Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 258: Filling out the form in progress

When leaving Scarlet's dormitory, Zhang Xu's legs were weak.

This will happen to anyone who has their feet tied and hung on a balcony doing pendulum exercises.

Although there is a magic spell on Hogwarts Castle, even if someone jumps from the top of the astronomy tower, he will not die, but Zhang Xu still doesn't want to do such a thing. After all, not dying does not mean that he will not break a bunch of bones.

The next day, Dumbledore took action. It was spread among the students that Dumbledore promised that the professor's qualification review was fair.

Although different people have different interpretations of "fairness", it finally calmed down the restless hearts of the students.

The current Hogwarts is still "illnessed", and Zhang Xu has no intention of letting it develop to the point where "it can't be cured, let's wait to die, and say goodbye".

Time flows slowly but unswervingly in the classroom and canteen.

Early on Sunday morning, after breakfast, the students, who were more curious than nervous, welcomed the day of filling out the student evaluation form.

Today is like an exam, with students from seven grades in seven classrooms.

One house at a time, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin fill out the form in alphabetical order.

The time limit for filling out the form is one hour each time, and you can get it out after completing the form and submitting it in advance.

There were two houses in the morning and one in the afternoon, with Ravenclaw assigned after lunch.

Zhang Xu, who went to bed very late last night, went back to the professor's dormitory to catch up on his sleep after breakfast. After all, it would not be good to go back to the dormitory to sleep in the Yingyuan, which is known for its intelligence and diligence.

After sleeping and eating, Zhang Xu arrived at the Transfiguration classroom at the right time, where fifth grade students were arranged.

At the door of the classroom, there is a table, and every student must sign a piece of parchment on the table before entering.

Supervising and maintaining order at the table is Pansy Parkinson, the fifth-year prefect of Snake House.

Today, the prefects of the two colleges who filled out forms on the same day maintained order with each other. Later, the prefects of the Eagle Academy had to maintain order in the Snake Academy.

Parkinson seems to have a natural fear of Zhang Xu. Zhang Xu doesn't know the reason. He only knows that this little girl who often follows Malfoy will be very scared every time he sees him.

It was probably because Malfoy often spoke ill of himself in front of her.

Zhang Xu looked at the parchment on the table. The parchment exuded strong magic fluctuations.

This is a magic contract. The content of the contract is that the signer must fill in the student evaluation form truthfully and must not make up lies or exaggerate.

If you violate the terms of the contract, you will be punished by the penalty clause.

Of course, those punishment clauses are not very bad clauses. At most, they are similar to the long nose curse, big ear curse, hair loss curse, etc. It will not cause much harm to people, but it is obvious that people can see you. Lying spell.

Unless your magic power is much higher than that of the notary of the contract, there is no way you can escape.

But the name of the notary of the deed was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, so even if Voldemort came, he wouldn't be able to lie.

However, Voldemort has no nose, and Zhang Xu wants to see if his nose will grow back after being cursed with a long nose.

With Lao Deng's skills, I believe that no matter what the final evaluation result is, it will be convincing.

After Zhang Xu signed the contract, there were several stacks of empty forms divided by subjects on the second table after entering.

When a student walks up to the table, an empty form corresponding to the number of courses the student has chosen will pop up in front of the student.

Zhang Xu picked up his form and walked to his seat. He flipped through the form and found that he also had to evaluate the professor of Muggle Studies.

At this time, Zhang Xu felt very confused. Do you want to brag about yourself?

Zhang Xu sat down on his seat, picked up the quill prepared on the seat and started filling out the form.

There is no need to write your name on the form, just the college and grade.

Then, score each professor's lesson preparation, lectures, tutoring, homework, and teacher ethics, and then write a comprehensive evaluation of the professor in the last column.

Other students who already knew the contents of the form, like Zhang Xu, already had evaluations of the professors in their minds, so they were not slow to write.

Most of the professors at Hogwarts are good, and Zhang Xu gave them high marks.

When I evaluate myself, of course I get full marks. Needless to say?

When he finally wrote the table for the Potions class professor, he gave two symbolic points for the lecture and one symbolic point for the teacher's ethics.

Snape's potions skills were indeed very high, but his lectures were about zero.

For so many years, he only wrote the steps on the blackboard and then let the students operate by themselves, without explaining anything to the students before operating.

At that time, the chemistry teacher had to explain for a long time how to use small test tubes, alcohol lamps, etc. to conduct experiments on producing oxygen from potassium permanganate.

As for potion refining, a dangerous operation that could explode or cause harm to students if something went wrong, Snape did not explain it in advance. He would only comment on it later after the students made their mistakes. At most, he would mention it during the operation when the students were in a good mood. one time.

So when it comes to lecturing, don't expect Zhang Xu to give him high marks.

Judging from the information Zhang Xu obtained, there were quite a few students who thought so.

Not to mention the teacher's ethics. In addition to the students in the Snake Academy, there are probably many students who gave him zero points.

After all, the eyes of the masses are sharp, and everyone sees what he usually does, and he cannot lie when filling out the form.

In less than an hour, Zhang Xu had filled out all the forms. After putting them into the box prepared early next to the door, he was fine today.

The peer evaluations in the past two days ended in a wave of business exchanges.

With so many forms today, Percy will probably have to deal with them for a long time, so he won't have time to do other tricks in the next few days.

He didn't want to go back to read during the rest of the time, and couldn't find anything to do for a while. He had just been to the Forbidden Forest not long ago, and it would take more than a month to pick the chestnuts in the chestnut forest. The film association's Hogwarts version of " "The Love Between Ghosts" couldn't arouse his second love, so the letter to Gabrielle was only sent out yesterday...

After wandering around outside the school, Zhang Xu came to the grassland blocked by bushes by the lake. This was where he and Furong danced after last year's Christmas party and where he had done pre-match training before the second game. The place.

Just as he was about to take out a book to kill time, Zhang Xu heard a person coming from behind, and then the person asked: "I heard that you are going to meet Voldemort?"


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