Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 243: Tie Harry up first

When Harry Potter opened his eyes, he saw the familiar ceiling. Looking out of the window, it was already noon, and the sun was shining on his face.

Not long after he went to bed last night, he found that the scar on his forehead was getting more and more painful, so that he rolled out of bed and woke Ron and the others.

Immediately afterwards, the magic power in his body began to be out of his control, and his whole body became hot.

Then his consciousness became more and more blurred, but he did not completely lose consciousness.

It seemed that he was carried to the school infirmary by Ron and Neville, and then he felt a little cooler. At the same time, there seemed to be many people discussing something around him.

Before finally losing consciousness, something like a small snake crawled in from his nose, and then crawled into his stomach through his throat.

At this moment, Harry's whole body was sore. When he tried to block the sunlight that was shining directly into his eyes, he found that he was tied up on the hospital bed with a rope and could not move.

"Who are you?"

A voice came from the bedside.

Harry turned his head and saw Zhang Xu sitting behind a table on the far side of the hospital bed, cutting steak with a wand in one hand, and putting the cut steak into his mouth with a fork in the other hand.

On the table, in addition to steak plates and water glasses, there seemed to be a Muggle gun.

Harry couldn't see very well without his glasses.

"I'm Harry, Zhang!" shouted Harry who was bound on the bed, "I'm Harry Potter, your classmate! What's going on?"

"Then tell me something that only you and I know.

"Zhang Xu said.

Harry thought for a moment, then said, "I was passing by the professor's bathroom on Wednesday night and saw you and..."

"Ahem..." Zhang Xu coughed twice and said, "Peeves and I discussed how to make trouble for a certain person. Don't tell other people. It won't affect you well. Change another matter."

Harry reacted instantly, shut up immediately, and then said: "At the end of last semester, you gave me a wand for me to use in case of an accident during the summer vacation. Later, when you got off the train, you said you were afraid of that wand. The wand didn't work for me, so you gave me another wand. And when you sent me food during the summer vacation, you didn't give me chopsticks."

For a while, although Harry didn't know what Zhang Xu was going to do, he still answered honestly.

"What is x raised to the fourth power multiplied by x to the fifth power?"

"You fly on a broomstick at an elevation angle of 3o° and fly at a speed of 1o meters per second for 1o seconds, then how much distance do you fly horizontally and vertically?"

"The function f(x)=sinxtanx is known, so is this function an odd function or an even function, what is the minimum positive period of the function, and which line is the function image symmetrical about?"

In the end Zhang Xu asked Harry a few more math problems.

Before Harry's magic power left yesterday, his scar hurt. Zhang Xu was very worried that Voldemort was playing tricks. He was afraid that the current Harry would be controlled by Voldemort, or even take him away. That's why he came up with various questions to confirm his identity.

Zhang Xu can be sure that Voldemort has never learned trigonometric functions, functions, etc. Even if he captured Harry's memory, he would not be able to solve these math problems all at once.

Harry, who had a black line on his head, also realized Zhang Xu's intentions now, so he could only answer Zhang Xu's questions honestly, in order to prove that he was the real Harry who was genuine, innocent, and just like a fake. Porter.

After Harry answered all the questions, Zhang Xu heaved a sigh of relief.

Seeing Zhang Xu heaving a sigh of relief, Harry also relaxed himself.

Harry was speechless at the moment, he had given up resisting and let Zhang Xu toss about.

"Okay, let's take the last step." Zhang Xu said, "Please shout 'Tom Riddle is a half-blood wizard' ten times."

Harry: ...

After dispelling the suspicion of being possessed by Voldemort, Zhang Xu loosened the rope that bound Harry.

The professors who had been watching the movement in the ward through the double-sided mirror in Madam Pomfrey's office all came to the ward and began to give Harry a comprehensive examination.

After Zhang Xu went to the kitchen to bring back Harry's lunch, he skillfully went to the medicine cabinet and took medicine to heal the wound on his calf kicked by "Peeves".

After confirming that Harry was not cursed because of the unicorn's blood, the professors including Zhang Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

After finding out from Harry the reason for the sudden magic riot last night, the professors all dispersed.

Everyone has not closed their eyes since last night.

Zhang Xu didn't go back to the dormitory of Ying Yuan, but returned to his professor's dormitory, took a hot bath and went to bed to catch up on sleep.

When Zhang Xu woke up, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

When I came to the kitchen, many students were eating and chatting here.

When Zhang Xu walked in, everyone greeted him one after another.

Zhang Xu asked the house elf to bring a dinner, and then chatted with a few classmates.

The biggest news of the day today was not that Harry entered the school infirmary last night, and that many students who took advantage of the weekend to clean the maze returned without success.

The labyrinth of the Triwizard Tournament was opened to the public after adjusting the difficulty appropriately. During the summer vacation, a lot of tickets were received, and the Sphinx, who was too tired to work in it, demanded that his salary be doubled.

After school starts, there are no foreign tourists, and it's the students' turn to brush the copies.

It was not difficult for the students to see the warriors brushing up the maze last semester, but when they entered it, they felt that they were overwhelmed.

For a whole day, none of the students could reach the end of the maze.

And Ron was in no mood to get involved because he was worried about Harry.

Zhang Xu left the kitchen after eating and drinking.

When Zhang Xu came to the foyer and was about to take a walk outside, he saw Snape hastily walking into the castle.

Before Zhang Xu could speak, Snape came over and asked, "How is Potter?"

"Harry had a sudden magic riot for unknown reasons last night, and the situation was very critical." Zhang Xu sighed and continued, "Later, I had to go to the Forbidden Forest to find unicorns, and use the blood of unicorns to clear away the negative things on him. Status. Harry is fine now after taking unicorn blood."

After hearing what Zhang Xu said, Snape's eyes widened in disbelief.

As a Potions Professor, he knew the consequences of drinking unicorn blood.

After Zhang Xu said "Harry is in the school infirmary now", Snape hurried to the school infirmary.

Zhang Xu didn't follow up to watch the excitement. When Snape knew that Harry was not cursed, he would definitely fight Zhang Xu who didn't speak clearly. He wasn't in the mood to cause trouble.

Tonight, many students were playing outside the castle, and there was no quiet place after walking around the lake.

There were footprints all around the Whomping Willow, and a crowd was screaming for a shack party.

Zhang Xu thought about it, and simply walked to the Forbidden Forest.

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