After saying a lot of nonsense to Harry, Zhang Xu handed him the Marauder's Map and left the observatory.

Over the next week, the students at Hogwarts had a lot to talk about.

In the cafeteria, Zhang Qiu poked Zhang Xu with his elbow, who was struggling with a piece of mutton chop, and said, "Can I ask you a favor?"

"What's going on?" Zhang Xu asked curiously.

"Go and beat Percy up and send him to St. Mungo's." Zhang Qiu said seriously, "I'll give you two bottles of beer when you're done."

"What kind of hatred or resentment is there?" Zhang Xu asked, "Why did he offend you?"

"I really don't know how to write a report on the Quidditch team's activities." Zhang Qiu said with a headache. "What if the secret is leaked?"

"Then there's no need to write in such detail." Zhang Xu said, "Just write about us flying around on broomsticks."

This is not Zhang Qiu's worry alone. Percy's new announcement has caused headaches for the leaders of various organizations. If Zhang Xu launches a group buying activity to beat Percy at this time, he will gain a lot.

What concerned the students the most was the topic of Death Eaters.

After the recent incident of Death Eaters sneaking into Hogwarts at night, Dumbledore strengthened the defensive magic of Hogwarts Castle.

Fearing that Voldemort would take targeted action against Harry, Dumbledore set up dense defensive magic around the common room in the Lion's Court.

Zhang Xu once ran over there out of curiosity.

As soon as he stepped onto the corridor leading to the common room of the Lion Court, alarm bells rang in Zhang Xu's heart.

Zhang Xu tried to feel the magic in the corridor, and he found that there were traces of magic around the corridor that were not there before.

Zhang Xu, who didn't dare to commit suicide anymore, immediately turned around and left.

As the second target of the Death Eaters, Zhang Xu naturally worked hard in his dormitory and office.

Although he is not as skilled as Dumbledore, he has finished products. He can just install the spell traps directly.

However, in order to prevent other students from being hurt, Zhang Xu installed control spell traps.

As a result, Luna accidentally triggered the trap one night when she went to find Zhang Xu with her newly made mountain eagle hat.

Hanging from the office ceiling.

It wasn't until around three o'clock in the morning that Zhang Xu, who had returned from attending the inauguration ceremony of the new elders of the centaur tribe, came over and lowered the snoring Luna from the ceiling.

Fortunately, all the students in the Yingyuan dormitory were asleep at that time, otherwise it would be difficult for Zhang Xu to explain why he took Luna back so late, who was a little depressed.

The biggest impact on Hogwarts students was the Azkaban escape.

More than ten years ago, many students' relatives were brutally murdered by Death Eaters. Now that photos of the murderer have appeared in newspapers, many families of the victims are emotionally unstable.

In a Muggle Studies class, Zhang Xu was halfway through his lecture when a student suddenly raised his hand.

Zhang Xu was surprised, and then asked her to get up and ask questions.

"Professor Zhang... I... I have a question... Are the mysterious people really back? Will they still be defeated?"

Susan Bones asked Zhang Xu anxiously. She was a little afraid that Zhang Xu would punish her for asking questions that were not related to the course in class.

However, three relatives in her family died at the hands of Death Eaters, and the murderer was on the escape list, which put a lot of pressure on her.

Zhang Xu just nodded, then said "yes" and asked her to sit down.

Susan's performance is just a typical representative of this group of students.

Most of the students who were hesitant about Voldemort's return due to the Ministry of Magic's propaganda now believe it. As witnesses of Voldemort's return, Zhang Xu and Harry were often pulled by other students to confirm this issue again and again. Zhang Xu encountered students in the same situation as Susan in several classes.

Not long after, Percy made a new announcement.

"Announcement: The High Inquisitor of Hogwarts hereby prohibits professors from providing any information to students in class that is not related to the subject they teach.

The above regulations are in compliance with the "Education Order No. 27".

Signed: High Inquisitor Percy Ignatius Weasley"

Later, Zhang Xu dedicated a class to teach students a course called "Muggle Preparation from Terrorist Attacks". On the surface, it was about the case of the Northern Ireland Republican Army's terrorist attacks in the UK. In fact, it was Everyone knows the content.

The professors seemed more nervous about this matter than the students. Every day in the faculty lounge, the professors kept discussing the issue of strengthening the defense of Hogwarts.

Even when Percy was sitting in the lounge, the professors did not shy away from him and discussed how to plant the peas, watermelons, corn and other magical plants newly cultivated by Professor Sprout around Hogwarts.

After Percy left, everyone started talking about the Death Eaters who escaped from prison.

However, Zhang Xu did not see Professor Snape in the lounge this time. On the surface, he was preparing for the second on-site teaching review. In fact, only a few knowledgeable people knew the actual reason.

At the weekend, everyone can finally change their mood, because the Quidditch match between Eagle Court and Badger Court will start on Saturday.

With Cedric graduating and Harry and Malfoy suspended, the Seeker battle of three golden flowers and one green leaf has faded away.

Now in the sky of Hogwarts, only Zhang Qiu, a Seeker from the previous generation, is left. If he wants to recreate the wonderful showdown of that year, he can only wait for Harry to come back next year.

The new Seekers are a bit immature.

After Cedric graduated, the Badger Court Quidditch team left a very good seeker, but replaced it with a still excellent seeker, Sharpie.

After Harry Potter was suspended, Ginny temporarily served as the Seeker for the Lions Quidditch team.

The Snake Yard Quidditch team, which also had its Seeker banned, has Harper as its new Seeker.

According to Zhang Xu's analysis after obtaining the information, Xabi from the Badger Academy is the most troublesome existence. He was just buried by Cedric's outstanding performance. In the past, Cedric had used his good skills in practice matches. After playing a few official games to gain experience, he became a good man again.

Needless to say, Ginny, as a person who can become a professional player in the future, has already shown his foundation, and he has become a good man after playing a few official games to gain experience.

As for Harper, who replaced Malfoy at the Snake House, the other members of the House breathed a sigh of relief after learning that he was serving as the Seeker at the Snake House.

Today's game was fierce. Xia Bi did not give face to the former captain's girlfriend and almost grabbed the Golden Snitch before Zhang Qiu.

Fortunately, Zhang Qiu's rich experience and broomstick tricks quickly stabilized the situation.

After winning the competition, Zhang Xu received an unexpected invitation letter.


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