The professors were not unreasonable in thinking that Snape would suffer this time.

Zhang Xu believed that he had brought it upon himself.

The conflict between Snape and the non-Snake Academy students was originally a huge tinderbox. There was just no fuse in the "plot". Now under the influence of Zhang Xu, Percy has the opportunity to be on top of the tinderbox. He inserted a fuse and handed the matches into the hands of the students.

Among the qualities that an educator should possess, teacher ethics is the core.

As for Snape's teacher's ethics, Zhang Xu could only express "haha". It was the same as Voldemort's nose and did not exist.

Although Zhang Xu was very familiar with Snape and often joked about his hair, and traded with him to get Shen Feng Wuying, etc., this did not mean that he would fully approve of Snape.

Just like Hermione and Hagrid are friends, but she still doesn't approve of Hagrid's teaching methods.

And just like some people make friends with others because they are greedy for the other person's money or beauty, Zhang Xu only has a good relationship with Snape because of his high skills in potions, so he seeks common ground while reserving differences with him.

The eldest son of the Weasley family, Bill, did not have a good impression of Snape. This shows that Snape's problems did not arise after Harry came to school.

If non-Snake House students at Hogwarts were asked to answer questions on Facebook such as "Which professors have you seen with high academic standards but poor character?", "How bad are the bad professors you have seen?" Question, Snape is definitely the one who gets named the most.

If Zhang Xu was a Gryffindor student and Snape treated Zhang Xu like Harry and Neville, Snape would have been sold to Voldemort by Zhang Xu in exchange for money.

Originally, Zhang Xu also wanted to influence Snape and make him change his attitude towards other students in the Snake House.

But on that day in the third grade, Zhang Xu was tied up and locked in the closet by Scarlet. He heard Snape outside saying to Lupine, "Lupin, no one may have warned you, but Neville Longbottom In this class. I advise you not to ask him to do anything difficult unless Mrs. Granger whispers instructions in his ear." At that time, Zhang Xu had already given up on his plan to influence Snape.

It is difficult for a professor to cultivate an excellent student, but sometimes it only takes one sentence to destroy a student.

Not only did he not help the underachieving students, he also instigated his colleagues to use cold violence against the students. This was what Snape could do.

Fortunately, Luping was there, allowing Neville to rebuild his confidence at that time, and then put Zhang Xu into women's clothing.

Even Barty Crouch Jr., a Death Eater, did a better job than Snape when it came to how a professor should treat his students.

In the "plot", in the first class, after being reminded by Hermione and seeing Neville being frightened by the Cruciatus Curse, little Barty immediately stopped casting the curse and immediately shrank the spider. After class, when he took Neville to the office to get "Mediterranean Magical Aquatic Plants and Their Characteristics", he also knew how to comfort Neville with words. Although it had no effect, at least he did it. He would also encourage Neville when giving him the book.

Although Barty Jr. is pretending to be Moody, Moody's memory does not contain the experience of being a professor. In many cases, Barty Jr. can only use Moody's character to act on his own. Even so, he knows that a normal professor should How to treat students.

As for Snape, he only used cold violence and verbal attacks on students who were not from his school, and even used the reason that Harry did not remind the students in other groups to cause trouble for Harry out of nothing.

When dealing with conflicts between students, Snape's partiality can be described as insane.

In order to favor the students of his own college, Snape could even open his eyes and tell lies, and was selectively blind to Hermione who was turned into (°π°) by Malfoy's "front teeth as a stick".

When it comes to treating Harry, Snape can be said to have used public weapons for private purposes and avenged private revenge, using the power given to him by Hogwarts as a tool for his own private revenge.

Zhang Xu was lucky for Snape, because he was a professor at Hogwarts. If he were a teacher in China, he would have been expelled countless times.

Paragraph 3 of Article 37 of the Domestic Teachers Law clearly stipulates that those who have obscene conduct in the classroom, insult students, and have a bad influence will be subject to administrative sanctions or dismissal by the school, other educational institutions, or the education administrative department. If the circumstances are serious and constitute a crime, criminal liability will be pursued in accordance with the law.

If Snape was in trouble because of dealing with Voldemort, Zhang Xu would help him out of "seeking common ground."

But now Snape was in trouble for "residing his differences". Zhang Xu didn't take out a piece of watermelon on the spot to enter the movie-watching mode, but it was because of the face of his colleagues in the past few years.

As the saying goes, if you go out and mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

It was time for Snape to pay his debt.

Facing the looks of his colleagues, Snape's expression grew worse and worse, then he stood up and left the staff room.

With Snape leaving, perhaps because the rabbit died and the fox was sad, the professors were no longer in the mood to continue the discussion.

This time Percy mobilized the masses to attack the establishment, leaving the professors at a loss.

Even Zhang Xu was a little scared after thinking about it deeply.

This is not a constructive activity such as mobilizing the masses to build roads and water conservancy, eliminate flies, mosquitoes, rats, and cockroaches, popularize writing and eliminate illiteracy.

This is a mass movement to break the old power structure of Hogwarts, and there is a Ministry of Magic outside that is eyeing Hogwarts. If the destruction is not stopped, then start building a new Hogwarts. The power structure is more destructive to Hogwarts than Voldemort is to a football team.

If this storm spreads beyond Hogwarts, the original conflict between pure-blood wizards and mixed-blood wizards in the British wizarding world will explode at this time. In addition, Voldemort, Lafayette and other forces take the opportunity to intervene, and the picture of the British wizarding community will It was so beautiful that Zhang Xu didn’t dare to think about it.

When the time comes to settle accounts and trace the origins in the future, Zhang Xu estimates that his reputation as the third generation Dark Lord will never escape.

A stable British magical society is a good magical society that can make money.

Although Zhang Xu and his British allies have been accumulating strength to wait for the opportunity to detonate the conflict between wizards, they must control the rhythm in their own hands.

If there is not enough power to take away the hostile forces headed by Voldemort in a short period of time, the British wizarding world, which is locked in a stalemate civil war, will have no winner in the end, and the wizards who have broken pots will naturally have no spending power. .

This is not in the interests of Zhang Xu and the people behind him.

After deducing the subsequent development, Zhang Xu broke into a cold sweat.

Although I know that my deduction is not reliable, what if it happens?

Undecided, Zhang Xu felt that he had to seek help.

"I'm going to ask for leave to leave Hogwarts this afternoon, Professor McGonagall." Zhang Xu asked for leave from the vice principal.

"What's the matter with you?" Professor McGonagall asked strangely.

"A very important thing." Zhang Xu said, "My afternoon class is for third-year students. I can ask Helleson, who has no class, to help me with class."

Seeing how serious Zhang Xu was, Professor McGonagall finally approved Zhang Xu's request for leave in the afternoon.

So Zhang Xu handed the prepared lecture notes to Scarlet and left Hogwarts.


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