Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 268: Group fight against Voldemort (this chapter has more emoticons)

Voldemort believed that by condescending to negotiate in person, he should be able to win a strong ally, and even if things went wrong, he could make the other party remain neutral.

As a result, the other party clearly told him that we have different views and are not destined to be in the same group, and he also cooperated happily with his mortal enemy.

What else can we do? Let’s start fighting.

Originally, the elders on Zhang Xu's side wanted to take turns challenging Voldemort for a few moves, but as a result, Voldemort made a sneak attack as soon as he came up.

(`ц′)っ—*Avada Kedavra| ̄\\○

Zhang Xu leaned back on the iron bridge to avoid Voldemort's curse, and everyone in the pavilion also started to take action.

(╬ ̄盘 ̄)っ—?

Mr. Liu launched a string of extremely fast ice arrows at Voldemort.

(〝▼plate▼)っ—?Silver Snake Dancing in the Mountain

Several giant white pythons sprang out of Mr. Xu's mahogany sword.

(`?′)o—?Thunder falls

( # `Д′)o—?

An old man surnamed Wang who sat on the other side of Mr. Zhao and rarely spoke released a bolt of lightning at Voldemort. Another old man surnamed Yue transformed three huge snowmen behind Voldemort and punched Voldemort with his fists. go.


Mr. Zhao put shields on everyone.

Facing the siege of everyone, Voldemort slipped away from the chair like a snake, leaving the ice arrows and lightning in vain.

Then Voldemort waved his wand, and the snowmen blocking him exploded, and he took the opportunity to run outside the pavilion.

(°〡〡°)っ—≈Oolong out of the hole

A large group of black pythons surged out from Voldemort's wand and pounced on the few cold white pythons that had swam to his side.

( # `Van′)っ—?

Zhang Xu, who had just stood up, released five fireballs towards Voldemort outside the pavilion.

Just when Voldemort blocked Zhang Xu's fireball with a magic spell, a group of alchemists had already rushed out of the pavilion and surrounded him.

After the test just now, Voldemort knew that he had to take the five wizards in front of him seriously this time. Although most of them are not as strong as Dumbledore, they have that murderous aura that Dumbledore does not have. As for Zhang Xu, Voldemort hasn't taken him seriously yet.

"I admit that you are strong, but you cannot kill me." Voldemort said, "Since you want to fight, then I will show you what power is!"

Seeing Voldemort enter the villain talk mode, Zhang Xu also breathed a sigh of relief.

No one on the alchemist's side spoke, because except for Zhang Xu and Mr. Zhao, the other four seniors present could not speak English.

Zhang Xu and Mr. Zhao were naturally too lazy to talk nonsense with Voldemort.

Voldemort is related to snakes, and he probably took full reference from the structure of snakes when transforming his body. This made his body extremely soft and flexible, and he could often dodge the spells that came at him with narrowly and narrowly.

And Voldemort's wand was radiating green light, constantly shooting at the surrounding enemies.

However, Voldemort's forgiveness spell was either dodged by the opponent, or a stone wall blocked it when it was about to hit the opponent, or the target was pushed away at the critical moment.

Voldemort observed for a while and realized that this was the work of the wizard standing next to Zhang Xu who had just spoken to him. He could always resolve the attacks that he was supposed to hit one step ahead of time.

Gradually, the six alchemists formed a triangular formation in twos and twos, suppressing Voldemort in the middle. No matter how Voldemort moved, the six opponents could always surround him with a tacit understanding.

"Hiss...hiss..." Voldemort made a high-pitched voice, and used Parseltongue to control the black python that was not entangled with the white snake on the ground to pounce on the enemy.

Just when the python was about to approach the enemy, Voldemort heard a "hiss, hiss..." sound coming from behind him that was the same as his own Parselmouth. The black pythons on the ground immediately turned around and swarmed towards him.

The startled Voldemort hurriedly released the "unexpected escape", and all the black pythons turned into a puff of black smoke.

Mr. Xu, who succeeded in the sneak attack, immediately controlled the two remaining white pythons on the ground and rushed toward Voldemort.

Biting towards his legs.

Voldemort hurriedly waved his wand, and a stream of fierce fire spurted out from his wand and burned towards the two white pythons.

As soon as Li Huo touched the white python, the white python immediately exploded, and in an instant two gusts of cold air forced Li Huo back.


Liu Lao's staff spurted a huge ball of water directly at Voldemort. It was scattered by Voldemort and fell to the ground.


Mr. Wang on the other side fired several bolts of lightning and struck the water on the ground, electrifying Voldemort.

(′  )っ↘?

At the same time, Mr. Yue thrust his ebony sword into the ground, causing a tremor on the ground. A water man wrapped in lightning climbed up from the ground and pounced on Voldemort.

(╬`〢′)っ—?o=( ̄д ̄///)

Voldemort conjured a silver shield from the air to block Hydroman's fist. When he waved his wand to crush Hydroman, he found that every time Hydroman was punched out a huge hole, he immediately absorbed the water on the ground. Fill the hole, then wave your fist with lightning and continue to hit yourself.

Zhang Xu, who was making soy sauce and covering Mr. Zhao, discovered that the water man was controlled by Mr. Liu, Mr. Wang and Mr. Yue. Mr. Liu is responsible for controlling the water, Mr. Wang is responsible for bringing electricity to the water man, and Mr. Yue is responsible for controlling the water man's actions.

This was the second time Zhang Xu had seen this kind of magic jointly cast by multiple people. In addition to precise mana control, this kind of magic also required extremely skilled cooperation. And the more people there are, the more complicated the magic is, and the more difficult it is to cooperate.

The first time Zhang Xu saw magic jointly cast was when Padma Patil and Parvati Patil, twin sisters from India in Hogwarts, used dance moves to improve their abilities. The magic synchronization rate allowed the same spell they cast at the same time to achieve the effect of 1+1\u003e2. Zhang Xu, who was sparring with the two sisters at the time, was caught off guard and fell to the ground in stone.

Later, the Weasley twins expressed their desire to learn. Sister Patil said that you must marry two of us sisters to teach you. Then the two Weasley brothers gave up.

Today's Voldemort was a little frustrated. After fighting for so long, he had already seen the opponent's strength. In theory, no one could beat him in a one-on-one duel, but he was suppressed due to the number of people, and his attacks were all blocked. He was blocked by the wizard who just spoke to him in various ways.

At this time, Voldemort had already planned to run away. He was not afraid of death, but this did not mean that he would seek death.

After spending a long time, he used the transformation technique to conjure two huge palms from the ground and smash the water man into pieces. Then he conjured up a few shields to block the magic spells coming from all around, and then passed with a "pop" sound. Disapparated and ran away.

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