Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 305 Edogawa Conan and Emma Watson’s Valentine’s Day

"Sir, buy a bouquet of roses for your girlfriend. The money you buy will be donated to the World Wildlife Fund."

On the streets of London, a six-year-old golden loli walked up to Conan and Emma. She held a rose in one hand and a flower with someone's Animagus form printed on it in the other. The box marked with the giant panda "Xi Xi", which was loaned to the London Zoo in England 35 years ago, was looking at them expectantly.

It can be seen that this little loli is using her weekend time to engage in charity activities. Such activities are usually organized by schools. Not far away, there was an adult who should be the leader of the group and was obviously paying attention to every move of the children selling flowers around him. Otherwise, someone would have invited the little girl to see the "real" giant panda.

It's just that the two young people standing in front of Loli are a little embarrassed now.

They were embarrassed not because this loli regarded them as a couple. It was strange that a young man and woman were not regarded as a couple when they were together on this day. When they went to lunch just now, they got the couple's discount at the store.

They were embarrassed because they knew the little lolita in front of them. A certain girl just used this loli's head and a bunch of magic potions this morning to transform into her 20-year-old self and then did bad things. As a result, Li Gui met Li Kui in the afternoon.

Conan stuffed a fifty-pound note into the cash box, took the rose from the hand of the original little Emma, ​​and then ran away with the large Emma.

Not far away, Conan handed the rose in his hand to Emma, ​​"Happy Valentine's Day."

"Can't you be more serious?" Emma complained, "You are not giving roses to your girlfriend on Valentine's Day, but you are handing pepper to others at the dinner table."

"I'm afraid that if I'm serious, I'll get beaten up when I go back." Conan replied.

"I won't tell Professor Scarlet.

Emma replied seriously.

"You know who I'm talking about." Conan said helplessly.

After the two bickered for a while, Conan asked: "It's three o'clock in the afternoon, and we have nearly thirty hours before we can go back. How do you plan to spend this time?"

"What do you think," Emma asked, "How about we find a hotel to stay?"

"I don't care," Conan said, "As long as there is a computer in the room, thirty hours is not enough for me to play games."

"You can't bear to leave the girl alone and play games by yourself when there is a beautiful girl in the room?" Emma said angrily.

"Be patient," Conan replied.

Although he changed his name to the God of Death, it didn't mean that he was going to commit suicide.

Because the winter vacation of domestic universities starts in these two days, there is no guarantee that Furong will return to Europe early after finishing the exam.

"Then let's just go there!" Emma said suddenly.

Dividing line

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Hogsmeade was immersed in an atmosphere of love, and you could smell the strong smell of dog food while walking on the street.

Fleur, who had rushed straight to Hogsmeade as soon as she got off the plane, was standing in front of the villa door using the key to open the door.

Originally she would not have rushed over, but when a copy of the Daily Prophet was mailed to her some time ago, she changed her mind.

Putting aside Zhang’s heroic rescue of the United States, the Death Eaters’ night attack on Hogsmeade worried her for a long time, so as soon as she finished the exam, she took a plane to London and flew straight to London after getting off the plane. Came here.

"Just think of it as a surprise for him." Fu Rong said to herself as she opened the door.

As soon as she walked into the foyer, Fleur was startled because she smelled an unfamiliar perfume.

Fleur, who frowned, took out her wand and followed the smell of perfume to the second floor, then stopped in front of the door of a guest room.

There is no soundproofing spell in the guest room, so standing in front of the door you can vaguely hear the blushing breathing coming from the room.

Fleur took three deep breaths to force herself to calm down, then kicked open the door and rushed in.

As if the mute button had been pressed, the room suddenly fell into dead silence. Two seconds later, a burst of male and female voices came from the room.

Dividing line

The Forest of Dean near Gloucestershire in the Cotswolds is the oldest oak forest in England. Forests divide the UK into England and Wales. This was once the hunting ground of the British royal family and was the prototype of the forest where the elves lived in the Lord of the Rings movies.

When they arrived at the Forest of Dean, Conan's legs were shaking a little.

