Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 211 The original intention will not change

On Sunday morning, Zhang Xu and Fu Rong came to Durmstrang's boat together.

Zhang Xu can only see that Durmstrang's sailboat is a black three-masted sailboat. All his knowledge of sailboats comes from the series "The Age of Discovery", and he also recognizes the square sail, bowsail, and triangle sail. Class, no matter how much you are not familiar with.

"Do you have cats on board?"

As soon as he boarded the boat, Zhang Xu asked Krum.

When playing the Age of Discovery, holy sesame oil and cats are must-haves.

Western countries have always had a tradition of keeping cats and other animals on board as mascots, such as Oscar who sank three ships including Bismarck and finally died, Hood's chest served as ginger and fish cakes, and the tiger on the Kent, etc. .

But seeing Krum spread his hands, Zhang Xu knew that there was no mascot on their boat.

When more and more guests came to the ship, Krum took everyone into the cabin for a visit.

Students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang have been in Hogwarts for more than half a year. Students from the three schools usually study, play and fight together in Hogwarts. Many of them have made friends with other schools. friend.

After a group fight between Hogwarts and Durmstrang students, Krum apologized to the Hogwarts students on behalf of Durmstrang's students, and the relationship between the two parties eased.

Although the unconvinced students between the two schools later fought several times in private.

But after each beating, all of them were arrested by Professor Zhang and sent for two hours of ideological education. After the education was over, the original hostile parties became brothers and sisters, and Professor Zhang, who had become chattering, shared the same hatred.

In such a peaceful and peaceful environment, many students have become friends who do not know each other...

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.

The space inside the Durmstrang sailboat has been magically expanded, and the space inside is not narrow.

The cabin full of strong Nordic style is brightly lit. If the surrounding materials are not made of wood, no one would think that they are walking in a boat.

Krum took the other three Triwizard Tournament warriors, their families and friends to visit the dormitory, library and auditorium on the sailboat.

After walking around the cabin like a horse watching flowers, everyone came to the rest area on the deck to chat together.

Zhang Xu didn't chat with the familiar Krum,

Instead, he found two students who had taken his course to brag together.

From them, Zhang Xu got a lot of news about Durmstrang.

Durmstrang's ethos is ambivalent. On the one hand, the school does not accept Muggle-born wizards, and the young Muggle-born wizards in Western Europe and Northern Europe basically go to magic schools in France and Russia. On the other hand, most students in the school do not discriminate against Muggle-born wizards. For example, Krum’s apology to Hermione would not exist in a snake yard that is also proud of pure blood, and Durmstrang’s students, except for a few people, didn’t have much to say about it. Views.

The same was true for the two chatting with Zhang Xu, who were born in Germany and were not disgusted with Muggles.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Xu finally figured out the reason of the matter.

Back then, Gellert Grindelwald colluded with Mustache. As the mustache army advanced, Gellert Grindelwald led his wizards to follow up and grab the territory.

However, in the end the mustache was over, Gellert Grindelwald was defeated by Dumbledore, and the wizards in Germany and Northern Europe who surrendered Gellert Grindelwald were also unlucky.

The Muggle world is divided into NATO and Warsaw Pact, and the wizards on the Warsaw Pact side were purged by Dalinzi for a round. To expand the territory, the magic committee of the red hairy bear will naturally help Da Linzi. As a result, many wizards in Western Europe and Northern Europe had to hide in Muggle society.

This kind of history has led to Durmstrang's school rules being silent and stereotyped, while most of the students are more open-minded.

While chatting, Zhang Xu did not forget his original intention, took out the product catalog in the treasure bag, and asked them if they were interested in becoming a regional agent.

Durmstrang's students who came to Hogwarts to participate in the Triwizard Tournament were all students preparing to graduate, and many of them were struggling with employment.

Krum went to play after graduation, so Zhang Xu naturally wouldn't look for him, so he aimed at other students.

In less than half an hour, Zhang Xu's table was full of people, and many enterprising and well-connected students studied the product catalog provided by Zhang Xu.

The products in this catalog are left over from Mrs. Maxim's selection, so Zhang Xu will take them out for the students of Durmstrang to choose.

Otherwise, why would Madam Maxim let Furong stay with Zhang Xu all day?

Shopping malls are like battlefields, and the camaraderie of classmates and school has little effect here, and what should be fought is still to be fought.

All of a sudden, the sound of bargaining and quarreling could be heard, and everyone on the deck was attracted by this group of people.

Krum, who was not far away, looked towards them from time to time, for fear that they would fight if they disagreed.

But everyone is seeking money in harmony, and fighting is impossible.

Two hours later, the air suddenly fell into silence.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people who were bargaining fiercely not long ago laughed together, stood up and shook hands and hugged each other, and the scene was harmonious.

Just when everyone in Durmstrang was about to invite Zhang Xu to have a big meal in the auditorium on board, a rapid bell rang on the deck.

After reacting, the students of Durmstrang took their positions one after another, and the guests of Hogwarts and Beauxbatons disembarked one after another.

Soon, several huge tentacles rushed out of the lake, engulfed Durmstrang's sailboat, and then shook the sailboat rhythmically.

Durmstrang's students struggle to cast a spell on a squid's tentacles on a rocking boat.

Students from the other two schools on the shore took out snacks and watched the excitement while eating.

It's a pity that this squid can't speak, otherwise Zhang Xu would really like to ask it if it knows Tanya.

Not long after, the squid was beaten or tired, and ran back to the lake.

After watching the excitement, everyone saw that it was time for lunch, and they all went to Hogwarts Castle to have lunch.

On the way, Zhang Xu found Harry and pulled him aside.

"Harry, how do you feel?" Zhang Xu asked.

"Feels fine," said Harry, scratching the back of his head.

"That's good. Remember not to stop the medicine." Zhang Xu said, "Remember to drink a bottle every night before going to bed. It is better to drink too much than to drink less."

"Zhang, when do you think Voldemort will send someone to arrest me?" Harry asked, frowning.

"I'm not sure, how about I call him and ask him?" Zhang Xu spread his hands and said.


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