Voldemort's number one fan, Bellatrix could even help Voldemort have children, so why not contribute some money?

Bellatrix, who understood Zhang Xu's suggestion, immediately took the parchment, wrote down that all the property in her vault should be handed over to the person who holds this document, and then bit her finger and pressed a sign on the signature of the document. blood fingerprints.

With this blood fingerprint, Gringotts can be sure that this document is authentic.

Zhang Xu had asked Percy about the money transfer in Gringotts before.

In the absence of the vault owner, transfers from the vault need to be submitted to Gringotts to prove that it is issued by the vault owner. Just like when Hagrid took Harry Potter to Gringotts for the first time, he issued a letter from Dumbledore before he could take the Philosopher's Stone from the vault.

Moreover, there are two types of transfer documents: registered and unregistered. The former is transferred to a specific person, and the latter is transferred to whoever holds the transfer document.

Zhang Xu heaved a sigh of relief after receiving the anonymous property transfer document written by Bellatrix.

Then Zhang Xu fooled Bellatrix again and asked her to give Zhang Xu their house in Hogsmeade.

After explaining to Bellatrix a few words to eat more to keep healthy and wait for the Dark Lord to pick him up, Zhang Xu left Bellatrix's cell with the property handover documents and real estate gift documents.

While walking towards Rodolphus Lestrange's cell, a bold idea suddenly popped up in Zhang Xu's mind.

Two hours later, when Zhang Xu and Percy returned to London together, there was a thick stack of Death Eaters' Gringotts vault property handover documents in Zhang Xu's treasure bag.

The Death Eaters in Azkaban, under the dual effects of dementors and food additives, have been made so brainless.

The shard of Voldemort's soul in Marvolo Gaunt's ring is not as active as the one in the notebook and locket, but it can still affect other people.

Zhang Xu used the ring to open the way, and the Death Eaters who felt the warmth of Voldemort's soul saw the ring as if they were seeing people under the influence of the Horcrux. Without a trace of doubt, they regarded Zhang Xu as Voldemort's emissary, and donated their treasury one after another.

In the end, Zhang Xu made a fortune, the Death Eaters knew the news of Voldemort's return, the leader of the dementors enjoyed the delicious meal in the ring, and all three parties were happy for a while, gratifying and congratulating.

After returning to Diagon Alley, Zhang Xu bid farewell to Percy who was going back to the Ministry of Magic, and came to Gringotts by himself.

Zhang Xu, wearing a hood, walked straight into the VIP reception room in Gringotts, and opened a new vault with the highest level of secrecy in Gringotts.

How can a man not have some private money. This time, all the money collected from the Death Eaters was transferred to this newly opened No. 233 vault, not the No. 666 vault that had been taken with Fleur before.

Standing in front of the vault door, Zhang Xu watched the goblins pull carts of gold coins and various valuable collectibles into his vault, laughing until his face cramped.

After the goblins pulled the last cart of gold coins into the vault and put all the collectibles on the shelf, Zhang Xu sent the goblins out of the vault, and then found Hufflepuff on the shelf with the help of the Horcrux detector The golden cup, and finally left Gringotts with the golden cup.

It was getting dark at this time, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, Zhang Xu decided to solve the problem of Jinbei immediately.

Zhang Xu went to the Burrow of the Weasleys with Floo powder through the fireplace of the Leaky Cauldron.

Zhang Xu's sudden visit surprised and delighted the Weasley family.

After a sumptuous dinner, Zhang Xu asked Percy to take him to Azkaban again, and delivered a midnight snack to the leader of the dementors.

When Zhang Xu returned to Hogwarts after finishing everything, it was already late.

Back in the dormitory, Zhang Xu sat at his desk and wrote a letter.

The house that Zhang Xu bought from Rodolphus Lestrange and Bellatrix Lestrange is located in the center of Hogsmeade. Zhang Xu, who likes quiet, doesn't like it very much. He likes the house on the mountainside that he rents now.

Anyway, there is no concept of a school district house in the British magic world, so after obtaining Fu Rong's consent, Zhang Xu wrote to the owner of the house, who is a relative of Neville Longbottom, to discuss how to exchange real estate.

Zhang Xu tied the written letter to the leg of the owl that he had brought back on the way back to the dormitory just now, and then sent the owl out of the window.

After seeing off the owl, Zhang Xu took off his robe and walked into the bathroom with the sound of running water.

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