Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 307 Detective Furong

(﹃):"I want to eat meat!"

(¬¬): “No, the patient should eat more vegetables!”

??▓Separating line▓??

Last night, when Zhang Xu returned to the Hogsmeade villa with the injuries caused by Dumbledore and quietly touched Fleur's bed, Fleur was startled in her sleep and kicked an unknown object. foot, and as a result, the injury to an unknown object worsened a little. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

Later, Zhang Xu hugged Furong and comforted her, saying that he just fainted for a moment and did not drink the special medicine he had prepared in time, which is why the injury was so serious. He would be fine after drinking the medicine for a while tomorrow morning. .

As a result, Zhang Xu talked to himself and fell asleep with Furong in his arms.

The potion that Madam Pomfrey gave him in the ward was supposed to make him dizzy, and it naturally had the effect of promoting sleep.

Looking at Zhang Xu who started to snore, Furong sighed deeply, then laid Zhang Xu down and helped him take off his robe and put it away.

After dealing with Zhang Xu, Furong moved her nose and used a little spell that she had just learned to enhance her sense of smell, and then she smelled the faint smell of barbecue again.

Then Furong leaned down and put her nose close to Zhang Xu. After a search that would normally make Zhang Xu excited, she finally determined that the smell came from Zhang Xu's hands.

Furong sat next to Zhang Xu, stretched out her finger and poked his forehead, then his nose, then poked his face, then poked his carotid artery, and finally sighed, Then she lay down next to him and fell asleep.

Since Zhang Xu could pretend to be injured to the point where he was actually injured, and he was afraid that he would worry so much that he rushed over to comfort him after hurting himself overnight, then Furong decided not to expose his trick.

When Furong went to the school doctor's office to visit Zhang Mummy (fake) for the first time, she discovered something suspicious. The treasure bag that had been inseparable from Zhang Xu was not placed with his robe. That treasure bag has a certain thickness, and it can be seen even if it is pressed down by the robe.

Then Furong went to Zhang Xu's professor's dormitory to look for it, but she didn't find the treasure bag in the dormitory.

Later, I got rid of Zhang Qiu and searched around the dormitory of Yingyuan, but still found nothing.

At this time, Furong began to suspect that the mummy in the school doctor's office was not Zhang Xu.

Early the next morning, after a series of major events from last night were revealed in the Daily Prophet,

Fu Rong felt that the nine layers of the Zhang mummy in the school doctor's office were fake.

Based on Furong's understanding of Zhang Xu, it was impossible for Zhang Xu not to be involved in such a big event.

After Madam Pomfrey still refused to let her go in to see the mummy, Fleur was able to conclude that the mummy was definitely not Zhang Xu. This was a deception created by Zhang Xu and Dumbledore.

Although Furong knew that Zhang Xu was not injured and sent to the school doctor's office, such a serious incident happened last night. Furong was still worried that he would be hurt last night, so she waited anxiously at the door of the school doctor's office. Because she knew that if Zhang Xu came back, he would first turn back into a mummy in the hospital bed.

As a result, the wait lasted until night.

Although Zhang Xu's previous injuries had been guessed to be fake, no one could guarantee that his current injuries were real, so when she first walked into the ward, Furong's worries were real.

Fu Rong, who was holding Mummy Zhang, quietly used a spell to enhance her sense of smell. As a result, she didn't smell the smell of medicine on Mummy Zhang's body, but instead smelled something like barbecue.

Moreover, traces of the treasure bag were seen on his robe on the bedside table.

From this point of view, there is only one truth, that is, the person in front of him is Zhang Xu who has just returned.

The concealment plan devised by Zhang Xu and Dumbledore was originally considered a success, but no one expected that Fleur, who knew Zhang Xu very well, would appear halfway through.

Fortunately, Furong guessed that there must be something fishy behind this, so she didn't expose it on the spot.

Fleur didn't think that Zhang Xu would be so bold as to use the power of Hogwarts to trick her into leaving Hogwarts just to have a barbecue outside, so she suppressed this doubt in her heart.

After Zhang Xu returned to the villa overnight, Furong found that he had a fainter smell of medicine than when he was in the school doctor's office, and then she determined that these injuries were caused after she left.

Using a small injury to cover up the huge danger behind it, Furong can still see this, but Zhang Xu is unwilling to tell the truth, and Furong will not question him.

As for Hermione who was injured at the same time, Furong could also guess that she went out with Zhang Xu.

Furong was deeply impressed by this witch who Zhang Xu called the "big mobile library".

Although Fleur felt strange that the person who was partnering with Zhang Xu this time was not Sister Scarlet but Hermione, she did not delve too deeply into it. In her opinion, in a sense, Hermione Sister Carrette is safe.

As for the two brothers, Percy and Ron, who were wrongly accused by her... they were beaten anyway, so let's just make the scenes played by Zhang Xu and the others more realistic.

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Zhang Xu, who had eaten a full stomach of vegetable salad and two steamed buns without eating any meat, was sitting on the sofa in the living room. The bandages on his upper body had all been removed, revealing a large wound on his skin that seemed to be peeling off.

Dumbledore's skills were pretty good. Even though he yelled for Avada Kedavra and cast the curse, it only looked scary after being hit, but it didn't hurt at all. ..

Under Furong's gaze, Zhang Xu drank a cup of special potion that had just been prepared.

From Furong's current perspective, she could tell that this potion was a real healing potion.

It only took about ten minutes after drinking the potion. Zhang Xu's injuries healed, and new skin grew out without any scars.

Furong sat next to Zhang Xu and poked the place that was a wound with her finger, and found that it was as if she had not been injured.

Zhang Xu picked up Furong and placed her on his lap.

"Feel sorry."

Zhang Xu took a deep breath and said to Furong in his arms.

"As long as you're safe, that's more important than anything else."

Furong leaned into Zhang Xu's arms and pressed her face against his chest.

For a moment, the only sounds in their ears were the breathing and heartbeats of both parties.

I don't know how long it took, but Zhang Xu broke the tranquility. He said to Furong: "You can go back after lunch."

After several minutes, Fleur finally let out a soft "hmm".

After a while, Furong suddenly raised her head, looked at Zhang Xu and asked, "Why did you walk with those ladies that night?"

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