Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 303: Edogawa Conan and Emma Watson hugging grass and hunting rabbits

Regarding the death of their companions, Death Eaters A and B decided to step aside and not participate.

If things go wrong, then neither of them can take responsibility. If the thing succeeds, everyone will not be harmed.

After Death Eaters A and B turned around and walked into the Prophecy Hall, the Death Eaters themselves stood in front of the shelf and started to do it.

Conan and Emma, ​​who were only two or three meters away from the Death Eaters, could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Conan gently patted Emma's hands that were tightly holding his waist. Only then did the other party react and loosen the hold on her hands, but the position of her hands did not change.

Conan is also very helpless. The lioness who used to dare to rush up and beat up basilisks and werewolves, why is she so cute today?

Fortunately, the two of them were not standing face to face as they usually do when encountering such scenes in novels. Otherwise, Conan would have been embarrassed. He thought he was not Liu Xiahui, and maybe Ron's head would turn yellow today.

What color does red add to make it yellow?

The Death Eaters were concentrating on deciphering the magic on the shelf and the time turner, and did not realize that there were two people hiding not far away.

The Death Eater was not bragging. He was tinkering with the shelf holding the time turner with his wand, and then a smile slowly appeared on his face.

It has to be said that Voldemort really summoned many practical dark wizards from Azkaban.

The person in front of me doesn't know how good he is in combat, but he's very good at roosters, dogs, and thieves.

Now Conan is very worried about whether the carbon monoxide trap he set in the secret passage will be destroyed by Death Eaters. A bubble head charm can be used as an oxygen tank. But he also set up some backup plans. After all, carbon monoxide can kill more than just its toxicity.

After more than twenty minutes, Death Eater A suddenly walked out of the Prophecy Hall.

When he walked to the Death Eaters, he stood aside and said, "The master has sent the latest news. Someone will come to reinforce us before the operation starts tonight. From now until the operation starts, all contact will be suspended."

The Death Eater, who was concentrating on breaking the magic on the shelf, just nodded to show that he understood.

Death Eater A saw him nod and returned to the Prophecy Hall.

After struggling for another ten minutes, and after a flash of light, the Death Eater finally cracked the protective magic on the shelf and the time turner, took out a bag and put everything on the shelf into it.

While he was loading his things, two people not far away heard him mumbling words such as "I'm here to save you" and "I'll save you tomorrow".

Conan sighed and saw that the other person was also a person with a story.

After signaling the girl behind him to let go, Conan stretched out his left hand from the invisibility cloak and cast the stun spell on his watch at the Death Eater's back.

Just when the Death Eater was about to fall to the ground, Conan rushed out from the invisibility cloak, held him up, and then gently put him on the ground.

After Conan put away the bag containing the time turner held by the Death Eater, he returned to where he was standing and stretched out his hand.

After grabbing his own hand with the other hand, Conan took Emma's hand and hurried toward the door of the time chamber.

"Wait for me outside for a while." Conan said while pushing a ball of "air" out.

After saying that, Conan turned around and returned to the time chamber.

?Dividing line?

The row of offices next to the elevator on the ninth floor of the Ministry of Magic is where employees of the Department of Mysteries work daily. Someone needs to be on duty here every day during working hours to deal with emergencies.

It's just that today's day is a bit special. The weekend plus Valentine's Day gave Edward Cullen, who was supposed to be on duty today, a big headache because his girlfriend Isabella Swan has been looking forward to a romantic Valentine's Day. .

Edward Cullen's headache started when he saw this month's duty schedule at the beginning of the month. Although he explained it to Isabella Swan, and Isabella Swan also understood him, I The disappointed look in Sabella Swan's eyes still hurt Edward Cullen's heart.

Just a few days ago, when Edward Cullen went to have a drink with his friends after get off work and complained to Cedric Diggory about the weekend duty schedule, Cedric Diggory said that he could take over half the day's duty for him. Because his girlfriend was still at Hogwarts, it was already afternoon when she went to Hogsmeade.

The ecstatic Edward Cullen immediately said that he would settle Cedric Diggory's account tonight, and then repeatedly promised that he would arrive in time after lunch with Isabella Swann at noon on Valentine's Day. Come back and won't let good Mr. Diggory miss his afternoon appointment.

Edward Cullen's half-day date went well, except that on his way back to the Ministry of Magic, an old lady fell in front of him, claiming that Edward Cullen had bumped into her, and asked Edward Cullen to send her off Go to the hospital.

As it turned out, the incident happened near the phone booth entering the Ministry of Magic. The Auror on duty here came over when someone was causing trouble.

The Auror gave her an amnesia charm after checking that the old man was not injured.

So the Death Eater left with his mind full of "Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?"

When Edward Cullen returned to the Department of Mysteries office, he found Cedric sleeping on the table.

After Cedric was shaken awake, he greeted Edward Cullen in a daze, and then walked towards his father's office.

When Cedric walked into the office of the Director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, which had a "Do Not Disturb" sign hanging on it, two people suddenly appeared next to him.

"Is it going well?" asked Mr. Diggory.

"Everything went well, except that three Death Eaters appeared behind, and Cedric was knocked unconscious by them." Conan said, "According to those Death Eaters, they must be lurking there, and the mysterious man has a big one tonight. action."

"Are they still in the time chamber?" Mr. Diggory asked, frowning.

"Not now." Conan said,

Conan said nothing more, and Mr. Diggory knew what he meant.

"I must report this to Dumbledore and let the Ministry pay attention to it," Diggory said.

Conan and Emma took their leave after resting for a while.

They came to Mr. Diggory today on the pretext of an informal meeting between diplomats from the Ministry of Magic of the two countries. It is almost time now. If the delay continues, the Ministry of Magic will think that there is some big event. If the Ministry of Magic takes the initiative to contact Japan, then Side, the secret is revealed here.

So Mr. Diggory asked Cedric to send the two of them out of the Ministry of Magic.

In today's operation, Dumbledore did not tell Diggory and his son about the true identities of Conan and Emma, ​​only that they were both members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Mr. Diggory also had some guesses about this. He estimated that these two people were Lupine and Tonks, or Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom.

It was Cedric who came up with the correct answer, because not long after, he learned from Zhongqiu that there were two mummies lying in the school doctor's office.

However, Cedric would never tell this matter even if he died. His instinct told him that if he told him, there would be no peace in Hogwarts and himself.

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