Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 278 Treatment in Progress

More than twenty minutes after Scarlet left, she returned to the ward with the Grangers carrying a first aid kit. ◢Щщш.sUimEnG.lā

At this time, Zhang Xu was measuring Mr. Weasley's blood pressure.

Due to excessive blood loss, Mr. Weasley's blood pressure is now very low.

The Grangers who came to the ward did not exchange greetings. While checking Mr. Weasley's injury, they communicated with Zhang Xu and the therapists about Mr. Weasley's injury.

But it was all the therapists who were talking about things that were too magical and the Grangers couldn't understand them. Zhang Xu would change them into words they could understand and explain them to them.

On the contrary, Zhang Xu was asked to translate some of the questions raised by the Grangers to the therapist.

After some communication, everyone began to formulate a treatment plan.

The chief therapist, Hibokrat Smethyk, whose name Zhang Xu had just learned when he was taking the blood type test, said: "We can easily solve the patient's rib fracture. The biggest problem we face is the patient's massive blood loss and injury. The effects of toxins cause wounds that cannot stop bleeding and heal.”

When he heard that the wound had stopped bleeding, Mr. Granger looked at the wound on Mr. Weasley's side that had a thin layer of ice on it, and his face twitched.

Then Zhang Xu pointed at the skin test on Mr. Weasley's forearm and said, "I just gave Mr. Weasley an antivenom allergy test, and the result was negative."

"But my antivenom is a broad-spectrum antivenom, and the venom of this snake obviously contains a special compound toxin modified by magic, so it cannot completely neutralize the toxin, but it can solve the wound but not stop the bleeding. The problem is, it’s just that the speed of wound healing will still be affected by some toxins.”

Zhang Xu looked at the Grangers and said to them: "Just like broad-spectrum antibiotics, they are effective against most bacterial infections, but have limited effect on certain special bacteria."

Zhang Xu just looked at the instructions for the antivenom and observed the Pichu for a while, and found that there was still a trace of black line on the Pichu.

After using a scalpel to make a small incision next to the skin, it was found that there was no problem in stopping the bleeding, but the healing of the wound was affected.

After all, it was an antivenom made from the venom of a young basilisk, and Voldemort's snake was probably upgraded, so it wasn't as effective as the venom of the thousand-year-old basilisk.

Zhang Xu then pointed to the blood type test paper on a small table next to him and said: "Mr. Weasley's blood type is type.

Among us here, only Mr. Augustus Pye has the same blood type. "

Augustus Pye was an intern therapist at St. Mungo's Hospital. He was in seventh grade when Zhang Xu first arrived at Hogwarts. Both of them were students at the Eagle Academy, and they also played Quirrell together.

Over the years, Augustus Pye, who has been aspiring to become an excellent therapist since he was a child, has always wanted to try the blood transfusions, stitches and other treatment methods mentioned by Zhang Xu before, but he has never had the chance.

"Can I give the patient a blood transfusion?" Augustus Pye asked.

Mrs. Granger looked at Augustus Pye and said, "Some diseases are spread through blood. Are you in good health?"

According to the standard procedures of modern hospitals, the blood donated by blood donors must be tested before it can be used for blood transfusion. Direct blood transfusion is only used as an emergency treatment method in battlefields, disaster first aid and other places.

However, in Mrs. Granger's subconscious mind, in the magical world of magic, there should be no problem in treating most blood infectious diseases.

After all, Hermione often told her parents about the bones in her arms that disappeared and then grew back after drinking medicine.

When Mr. Granger was extracting teeth from the naughty child, it would be great if his daughter could just remove the cavities from the naughty child, so as not to hear the heartbreaking cries of the naughty child.

Mrs. Granger's question was just out of professional habit.

"I don't have any physical problems, I don't have any diseases," Augustus Pye said.

Augustus Pye was very excited to experience a blood transfusion himself.

Mr. Granger said at this time: "I also have the same blood type. I can also give Mr. Weasley a blood transfusion."

"And one person should not donate too much blood at one time. I am stronger than you and can donate more blood than you at one time, so I should be the one to transfuse Mr. Weasley's blood."

"Since the wound heals slowly, I can finally stitch the wound."

Augustus Pai looked at his small body and had no choice but to give up his position as a blood donor.

As soon as he heard the stitches, Augustus Pye's eyes almost gleamed.

"Then let's give Mr. Weasley a blood transfusion and inject antivenom at the same time, and then treat the wound." Zhang Xu said after summarizing.

Although several people wrote a lot of words together, it only took a few minutes.

After the treatment started, Zhang Xu was glad that he had invited Granger and his wife. After all, it was best to leave professional matters to professionals. With half a bucket of water that he had practiced on Wangcai, he could just prick a vein. Make a star in the sky and join the Big Dipper.

After more than a hundred years of development, the direct blood transfusion method has also been standardized.

As an emergency blood transfusion method, the Granger couple, who are educated in the field, are no strangers to the direct blood transfusion method. Mr. Granger, who is serving in the army, had received corresponding training back then.

The direct blood transfusion method is different from Zhang Xu's imagination of two people lying separately and connected by a tube. This ancient method has been eliminated.

Mrs. Granger took out the largest intravenous syringe and two largest needles from the first aid kit they brought, which made Zhang Xu feel a little frightened.

After adding a small amount of anticoagulant to the syringe, Mrs. Granger drew a tube of blood from the hand of Mr. Granger, who was lying on another bed next to her. Then she only pulled out the syringe but not the needle, and just let Ogu Stuart Pye used his fingers to press the distal end of the vein to reduce bleeding.

After replacing the needle with a new one, the blood was injected into the vein in Mr. Weasley's hand. Here, Zhang Xulai was asked to press the distal end of the vein with his fingers.

The three steps of blood drawing, delivery and blood transfusion, which were originally supposed to be completed by three people, can now only be completed by Mrs. Granger alone.

Generally speaking, the amount of blood a person donates at one time is less than 400, and this time Mr. Weasley lost too much blood and was worried about an accident during the treatment, so the Grangers decided to donate it all at once after discussion. blood.

This is also a very dangerous amount for an adult. However, due to the existence of unscientific but magical blood replenishing medicine, Mr. Granger did not suffer any side effects of excessive blood loss.

As the blood in Mr. Weasley's body was replenished, his body functions improved, which in turn promoted the absorption of the blood-replenishing medicine he had poured into his stomach earlier, and his face gradually became less pale.

After Mrs. Granger injected Mr. Weasley with the antivenom prepared by Zhang Xu, she went to the side to rest. She was exhausted tonight.

It would take about an hour for the antivenom to take full effect, so St. Mungo's therapists began preparing for the final treatment.

Zhang Xu stood aside and took Mr. Weasley's blood pressure every once in a while while observing whether he had any adverse reactions.

Mr. Weasley's face began to turn rosy as the antivenom took effect.

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