"Although the Knight Bus drives a little faster, it's very convenient." Emma said to Conan, who was looking a little pale.

"It's not going too fast, it's flying too low." Conan replied.

Because Conan felt that camping was more reliable than two people going to a hotel to book a room, he said that they would hide in the wild, so he agreed to Emma's suggestion to go camping in the Forest of Dean.

Originally, Conan wanted to fly over, but Emma found a place and summoned the Knight Bus.

"Let's find a campsite, it's getting late." Emma said after looking at the sky.

"Wait a moment, I'll go to the sky and take a look." After saying that, Conan turned into a hunting falcon and flew into the air. After spinning in the air, he returned to the ground.

"There is a suitable place about a mile after crossing a hill over there. The terrain is flat, there is a water source nearby, and there are no traces of roads around it." Conan said.

The Forest of Dean is a very popular tourist destination for the British. In the forest, there are not only pavements trodden by tourists, but also excavated stone paths and even abandoned railways.

Not wanting to be disturbed, Conan found a place away from these roads.

It was still quite cold in the forest in mid-February. Emma, ​​who wanted to pick some mushrooms along the way, returned disappointed after searching for them.

"Do you know how to tell whether a mushroom is poisonous?" Emma asked.

"I know," Conan replied: "Just break off a small piece of mushroom and let your companion eat it, and then carefully observe the companion's reaction."

Just when the black-haired Emma wanted to hit someone, the two came to the campsite.

There is a small lake with an area of ​​about two to three hundred square meters. A stream more than one meter wide flows into the lake here. There is a flat grassland between the woods and the lake.

Just as Conan was pouring out camping supplies from his treasure bag, Emma suddenly said: "From now on, let's not use magic during camping."

"It's no problem for me. I can survive in the forest with only a knife." Conan said.

"It's okay for me. Every summer, my family and I go camping in this forest." Emma also said.

Conan didn't object after hearing what Emma said, and said, "Then let's collect some firewood first and see if we can find some food along the way."

It hasn't rained recently, and the two of them picked up a lot of dry firewood, branches and dry moss for starting fires along the lakeside.

At this time, the sunset has quietly climbed into the sky, and the forest has begun to turn golden.

It was also the time when the beasts went to the small lake to drink water. Far away from the two people holding the wood, a wild boar that looked like it had just grown up was drinking water by the lake.

"Do you eat wild boar?" Conan turned to Emma and asked, "otherwise we will eat fish tonight."

"Can I have both?" Emma asked with a smile.

"No problem." Conan replied, taking out a bow and arrow.


When the evening glow filled the sky, the two of them each carried a bundle of firewood and walked back to the campsite. Conan also carried two cleaned and skinned wild boar legs in his hands.

"I didn't expect you to be able to shoot arrows and kill a wild boar." Emma sighed as she looked at the wild boar leg in Conan's hand.

"If you shoot a wild boar in Guangxi, you can get two books." Conan replied seriously.

"Really?" Emma was frightened this time.

"Guess." Conan replied.

After putting down the firewood and registering the pig legs, Conan said to Emma: "The amount of wood is enough, you can burn two fires first, and tonight we will put the tent on the place where the fires burned, so that it will be warm when sleeping. I’ll get some fish.”

After Conan finished speaking, he handed a lighter to Emma and then walked towards the lake. Just now he saw a place where there seemed to be a lot of fish.

Just as Emma was lighting the bonfire, she suddenly heard a muffled "boom" from the lake in the distance.

Not long after, Conan came back carrying several fish that had been cleaned.

"Because the principal did not allow me to fish in the school lake, I forgot to bring fishing gear, so I used a grenade." Conan said a little embarrassed.

Emma rolled her eyes at him angrily. Fish frying was strictly prohibited no matter where it was.

It's just that Conan didn't say that he just used magic to dig a deep hole and buried the bodies of Death Eaters A, B, and C who sneaked into the Ministry of Magic today.

At this time, the sky began to darken, and the two of them began to busy preparing roasted wild boar legs and boiled fish soup.

After eating the golden-brown, sizzling wild boar legs and the fragrant fish soup, the two of them sat by the campfire, holding a cup of hot tea and chatting.

