Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 283: This painting style will collapse if it collapses

After renting a conference room in the hotel and meeting with his company's executives for two days, Zhang Xu had no trouble.

In the days that followed, Zhang Xu lived a life of spending time in the school library during the day, going to eat with Furong at meal time, and helping Furong with her advanced math homework after dark.

During this period, Furong's roommates strongly demanded that Zhang Xu treat them to a meal, otherwise they would lock Furong in the dormitory every night and not let her out.

Zhang Xu simply invited them to have a meal at No. 2 Fucheng Road, and he would need their help in taking care of Furong in the next few years.

Zhang Xu's company cooperated with the computer department of the university and invested a lot of money to establish an industry-university-research base. It also donated a computer room to the university library, so he easily obtained permission to use the university library's computer room. .

In the corner of the computer room, Zhang Xu and Zhao Zhao were playing "Warcraft 2: Dark Tide" which was just released last month online.

Zhao Zhao is the brother Zhao who chatted with Furong for a few words on Christmas Eve.

"Xiao Zhao, you don't have to go to class these days, so you just stay with me?" Zhang Xu asked.

"Master Zhang, the school leaders are counting on me to trick you into donating something to the school." Zhao Zhao replied.

The two have known each other for several years, and they have developed a friendship while playing games together in the past two days, so there is no need to mince words when speaking.

"The landlords don't have enough food left!" Zhang Xu sighed and said, "Our company is still in its infancy. In recent years, we can only rely on burning money to attract customers, so we don't expect to make a profit."

"Since the company opened, it has cooperated with top-ranked universities across the country. We have donated more than 20 computer labs like this one, and the company doesn't have any extra money."

Played two more games online,

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, a beep sounded in Zhang Xu's headphones.

"I won't play anymore, someone is looking for me." Zhang Xu said.

Warcraft 2 is a DOS game. In order to open the chat software while playing the game, Zhang Xu used a DOS emulator to play under indos95.

Click on the fat pigeon icon in the lower right corner of the in95 desktop, and a dialog box pops up.

When Zhang Xu copied QQ, he did not "learn from it" in any way. According to Chinese people's habits, he named the Chinese name of the software "Fat Pigeon Chuanshu", which is homophonic to "Flying Pigeon Chuanshu". The mascot is a fat pigeon. It must be like a penguin, a white homing pigeon wearing a blue scarf.

"Which beauty contacted you?" Zhao Zhao asked.

"My classmate in the UK." Zhang Xu replied, "Have you read "History of Western Magic"? It's the Harry Potter who appears in the last two pages."

"Oh, he's still a celebrity." Zhao Zhao said in surprise.

"Why are you surprised by such a small character?" Zhang Xu said speechlessly, "You have ancestors in your family, and at least half of the names in the modern history textbook have eaten at your house. I thought you were obsessed with celebrities. I’m already used to it.”

"By the way," Zhao Zhao suddenly remembered something, and then said, "My great-grandpa asked me to tell you that there is an inscription written by Mr. Lu Xun that he found out from the study not long ago. My great-grandpa asked me to go and get it when I have time. .”

"Is it the inscription 'I never said this'?" Zhang Xu asked, "I'll go over there after dinner tonight."

"What does Harry Potter want from you?" Zhao Zhao asked curiously, "Does he want you to go back to school early?"

Zhang Xu looked at Harry's message asking if he was there, and then typed "What happened? Why did you run out to surf the Internet? Be safe!" and went back.

"It's okay, that guy scared himself." Zhang Xu replied while typing and chatting with Harry.

When the English version of his own software first came out, Zhang Xu opened an account for Harry and Hermione's family and asked them to help promote the software.

Later, the software spread rapidly among Mr. Dursley's company, the hospital where Mrs. Granger worked, and Mr. Granger's old comrades.

So now there is a scene of chatting with Harry Potter online in the world of Harry Potter, which is a scene with a broken style.

By the way, Zhang Xu set "Death Eater", "Dark Lord", etc. as keywords in the background of the system. If Voldemort and the others also access the Internet, an alarm will be issued in the background.

Harry: "I'm at Hermione's house. Her house has Internet access. I came here with Ron, Hermione, Sirius, and Lupine, and now they are behind me."

Zhang Xu: "That's good. I have a feeling something big will happen recently."

Harry: ":-(I may be controlled by Voldemort, Zhang!"

Zhang Xu: ":-o When did it happen?"

Harry: "t_t It was the night Mr. Weasley was attacked. I felt like I turned into a snake and bit Mr. Weasley."

Harry: "t^t I remember you said that I might be controlled by Voldemort. I'm afraid I was controlled that night."

Zhang Xu: "-_- # Ask Mr. Granger to check your teeth to see if you have grown two long fangs like a snake. Mr. Weasley's wound was caused by a snake bite We can still tell whether someone is injured or bitten."

Zhang Xu: "Ron is by your side. Let him come for a moment. I have something to ask him."

Harry (Ron): "Is it really you, Zhang? This is amazing."

Zhang Xu: "^_^Do you want me to tell you what I saw in the corridor on the fifth floor last month at night?"

Harry (Ron): "No! No need! It's really you, Zhang!"

Zhang Xu: "Ron, did Harry stay in the bedroom that night?"

Harry (Ron): "Yes, from the time he had nightmares and rolled over in bed, until he woke up, he was always in bed."

Zhang Xu: ":) That's no problem. This means that Mr. Weasley was not bitten by Harry, because he has never left Hogwarts."

Harry: "So could it be that Harry created a clone and left Hogwarts? I'm Hermione."

Zhang Xu: "$_$If there was such a magic, I would have learned it a long time ago. Let the clone do the homework, and the main body can play."

Harry: "Tot but I was still worried. When I saw Professor Dumbledore later, I felt like I had turned into that snake again and wanted to bite Professor Dumbledore."

Zhang Xu: "You are right to be worried, so go and study Occlumency with Professor Snape. This time Voldemort may have discovered that you can 'see' him, so you have to be careful. These days I have told you many times the importance of learning Occlumency."

Harry: ":(But I can't concentrate on studying when I'm with Snape."

Zhang Xu: "(ーー;) Then I have no choice. Take courage, Gryffindor boy."

Harry: "(t_t)Okay then."

Zhang Xu: "(^_^)/(t_t ) You can stay at Hogwarts with peace of mind. I will talk about the details when I get back."

Harry: "Okay."

Harry: "By the way, thank you for the Christmas gift. ^o^"

Zhang Xu: ":-d As long as you are happy."

"This naughty kid just doesn't make people worry." Zhang Xu said after closing the dialog box on the desktop.

"Is it too much pressure?" Zhao Zhao said.

"It's possible. The enemy is too strong, his parents' revenge has not been avenged, and his teammates are not very good. They often like to hide some key information from him." Zhang Xu sighed and said, "He doesn't even know how he should die. "

"It seems like it's quite hard work." Zhao Zhao nodded and said.

"It's almost time for school to end. I'm going to pick up my wife." After saying that, Zhang Xu turned off his phone and left.

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