Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 270 Conversation with Professor in the Bathroom

After holding his head and squatting in defense, Zhang Xu stood up and considered whether to cast a Brick Curse on the Weasley twins to make them forget what they saw tonight.

Scarlet knew that Zhang Xu was going to meet Voldemort, but Zhang Xu never told her the time and place. Every time she asked, he always excused himself by saying that he was not sure yet.

The abnormality in Hogwarts tonight quickly made her aware of the truth, so she had been waiting in the foyer for Zhang Xu to come back, and then beat him to vent her anger.

After venting her anger, Scarlet turned and left. After Zhang Xu tidied up his clothes, he planned to go to the bathroom to take a bath, and then go back to the dormitory to sleep.

Just as he was about to walk up the stairs, Zhang Xu felt someone staring at him from behind.

Turning around, I saw that it was Snape who had just come up from the underground level.

Zhang Xu nodded to Snape, indicating that his boss was fine.

Snape, who had a liquid nitrogen face on his face, walked past Zhang Xu without saying anything, walked straight up the stairs and left.

Zhang Xu sighed and then walked up the stairs.

Before he had gone far, Zhang Xu was stopped in the corridor.

"Good evening, Professor McGonagall." Zhang Xu greeted.

Professor McGonagall looked at Professor Zhang with a cold eyebrow and did not respond to the other person's greeting.

Professor McGonagall's cold eyes swept over Zhang Xu's body several times, as if to see if he was injured.

After discovering that Zhang Xu was bouncing around without any problems, Professor McGonagall said "hmm" as a greeting.

Dividing line

In the professor's bathroom, there are colorful bubbles of several colors floating on the hot water to relieve physical fatigue and eliminate mental stress. Even the air in the bathroom is filled with colorful steam.

Zhang Xu soaked all the parts below the chin in the hot water, and then took a deep breath.

Tonight was a tightrope walk for Zhang Xu, and he could be doomed if he wasn't careful.

Now after returning to Hogwarts, as soon as I relaxed, I immediately felt exhausted both physically and mentally.

"How do you feel, Zhang?" A voice from the other end of the bath said at this time, "This is my specially prepared bubble, which is very effective in relieving fatigue. It took me several years to finalize this formula. "

"It feels good, thank you, professor." Zhang Xu replied with his eyes closed.

Fatigue rushed into his heart, and Zhang Xu felt almost sleepy. Now he just wanted to go back and have a good sleep.

"What are your goals in life?" The voice came from the other side of the bath again.

"Money, make money, make a lot of money." Zhang Xu replied.

"Your goal is really..." The other party was helpless and didn't know what to say.

"Such a goal is more realistic than conquering the world, world peace, etc." Zhang Xu said, "Since I have the ability to make money, then I shouldn't live up to my ability."

"Since you came to Hogwarts, I have found that I have never seen you clearly. I always feel that we are people from two different worlds." The professor in the bathroom said, "I started paying attention to you when you were in first grade. Every move you make.”

"You are like the catfish in what you call the 'catfish effect', activating the entire Hogwarts."

After hearing this, Zhang Xu wanted to sink to the bottom of the bath and become a peaceful catfish.

Over the years, he has told Hogwarts teachers and students all kinds of chicken soup for the soul and various jokes, including the famous made-up joke "Catfish Effect".

Not to mention that sardines are saltwater fish and catfish are freshwater fish. If the catfish is thrown into a seawater pond where sardines are raised, the catfish will only die.

Needless to say, modern sardine fishing operations use purse seine fishing. The sardines caught on the boat are soaked in salt water until they are landed, and there is no need to ensure freshness.

It goes without saying that as long as a high-power blower ensures the oxygen content in the water, the sardines in the water will not be suffocated to death. If you don't move, you will die. Zhang Xu spent a whole day sitting in front of the computer in his last life, which would have been enough for him to travel hundreds of times.

Not to mention that the sardines in "Animal World" evade the predatory sharks like a thief.

Not a lazy fish at all.

This kind of thing was made up by some idiot in China, which made Zhang Xu lose his face in the UK.

Who would have thought that Hermione's classmate liked to eat sardines for a while when she was a child, and later read many books about sardines...

Fortunately, Zhang Xu did not go to Durmstrang in Northern Europe, otherwise he would have been beaten up by students from Norway for belittling the IQ of Norwegians.

When the professor mentioned his dark history, Zhang Xu had to change the topic.

"The students at Hogwarts are all energetic young people. I just gave them a little guidance. Now everyone is doing very well."

"Is your outing tonight related to the mysterious person?" the professor suddenly asked.

"Yes, I met with him once, but due to differences in ideas, the negotiation finally broke down." Zhang Xu said lightly.

But the sound of water coming from the opposite side of the bathing pool showed that the audience was not so calm.

"If the mysterious man could make you a lot of money, would you cooperate with him?" The other person was more questioning than asking Zhang Xu.

"That fool, the mysterious man, is reversing the course of history. Let alone make money by cooperating with him, it would be weird if we don't lose money until we die." Zhang Xu replied.

"Can the mysterious man be defeated?" A low voice came from the other side of the steam, "Professor Dumbledore is already old."

"We can't just rely on Professor Dumbledore, we have to rely on ourselves." Zhang Xu said, "The mysterious man is also a human being. As long as he is human, we can find a way to eliminate him."

The person on the other side said "hmm" and stopped talking.

After a while, there was a sound of water.

"I'm going back to rest first. You should have a good sleep tonight. I'll give you leave for the Charms class tomorrow morning. I'll tell Professor Snape for you and even take his Potions class for you. It's a holiday. Just take a good rest." Professor Flitwick said as he walked towards the clothes rack.

"Thank you, professor." Zhang Xu said gratefully.

Just now, Zhang Xu ran into the dean of his college in front of the professor's bathroom. Zhang Xu just wanted to move to the prefect's bathroom, but was pulled in by Professor Flitwick.

None of the professors were stupid. The principal declared martial law in the school, and Zhang Xu was not in the school at the same time. Zhang Xu came back not long after the martial law was lifted. It didn't take much to think about it to know that this matter must be related to Zhang Xu.

Moreover, Professor Flitwick knew that Zhang Xu had been helping Dumbledore to fight Voldemort, so it was easy to think that this matter must be related to Voldemort.

So Professor Flitwick took Zhang Xu with him to check whether Zhang Xu was injured on the pretext of taking a bath together.

Professor Flitwick was a dueling champion when he was young and had participated in countless duels. His awareness of various injuries was as good as Madam Pomfrey's.

Faced with the concern of his dean, Zhang Xu could not refuse.

After seeing that Zhang Xu had only a few skin injuries that lasted no more than five minutes, Professor Flitwick was relieved.

Zhang Xu was left alone in the bathroom. He took a breath and sank under the water, sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the pool.

Professor Flitwick's last words just now were very representative. He already believed in Voldemort's return, had no confidence in whether he could defeat Voldemort, and placed all his hopes on Dumbledore.

In the UK, the first point is the understanding of a small number of wizards, and the latter two points are the thoughts of the vast majority of wizards.

This is also the reason why Voldemort has been gaining power for a long time. Except for Dumbledore, few wizards in the UK dare to face him directly.

If you want to change this, there is still a long way to go.

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