Seeing Percy turn around and walk up the stairs, Zhang Xu quickened his pace and followed him.

Zhang Xu caught up with Percy on the stairs, but did not speak to him. The two just walked quietly for a while.

When they reached the fork in the road, Zhang Xu silently patted Percy's shoulder, then turned and walked towards the common room of Yingyuan. The footsteps behind Zhang Xu told him that Percy didn't stop either. Walked towards his dormitory.

The next time we meet, we will all be class enemies.

The relationship between bureaucratic lackeys and progressive students is irreconcilable.

Many students originally thought that Percy had just graduated and was still sympathetic to the students. He would only attack the professors and not the students.

But the facts tell the students that you are really too young and naive.

As soon as he entered the officialdom, he was as deep as the sea. For a person who would abandon his family for the sake of official position, it would not be a matter of minutes to abandon the friendship between his former classmates.

“Education Order No. 25: No student organizations, associations, teams and clubs shall exist without the approval of the Senior Ombudsman. It is hereby defined that any regular gathering of student groups of three or more shall not exist without the approval of the Senior Ombudsman. forms of student organizations, associations, teams and clubs.”

"Announcement: The High Inquisitor of Hogwarts has ordered the dissolution of all student organizations, associations, teams and clubs. Organizations, associations, teams and clubs are hereby defined as regular gatherings of three or more students. A request may be made to the Senior Inquisitor (Weiss Professor Rai) requested reorganization. No student organizations, associations, teams and clubs may exist without the approval of the Senior Ombudsman.

If existing students form or join any organizations, associations, teams and clubs without the approval of the Senior Ombudsman. Fired immediately.

The above regulations are in compliance with the "Education Order No. 25".

Signed: High Inquisitor Percy Ignatius Weasley"

Two announcements on the bulletin board made the students explode.

The students in the common room were like putting twists, spring rolls and meatballs into a boiling oil pan, making a squeaking sound.

Many students are unable to answer how many student organizations, associations, teams and clubs there are in Hogwarts now. Among the professors, only the president and vice president have lists of all student organizations. The first version of this list was compiled by Percy Weasley, the then Student Union President, before graduation more than a year ago.

It can be said that Percy knows them better than many students at Hogwarts.

Although the students were talking a lot, there was not much resistance to this announcement. Because the announcement only requires organizations to report, it does not prohibit them from continuing. So we didn't talk much about it after everyone finished breakfast. The heads of various organizations began to busy preparing application materials.

Most students failed to understand Percy's intentions, but there were still some students who saw what Percy was going to do.

Percy did not choose to suppress the students' speech from the beginning like Umbridge did, but chose to control first and then suppress.

The previous review of professor qualifications gave him a means to restrict professors, and now he has begun to gradually control student organizations.

As a former member of the management of the two most energetic and combative organizations in Hogwarts, Percy knew that it was the most unwise choice to directly confront the current students. One day, he would suddenly be sacked. It's not impossible to beat a sap.

If these juniors and juniors openly stood up against him and found an excuse to write an article in the newspaper, Percy didn't think that his small stature could be compared with that of Umbridge, the Deputy Minister of Magic.

Especially now that there is a mastermind among the students of Hogwarts, which makes Percy feel like he is walking on thin ice in an abyss. Percy is not afraid of the mastermind behind the scenes saping him, but he is afraid that the mastermind is secretly causing trouble for him. So Percy chose the safest step-by-step approach, trying to prevent the other party from finding his loopholes.

In the past, he had little experience and was ignorant. After working in the Ministry of Magic, he had been immersed in it for a year and gained more experience. Only then did he realize the terror of this black hand. Back then, Gilderoy Lockhart had been cheating and kidnapping without being discovered for so many years. However, this gang caught a loophole and mobilized the families of the students to go find the person involved. As a result, Gilderoy Lockhart was exposed. Now Gilderoy Lockhart is exposed. Dro Lockhart doesn't know whether he's alive or dead in Azkaban.

Moreover, this mafia is not fighting alone, there are many capable partners around him, and Percy himself was once a member of this "mafia".

While Percy was sitting in his office reviewing the application reports for each college's Quidditch team that were handed in today, on the underground floor of the castle, the mastermind behind Hogwarts took action.

In a classroom on the fifth floor of the castle that is usually not used except for couples, there are several candles lit on a long table. In the dim light of the candles, you can see several students from different colleges sitting around the long table. around the table.

"As defined in the Education Order No. 25, regular gatherings of student groups of more than three people require the approval of the Senior Ombudsman. As defined in the notice, organizations, associations, teams and clubs refer to regular gatherings of more than three students."

Zhang Xu, who is studying the spirit of "Education Order No. 25" and the spirit of today's announcement with his classmates, is explaining the contents to everyone.

"We understand that as long as more than three students are regularly together in the same place except for classes, then an application must be submitted to our Senior Ombudsman."