"I don't know what the Death Eaters are talking about tonight's actions. Professor Dumbledore told us not to worry. We just need to act according to the original plan and not go back. I don't know what arrangements he made." Conan said, staring at the bonfire. .

Emma next to her said angrily: "Didn't you promise me not to mention those things when we were still Edogawa Conan and Emma Watson? Professor Dumbledore's decision must be his. Ideas.”

After saying that, Emma leaned softly on Conan's shoulder and asked, "Do you believe in fate?"

Conan wanted to move to the side, but failed to get away from him.

"When did you believe in fate?" Conan asked strangely, "Haven't you always disbelieved in divination?"

"The more I get to know you, the more I find that destiny seems to really exist." Emma said, "I heard you say that if there was a destiny, you would grab it by the throat, and I found that you seem to be doing that."

I don’t remember this was the first person to ask this question to Conan. Conan could only reply: “Who knows. The previous elder of the centaurs tribe once told me that a new planet appeared in the sky sixteen years ago. , and then it hid behind Mars, which represented war, a few years ago, so this new planet brought war."

"Is it the planet called 'Naughty Ghost'? I've read about it in books. You were all born sixteen years ago. Does this mean that you brought war?" Emma was a little nervous. asked.

Emma was born in 1979, so she says "you" instead of "us".

Although Emma's divination class didn't last long, some prophecies can still be interpreted. Moreover, the new planet known as the "naughty ghost" caused a lot of noise in the astronomical circle, and it was recorded in many books.

"It seems so from astrology, a newly emerged planet reveals its destiny to us." Conan said lightly, "But Professor Sinister told me that the new planet is actually a space station launched by the former Soviet Union. , what do you think the fate of the space station that the Muggles shot up can reveal to us?"

Emma, ​​who heard about this for the first time, didn't know what to say for a while, but she didn't blurt out the "prohibited matter" like someone did.

"So what about the divination you did in No. 12 Grimmauld Place that day? Did it reveal your destiny?" Emma suddenly asked.

"In fact, effective divination can really see a little bit of the future through the long river of history." Conan said, "It's just that sometimes these scenes are very vague, and some tangible evidence is needed to assist in reasoning."

"Then you saw me...no, it was Hermione and Ron..." Emma asked hesitantly.

Conan didn't know how to answer at this time. Could it be true that I watched it on Qvod?

In line with the idea that after deceiving others, he could only continue to deceive others in the afternoon, Conan could only nodded.

"Do you think I should also seize fate by the throat?" After Emma finished speaking, she rested her head on Conan's shoulder.

Conan's face began to twitch, grabbing fate by the throat? It's better to just grab Ron by the throat.

"You said that if history could be repeated and Hermione asked Zhang to be her boyfriend, would Zhang agree?" Emma said in a low voice.

"I'll choke you!" Conan shouted in surprise, what the hell is this? Are you planning to take the rebirth route?

"Actually, I..." Conan was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"I'm asking about Hermione Granger and Zhang Xu, not Edogawa Conan and Emma Watson." Emma said, "Hermione and Emma are different, from the outside to the inside."

Since the other party wants to deceive himself and others, Conan can only follow this rhythm.

Conan scratched the back of his head and said, "Don't you think there are too many similarities in their personalities? They are both smart, calm, and at the same time somewhat proud and love to express themselves."

"Don't they have similar personalities?" Emma turned to look at Conan and asked, "Is it because they have similar personalities that they are a good match?"

"I regard you as my brother, and you actually want to have sex with me?" Conan thought to himself.

"People with similar personalities can be friends, partners or brothers, but they cannot live together as partners. Because partners need to complement each other and tolerate each other in personality, if there are too many similarities, it is inevitable that there will be big or small consequences. Contradiction." Conan said, "Actually, Zhang has always regarded Hermione as a brother."

The air was suddenly quiet for a few minutes.

"Perhaps you are right, Zhang is more important as a friend and professor in Hermione's mind." Emma sighed and said.

"But at least we are Edogawa Conan and Emma Watson at this moment, right?" Emma suddenly said with a smile.


The night passed without saying much.

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