Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 301 The Secret Infiltration of Edogawa Conan and Emma Watson

After knocking on the door a few times, Amos Diggory opened the door to the office and welcomed the two visitors into the office.

Amos Diggory was the only one in the office today. He looked outside twice at the door, hung a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door and closed the door.

"I've checked. It's safe here. You can rest assured." Amos Diggory said to the two visitors.

"Are you a couple?" Amos Digory looked at Emma holding Conan's hand with a half-smile and said.

Emma, ​​who was nervous just now, had been holding Conan's hand all the way, but only now did she react and hurriedly shook off the other's paw.

"No, we don't. Don't talk nonsense." Conan denied firmly.

Amos Diggory smiled and said nothing, stretched out his hand to signal the two of them to sit down on the sofa, and then prepared tea and snacks for them.

"Do you know the route and target location? Is there anything you need my help with?" Amos Diggory asked.

"There is no problem with the route and target." Conan replied, "It's just that in case we are discovered, there will be some aftermath work that requires your cooperation."

Amos Diggory nodded, and then discussed some details with the two of them.

After a long time, Amos Diggory looked at the clock on the wall and said to Conan and the others: "The time has come."

Emma prepared her wand, and Conan equipped himself with the three-piece death suit. He was afraid of being stopped by the security check when he entered, so he put these things in his treasure bag just now.

Finally, Conan and Emma put on the invisibility cloak borrowed from Harry. After Amos Diggory confirmed that there was no one outside the door,

Conan and Emma left the room under the invisibility cloak.

At the same time, a paper airplane used to deliver messages in the Ministry of Magic flew out of the office of the Director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation and flew slowly toward the elevator hall.

After the paper plane flew into an empty elevator, its nose flew over and hit the button on the ninth floor.

The elevator soon reached the ninth floor. The paper plane slowly flew out of the elevator and flew to an office on the side. Then it flew in circles in front of the office door like the Golden Snitch in a Quidditch match.

At this time, someone opened the door of the office, and you could see from the door that he was the only one on duty inside.

The duty officer who came out of the office swung his hand and grabbed the paper airplane in the air just like he had caught the Quaffle on the Quidditch pitch for many years.

The person on duty opened the paper airplane and read the content on it, then nodded three times naturally, then turned around and walked into the office, and then closed the door of the office.

It's only thirty minutes, but it's enough.

Conan and Emma, ​​who had arrived here through the cover of paper airplanes along the way, stood in front of a black door. They immediately opened the door, quickly got in, and immediately closed the door.

Behind the black doorway is a room where everything is black except for the candles that glow with blue flames.

Facing the twelve doors around the room, Conan and Emma could only get out from under the invisibility cloak. After marking all the doors, they searched for the target door by door.

While trying the third door, they found their target.

The room was filled with beautiful, diamond-like dancing lights. Seeing this scene, Emma couldn't help but exclaimed "Wow!"

In such a scene, Conan wouldn't mind playing another song here.

But the girl next to him is not his, and Conan doesn't want to be beaten up by his girlfriend at any time.

In a room full of clocks and ticking sounds, the two of them searched along the wall for the door leading to another hall.

Suddenly, Emma pulled Conan's sleeve. Conan turned his head and saw Emma pointing to a shelf against the wall. On the shelf were several time turners that they had used before.

Conan desperately suppressed the temptation to exchange a time turner for a courtyard house in the second ring road of the capital. After swallowing for a while, he walked away without looking back.

Conan could feel the magic fluctuations on the shelf, and as soon as he touched the time turner, the alarm immediately sounded.

Although you can spend time solving the alarm on the shelf, the time for today's action is very tight, and the gain outweighs the gain.

There was only one door in the wall, and the two found it quickly.

After walking through the door, the dark room was filled with tall shelves filled with dusty small glass balls, but nothing else.

The two compared the numbers on the shelves and soon arrived at the 97th row of shelves.

Then the two searched for it on the shelf and finally found the label with Harry Potter's name on it.

Next comes the most critical moment.

"Give me a break, and remind me if you don't have enough time." Conan said to Emma.

Emma nodded, walked aside and started to be on guard.

Conan began to carefully analyze the protective magic on these shelves and glass balls.

Five minutes later, Emma turned around and saw a twist on Conan's face.

"What's wrong, is the protective magic very powerful?" Emma came over and asked, "Don't worry, we still have nearly twenty minutes."

"No." Conan said depressedly, "The protective magic here is very deceptive."

"These shelves are just ordinary wooden shelves with no magic on them."

"The protective magic is only set on the glass ball. Its function is only to prevent specific people from touching it. When anyone except Harry touches it, the alarm will be triggered. When magic is applied to the glass ball, the alarm will be triggered. Trigger the alarm.”

"That means..." Emma, ​​the top student, thought quickly and immediately thought of the loopholes in it.

"I'm going to take it off, get ready," Conan said to Emma.

Emma walked up to Conan and grabbed his shoulders. This is so that in case of being discovered, either one of the two can take the other person away by touching the door key on his body.

We can't help but marvel that the portkey made by Dumbledore himself can even pass through the security barrier of the Ministry of Magic. In Zhang Xu's view, there might be a secret door set up by Lao Deng in the Ministry of Magic's security measures.

After the two were ready, Conan took out a box, opened it and handed it to Emma behind him.

Then Conan took out his magic wand and used Shenfeng·Cutter·Wuying to cut off the entire wooden board holding the glass ball on the shelf. He grabbed the wooden board with his other hand and cut it without touching the glass ball. It poured into the box.

Emma, ​​who immediately closed the box, and Conan, who used a magic spell to restore the board, didn't expect that this step was so simple. If this kind of plot was used, readers would definitely scold the protagonist for having a mental retardation halo.

But sometimes the simpler the method, the harder it is for people with misunderstandings to find a solution to the problem.

After restoring the wooden boards on the shelf, Zhang Xu immediately placed another identical glass ball in its place, making it look as if no one had done anything to it, and then returned the same way.

When passing the time converter, Zhang Xu stopped.

"You want it?" Emma asked.

"If you promise me a condition, I will keep it secret for you." Emma said with a smile.

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