Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 288 A new announcement appears

After leaving the secret passage, Zhang Xu returned to his dormitory in Yingyuan. The dormitory was filled with Christmas gifts from friends.

Zhang Xu was used to opening gifts at the end of the second year's holiday.

After packing all the gifts piled beside him, Zhang Xu came to his professor's dormitory.

The prisoners of Azkaban had all escaped, so Zhang Xu couldn't hide the fact that he went to swindle money.

As long as you carefully check the transfer procedures of the Lestrange house, and on the day Voldemort restored factory settings, Zhang Xu also cheated half of the money in Gringotts from the Death Eaters present, the Death Eaters It only takes a cup of tea to figure out who to settle the score with.

Now, except for Snape and Barty Jr., almost all the veteran Death Eaters have been defrauded by Zhang Xu.

Moreover, Voldemort must have known that the Horcrux ring was in Zhang Xu's hand at this time.

Now Zhang Xu's reputation there is no longer full of hatred.

If Voldemort asked the Death Eaters to trouble Dumbledore now, they might think about it. But if Voldemort wanted them to kill Zhang Xu, they would definitely bring their own violent aura.

In order to prevent Death Eaters from accidentally injuring his classmates in the Eagle Hall dormitory when they sneaked into Hogwarts again to cause trouble for him, Zhang Xu moved back to the professor's dormitory.

In the living room of the professor's classroom bedroom, Zhang Xu took out all the Christmas gifts and opened them while thinking about how to spend the next days.

I opened a hand-drawn greeting card from a little lolita in Oxfordshire. It showed an owl flying into the bedroom window carrying a large bag of sweets.

Other people also gave many good things, such as a watch that can cast a coma spell, a red bow tie with a coma spell, and sneakers that can cast a powerful spell on the legs, etc. novel and practical gifts.

Just when Zhang Xu was opening gifts in the dormitory, another explosion broke out in the common rooms of the four colleges.

A new announcement appeared on the bulletin board:

"Announcement: The Senior Ombudsman of Hogwarts has ordered that from now on the activities of the following student organizations, associations, teams and clubs must be reported to the Senior Ombudsman for review. Approved activities can only be carried out after approval by the Senior Ombudsman. Without the approval of the Senior Ombudsman All student organizations, associations, teams and clubs with officially approved activities will suspend all activities from now on, and student organizations, associations, teams and clubs that carry out unapproved activities without authorization will be immediately disbanded.

The above regulations are in compliance with the "Education Order No. 25".

Signed: Senior Inquisitor Percy Ignatius Weasley

Appendix: "Student organizations, associations, teams and clubs that need to submit activity content review"

Quidditch team..."

"What is Percy doing?"

Harry said angrily in the Lions Common Room.

"I think he intends to control the students' activities." said Ron, standing next to Harry.

"Maybe that's what Percy was aiming for," Hermione said, pointing to the parchment.

Harry and Ron looked along Hermione's finger and saw that Hermione was pointing at the Defense Association mixed in the list.

"Why is that?" Ron asked.

Hermione looked at the students gathered around to watch the announcement, and then pulled Ron and Harry to an unoccupied table in the common room.

"Tonks told me during the holidays that Fudge thought Dumbledore had trained an army at Hogwarts," Hermione told Harry and Ron. "Fudge thought Dumbledore had organized this secret army. Then we can fight against the magic department."

"I've never heard anything so stupid, not even Luna Lovegood's crazy words." Ron said, "..., and it also allows us to protect ourselves."

"But Fudge doesn't think so." Hermione said, "I remember Zhang said something, 'Political power comes out of a wand'."

"You remember Zhang's words very clearly." Ron said in a strange tone from the side.

"I remember Zhang praised you for being very talented." Hermione said with a sidelong glance at Ron.

"I also heard Zhang said that the two of you would grow old together." Harry suddenly interrupted.

Ron and Hermione ended the interlude with their wands, and after Harry crawled back to sit down at the table, Hermione continued the conversation.

"Actually, Umbridge and Percy have the same purpose. They all followed Fudge's instructions." Hermione said, "Fudge was afraid that we would use magic spells to deal with the Ministry of Magic, so Fudge instructed them not to let us use spells to deal with the Ministry of Magic." We learn Defense Against the Dark Arts.”

"Because the most effective way to overthrow a government is to use force."

"But we must protect ourselves." Harry said, "We have encountered a lot of dangers in the past few years."

"But Fudge doesn't see it that way," Hermione said. "He only thinks that Dumbledore will usurp power at all costs."

"And..." Hermione hesitated for a while and then whispered to Harry and Ron, "We do look like an army."

"We just got together to protect ourselves." Harry said angrily, "We were originally to deal with the Basilisk, and Percy was also involved at the time. He should know that we are not an army organized by Professor Dumbledore. .”

"I think..." Ron suddenly said hesitantly, "Maybe someone organized us into an army when we weren't paying attention."

"Who is it?" Harry and Hermione asked in unison as they looked at Ron.

"Zhang." Ron said after hesitating for a while.

"Actually, I suddenly discovered that Zhang has been training us through subtle methods all along." Ron said, "In many things, Zhang has been guiding our ideas and allowed us to develop to what we are now."

The "we" Ron said didn't mean the trio, but the group of students in Hogwarts.

"What makes you think that?" Harry asked angrily.

When Harry was blown away by the strong wind, it was Zhang Xu who rescued him.

When Madam Pomfrey discovered that Zhang Xu was covered in scars and called Dumbledore over, Harry eavesdropped on their conversation from the hospital bed next to him. Although Harry didn't see the scars on Zhang Xu's body, he still knew that Zhang Xu had lost a piece of his left earlobe after that day. Although Zhang Xu downplayed the matter and let it pass, Harry always regarded Zhang Xu as his savior in his heart. So when Ron suggested that Zhang Xu organized the students into an army to seize the power of the Ministry of Magic, Harry was very angry.

"Not long ago, when we were at Hermione's house, you and I were playing computer games together. Don't the levels in those games look familiar to you?" Ron asked Harry, "We were trying to prevent Quirrell from seizing the Philosopher's Stone. At that time, are the protective measures set up by the professors similar to the levels? And the tactics Zhang formulated for everyone are also very similar to the armies in some games."

"Maybe Zhang just played a lot of games when he was a child, so his methods are so similar to those in the games," Harry said.

Regarding the Philosopher's Stone, Harry became suspicious earlier than Ron. When Harry was a child, he watched Dudley play video games. Later, in retrospect, he found that each of the professors' arrangements was more problematic than the last.

"We can ask him." Hermione said suddenly, "If he does this, he should have his reasons. I don't think Zhang is a person who is keen on power."

So the three people who were so confused during the conversation forgot that they just wanted to talk about Percy's announcement at the beginning, and left the common room to find Zhang Xu.


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