Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 299: Students also want to be fooled


Harry, whose vision suddenly became blurry, was stunned, and then he saw a white light flying towards him. Before he could react, Harry was hit by the curse, and then he danced to "The Last Night" amidst the laughter of the onlookers. Show off the national style". ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

Harry danced for less than a minute before stopping.

Zhang Xu held Harry's glasses in one hand and the wand in the other. He smiled and said to Harry, "Harry, try fighting without glasses."

Harry nodded and repositioned himself to attack Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu also controlled the intensity and frequency of his spells to be similar to Harry's normal level.

Without his glasses, the accuracy of Harry's spells was significantly reduced.

There were several magic spells. Zhang Xu just stood there without moving, and the magic spells flew past him.

Fortunately, Harry's accuracy didn't deviate too much, so the onlookers didn't have to worry about their own safety.

Moreover, without his glasses, Harry casts spells much less frequently. In the past, he could only cast two spells in the time he used to cast three spells. ..

The most serious problem was defense. Zhang Xu just slightly sped up the frequency of casting spells, but Harry was in a hurry.

It didn't take long before Harry was hardened by a petrifying spell.

Harry's performance just now was not good. After losing his glasses, he panicked and couldn't even maintain his usual level. This made Zhang Xu a little disappointed.

After Zhang Xu helped Harry break the petrification spell, he returned his glasses to him.

Zhang Xu patted Harry on the shoulder and whispered: "Don't rely too much on your glasses, learn to fight without glasses."

Harry nodded, and Zhang Xu wasn't sure whether he understood what he meant.

"Neville, it's your turn next." Zhang Xu shouted.

It has to be said that after a few years of training by his parents after his physical recovery, he became a sensation in the herbal medicine class, and then hooked up with Hannah Ironclad Abbot in the greenhouse. Neville's life trajectory and "plot" are not surprising. After doing the same, everyone was in high spirits.

It is estimated that when Voldemort is looking for negative teaching materials, he will not look for him.

After the fight, Zhang Xu discovered a characteristic that had not been found in Neville before, and that was "recklessness".

Zhang Xu didn't pay attention when he was watching from the side. After fighting Neville, Zhang Xu noticed that Neville ignored the defense and went to attack.

Zhang Xu used his transformation technique to conjure two stone men on the ground, one on the left and one on the right, and rushed towards Neville, causing Neville a lot of trouble.

Just when Zhang Xu was about to seize the opportunity to deal with Neville, he suddenly heard a burst of wind behind his head. Zhang Xu subconsciously lowered his head to get out of the way, and then felt something flying over his head, wiping his hair.

After taking a closer look, it turned out to be the stone pillar originally placed in the center of the field to house the Goblet of Fire. During today's activities, a few students put it aside because they thought it was in the way. As a result, the stone pillar was located behind Zhang Xu.

Just like Zhang Xu's lighting technique, Neville's Flying Curse has also been used with the help of Leifu. Just now, Neville used the Flying Curse to use the stone pillar to trick Zhang Xu.

It has to be said that Neville's flying curse was used appropriately. If Zhang Xu'er hadn't listened to everything, he might have been knocked down.

The competition between Zhang Xu and Neville ended quickly, and the surrounding onlookers applauded. Zhang Xu promised to give Neville a voucher after the competition with the others was over.

With Neville as an example, the students who were named next exerted great energy to perform well in front of Zhang Xu and strive for prizes.

Those students all transformed well and basically performed well. Almost everyone got Zhang Xu's promise of giving them vouchers.

After competing with those students, it was already getting late, so Zhang Xu asked everyone to disperse after asking the key observation subjects to stay and receive the vouchers.

After the others had finished leaving, Zhang Xu observed them closely while handing out vouchers.

As it stands, there are no traces of black magic being used by these students.

After giving out the vouchers, Zhang Xu asked them to gather together, and then said to them: "I have been observing the people participating in the event today, and you are the ones who practice the hardest."

Perhaps because he was in a good mood after receiving the prize, Neville suddenly joked about Zhang Xu: "You are the one who works the least hard, Zhang."

"I also work very hard," Zhang Xu said. "If I didn't work hard, you would have snatched up all my kebabs."

After they laughed for a while, Zhang Xu said seriously: "I think everyone knows the reason for their efforts."

As soon as Zhang Xu finished speaking, all the smiling students fell silent. Only then did they realize that they were surrounded by classmates who had experienced the same thing as themselves.

Zhang Xu continued, "I think everyone has discovered by now that everyone has experienced the same thing and has the same goal. I think everyone is working hard for their own goals."

"However, there is one thing I must tell everyone."

Zhang Xu's face became serious, and the students also watched Zhang Xu quietly waiting for his next words.

"I understand from other professors that half of you have thought about the library area."

"Don't think that I don't know what some people want to find in the ** area. I've browsed through all the books there."

"So my advice to you is, don't waste your efforts in the ** section. The books in the ** section are not suitable for you."

"If you rashly use the black magic in the ** zone, you will embark on a path that leads to becoming the same person as your enemy, and there is no possibility of turning back from this path."

At this time, a third-grade student said: "Then how can we become stronger?"

"Who knows what determines the strength of a wizard?" Zhang Xu asked.




The students' answers varied.

Regarding their answers, Zhang Xu naturally shook his head.

"Your answers are all one-sided. Magic power, spells and wands are not the fundamental factors that determine the strength of a wizard." Zhang Xu said.

"So what is it?" one student asked.

"You need to find the answer yourself." Zhang Xu said, "There is no time limit. If you find the answer and tell me, I will reward you with a 0 Galleons Hogsmeade store voucher."

After answering the students' questions according to the routine of hot-blooded comics, Zhang Xu announced the disbandment and turned around and left.

As for the vouchers, Dumbledore reimbursed them anyway, so Zhang Xu became a money-spreading boy.

After being deceived like this, Zhang Xu believed that these students would not pursue black magic ideas for a long time. Zhang Xu was still confident in his prestige among students, and his words would definitely attract their attention. .

After walking out of the maze, Zhang Xu, who was standing by the tree wall and keeping the secret door open, watched the students thinking as they walked towards the castle. He suddenly thought about whether to organize these students who had grudges against Voldemort and the Death Eaters to form a group. "The Avengers"?

After the students all left, Zhang Xu suddenly raised his head and said to the top of the tree wall: "Do you know what is the fundamental factor that determines the strength of a wizard? Percy?"


No one at the top of the tree wall answered Zhang Xu's question, but a crow flapped its wings a few times and flew away from the tree wall.

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