Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 262: An inexplicable fight

After leaving the Three Broomsticks Bar, Zhang Xu returned to the dormitory in Hogsmeade and made himself a large bowl of seafood porridge to solve the dinner problem.

After finishing the seafood porridge, Zhang Xu was cleaning the crab shells when he remembered that Harry was carried out of the bar today.

However, Dumbledore hasn't contacted him for so long. Zhang Xu guesses that today's matter has nothing to do with him.

Voldemort wanted to kill all the bugs in his body with a magic riot, but that was impossible.

Just like some pesticides, it can kill insects that eat pesticide-contaminated leaves, but its lethality to insect eggs is limited.

It is basically impossible to deal with the Gu insects by the crude method of inducing magic power to riot.

Next, it depends on whether Voldemort and his men's magic level is high, or whether the poisonous insects are hard-core.

Maybe after many experiments, Voldemort can catch the short window of time when the newly hatched bugs have not yet begun to lay eggs. Maybe after a few times, he can really kill them all with magic power.

If Voldemort is not aware of this, he may be able to use it as a bargaining chip in the negotiations at the end of the month.

Maybe Dumbledore has a better solution. After all, the old Dumbledore in Harry's glasses can't compete with the lively old Dumbledore.

After finishing dinner and writing the report, Zhang Xu went to the Owl Post Office to mail the report.

Not long after leaving the post office, Zhang Xu, who was walking on the streets of Hogsmeade, suddenly stopped. The magic spell in his right sleeve popped out and he grabbed it, and put his left hand into the sleeve of his robe.

When Zhang Xu entered the fighting state, he lost the sunny and kind temperament that he used to have like the neighbor next door. Instead, he had a kind of temperament that was honed on the battlefield.

Coldness from the bottom of his heart.

In an alley in front of Zhang Xu, a wizard in a black cloak walked out with a wand.

The current situation is not peaceful. Whether it is Voldemort's Death Eaters or the Ministry of Magic's Aurors, they may attack Zhang Xu.

The former was defrauded of a large sum of money by Zhang Xu, and Zhang Xu met the latter's old enemy again today. Maybe it wouldn't be surprising if Voldemort and Fudge team up to deal with him one day.

Under the bright moonlight, Zhang Xu saw that the wizard walking out was theoretically Sirius Black.

"Who did you write to just now?" Blake asked.

"No comment." Zhang Xu said.

"Who is the person you met this afternoon?" Blake asked again.

"It has nothing to do with you." Zhang Xu replied in a cold tone.

"Are you related to Voldemort?" Black asked the third question.


Zhang Xu couldn't figure out what this guy was about, so he suddenly blocked his way and asked questions.

If it weren't for the fact that his face and figure were the same as Blake's, Zhang Xu would have had a big fireball fly past him when he asked the first question.

Now Zhang Xu was wondering whether the Black in front of him was a Death Eater who drank Polyjuice Potion like the fake Moody, or whether he was an Auror from the Ministry of Magic.

"Are you a Death Eater who drank Polyjuice Potion?" Zhang Xu asked.

"Answer my question first." Blake said while raising the wand in his hand.

"You first say 'Voldemort is stupid??' to prove that you are not a Death Eater." Zhang Xu also raised his wand.

As a result, the other party didn't speak, and then cast a magic spell on Zhang Xu.


(#`д′)o—?Blue Moon

Zhang Xu counterattacked at the same time, and several blue ice cubes like crescent moons spun high and shot at Black.

After Zhang Xu released the curse, he turned to the right. Blake's curse hit Zhang Xu on the left shoulder. As a result, apart from a "bang" followed by sparks, Zhang Xu's body shook. It has no other effect.

When Zhang Xu first discovered that there was a wizard waiting for him in the alley, and he didn't know whether the other person was a friend or an enemy, he held an iron armor talisman in his left hand just in case he needed it.

When Zhang Xu resisted the opponent's spell, Blake also smashed an ice cube flying towards his face, and several other ice cubes flew past him.

Just when Blake was about to attack again, the back of his head hurt and he lost consciousness.

The curse that Zhang Xu released at the beginning was a curse that he had improved.

The original crescent-shaped ice cubes were changed into the shape of a boomerang, so several ice boomerangs that were specially shot empty hit the back of Blake's head and neck after flying back.

Just after Zhang Xu tied up Blake who had fallen on the ground, footsteps sounded not far away.

Zhang Xu saw another wizard running toward him and immediately raised his wand.

"Is Voldemort stupid?!"

shouted the wizard running over.

Hearing the shout from the other side, Zhang Xu lowered his right hand holding the wand.

"This is a misunderstanding, Mr. Zhang." Lupine ran over and said, "Dumbledore just asked Black to come to you."

Lupine then explained why Black appeared in front of him.

This afternoon, Harry was carried to Hogwarts' medical point in Hogsmeade. Now the students knew that Madam Pomfrey would be here during the weekends.

When Harry was carried in, Blake, who was working in the medical point, went crazy.

Fortunately, Dumbledore, who was notified, arrived and began to solve Harry's problem, which made Harry's situation better.

At night, Dumbledore thought that he needed to find someone to help, but he was not sure where Zhang Xu was now, so he asked Lupine to go to Hogwarts to find other people, and asked Black to go to Zhang Xu's villa to see Zhang Xu. Be there or not.

Dumbledore still knew about the conflict between Black and Zhang Xu, but Old Deng had no choice in this regard. He could only create opportunities for the two of them to have a good talk.

Lupine is no longer a werewolf after receiving treatment, but still retains some werewolf characteristics. In addition to his eating habits, his ears are as good as those of a wolf.

Luping, who had just returned from Hogwarts, overheard the conversation between Black and Zhang Xu from afar. He was careful and felt that Zhang Xu's tone was not right, so he ran over.

As a result, before he arrived, Blake was knocked unconscious by Zhang Xu using aerodynamics.

"As soon as he appeared, he started asking me questions," Zhang Xu said to Lu Ping, "Then he used a magic spell to attack me first. I don't think Blake would do this to me, so I took him back to see first. See if he is a Death Eater who drank Polyjuice Potion, or if he was cast under the Imperius Curse."

Lupine said: "He may be too worried about Harry, so..."

"So he can put a magic spell on me?" Zhang Xu said with a cold face, "If one day he is in a bad mood, then I have to give him a beating to put him in a good mood?"

Lu Ping was speechless and could only levitate Blake and drag him and Zhang Xu to the medical point.

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