"We should support this education order and announcement, and everyone should actively and proactively apply to the senior investigating officer."

“Let’s all think about it, besides classes, where do we gather every day, and have the people who gather there changed?”

After receiving Zhang Xu's hint, the students who responded quickly understood what he meant immediately, while the students who responded slowly became cheerful after others muttered a few words.

Seeing that everyone understood what he meant, Zhang Xu left the classroom, and the other students returned to the common rooms of their respective colleges.

Although no one objected to Percy's announcement, the students were still very happy to add trouble to the senior investigator.

No matter where they are, students never tire of getting into trouble with their professors.

And I didn’t deliberately go against the senior investigator this time. Everyone is following your request.

So everyone took out parchment and quills one after another, and started writing on the parchment while communicating with their friends around them.

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~Separating line~( ̄▽ ̄~)

In the last class on Tuesday afternoon, Zhang Xu received Percy's live teaching review in today's Muggle Studies class.

As soon as the students entered the classroom, they found Percy who had been sitting in the corner of the back row for a long time. Many students looked back and looked at Percy muttering, even Zhang Xu played "A Bite of Britain" on the big screen. Didn't even look.

Soon, the class bell rang.

As Zhang Xu's lecture began, the students' attention shifted to Zhang Xu and the big screen.

Today's Muggle Studies class is for sixth grade students. What Zhang Xu is talking about is "grasping the cause and effect of things."

Unlike other subjects that have a lot of free practice time, Muggle Studies classes do not require the use of magic. The basic process is lecture → professor asks questions → students answer questions → continue the lecture. The last time of the course is students ask questions → professor answers questions → Free discussion → assignment → lunch after school.

It can be said that this is similar to Percy taking his Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

During the lecture, Percy sat in the corner by himself, recording something in his notebook from time to time, looking just like the other students who came to class.

During the free discussion, Percy stood up, walked to sit next to a student in the first few rows, and then asked a few questions.

Zhang Xu, who saw this scene on the podium, had a black eye and wondered if he was too cruel to Percy. After all, Comrade Percy was quite sensible and there was still a chance for reform.

You see, when Percy asked the students what they thought of the professor, he was completely merciful. When he asked Zhang Qiu her opinion on Zhang Xu’s performance in class, you could even kneel down to think what he would get in the end. The result.

Percy asked → Zhang Qiu answered → Percy recorded and then asked again. After repeating this cycle for several times, when Percy closed his notebook and politely thanked Zhang Qiu for cooperating with the investigation, the get out of class bell rang.

When all the students left, Zhang Xu found that Percy stayed at the end.

When approaching Percy, Zhang Xu could see that the circles under his eyes were almost the same as when he was in his Animagus form.

"Zhang, don't you think the number of student organizations in Hogwarts has increased too much?" Percy said.

Zhang Xu asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Really? I haven't paid attention to this. You also know that last year I was busy with the Triwizard Tournament. I basically didn't care about everyone's affairs."

"Then why did I suddenly receive applications from student organizations and teams that were at least three feet thick?" Percy asked, glaring at Zhang Xu.

"The vast majority of these organizations that apply are small organizations of three or four people, and the one thing these organizations have in common is meeting at a table in the auditorium five minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner every week."

"And a student participates in many such organizations. Just like Ron, he meets with Fred and George on Monday morning, he meets with Harry and Ginny at noon, and he meets with Hermione and Harry in the evening. On Tuesday , he has a gathering with George and Ginny in the morning, a gathering with Fred and Hermione at noon, and a gathering with Hermione and Ginny in the evening! From breakfast on Monday to dinner on Sunday, there is such a gathering before every meal."

"Do you have any idea about this?"

Zhang Xu did some calculations. Three meals a day means twenty-one meals a week. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, and George are randomly combined. Each combination has at least three people, so there are a total of possible combinations. (Readers are asked to answer questions). It is very easy to assemble a sufficient meeting list.

And with so many students in the school, the amount of student organization applications that everyone can put together for three meals a day alone is a pretty scary number, not to mention other random activities, such as walking together after meals, etc.

And applications from real organizations, associations, teams and clubs were all mixed in, which was enough to give Percy a lot of trouble.

At this moment, when Percy looked at Zhang Xu, the words "the mastermind behind the scenes" seemed to appear in his eyes.

Zhang Xu could only spread his hands and said that he had no idea. Everyone was doing this according to your instructions.

After beating Percy away, Zhang Xu went to the cafeteria to eat.

Although Percy knew that Zhang Xu must be behind this matter, he had no conclusive evidence to prove that Zhang Xu was responsible for this matter, so he could only go back to the office and silently shuffle through the pile of papers.

Although Percy thought about tricking Zhang Xu, for example, setting him as a senior investigator assistant to help him handle this matter, letting him shoot himself in the foot.

But Percy soon gave up this idea. After all, it was too dangerous, and Zhang Xu might catch him and drive him away. After all, now is just the beginning, there is still a lot to do later. .

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