Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 309 In the Cold War

Zhang Xu only heard Furong vaguely mention the reason why Zhang Qiu ran away. Zhang Xu only knew that the scene was quite embarrassing at the time, but he didn't know the specific method of embarrassment. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

It's just that Zhang Xu's reaction to Zhang Qiu now makes it worth bringing a bottle of wine and a bottle of truth serum to find Cedric on the weekend.

While eating, Zhang Xu listened to what the students were talking about as usual.

Ignore the useless information that Professor Weasley is injured in class today, and some students hope that Miss Delacour, who beat Professor Weasley into the school infirmary, can replace Professor Weasley as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, students What we talk about most is what happened on Valentine's Day night.

Today's students basically believe that Voldemort has returned, and many students also mentioned that their families have also accepted this view.

It's just that Minister of Magic Fudge is still insisting on it in the media, assuring readers that it is all the personal behavior of Death Eaters. Because in the past Death Eaters would only kill opponents and innocent people, but this time Death Eaters not only killed people but also stole money.

What Zhang Xu was most concerned about was the reaction of the students in the Snake Academy. After all, the students in the Snake Academy were inextricably linked to the Death Eaters. It would not be surprising if the whole academy would follow Voldemort and run away.

The information Zhang Xu received was that the students in the Snake Academy have been in a dilemma since last year. It was not easy for them to take sides. Now both sides are doubting their position.

But after a series of attacks on families on Valentine's Day night, the news that came out today was that many families began to have doubts about the Death Eaters' policies.

As for the Malfoy trio, there's nothing surprising about their recent performance. When it was time to bully the younger students, he would bully the younger students. When it was time to fight with the Harry trio, he would fight with the Harry trio.

After dinner, Zhang Xu came to Professor Scarlet's office honestly.

Ever since the holiday ended a month ago, Zhang Xu borrowed (qiǎng) (zǒu) Marvolo Gaunt's ring from Scarlet through violent means and kept it for himself, and the two had fallen into a cold war.

After all, Zhang Xu used this ring to severely deceive the Death Eaters in Azkaban. Now the holder of this ring is naturally the enemy of the Death Eaters.

He has to bear the blame himself, so Zhang Xu must wear the ring with him during this period.

Scarlet knew why Zhang Xu asked her for the ring, but knowing that didn't mean she agreed with Zhang Xu's idea.

After the communication failed,

Zhang launched a sneak attack on Scarlet and took away the ring she wore as a pendant on her chest.

Today is the first time Zhang Xu has come to her office since the cold war between the two began.

Professor Scarlet, who was sitting at his desk, drinking tea and reading "Sophie's World" with gusto, saw Zhang Xu coming in, and pointed to a table not far from the desk, and said Zhang Xu said: "It's up to you to correct those homeworks. Once you've finished correcting them, you can leave."

After Professor Scarlet finished speaking, he continued to drink tea and read.

The office suddenly fell into an eerie silence. Except for the occasional sound of turning books and the rustling of quills writing on parchment, there was no sound for a long time.

The two of them were like two children competing, playing a game of whoever speaks first loses.

I don’t know how long he had been here, but after correcting the homework of a student from the Lion Academy, Zhang Xu discovered that the next piece of parchment was not written on today’s homework, but a letter with exquisite lace.

Zhang Xu read it and found that it was a love letter written by someone to Scarlet. Someone probably asked his godson to help him put it in his homework.

Professor Zhang has encountered the problem of including love letters in homework frequently in the past two years, but he treats these love letters as compositions for correction, and then sends them back together with normal homework.

It even happened that students sent their love letters to Professor Zhang for correction first in order to avoid embarrassment when sending them. When encountering such students, Professor Zhang’s approach is to mosaic their names and make public comments directly before class.

So Professor Zhang, regardless of what Professor Scarlet had done before, imitated Snape's handwriting and tone and corrected this love letter as if it were a composition. He was like nitpicking, misspelling words, using wrong punctuation, and incorrect sentences. I found a lot of problems, big and small, such as smoothness and asymmetrical lace.

After finishing correcting this essay, Professor Zhang discovered that this essay was placed at the end, which meant that today's homework was finished.

"I've finished correcting it." Zhang Xu said to Professor Scarlet.

Professor Scarlet still lowered his head and read the book, but just waved his hand to indicate that the other party could leave.

Until Zhang Xu left the office, the two of them only said two sentences from beginning to end.

By the second night, the two of them didn't say a word.

Professor Scarlet was still sitting there reading.

Zhang Xu sat directly at the table to correct his homework. After finishing his homework, he left.

On the third night, the situation changed a little.

After Zhang Xu finished correcting his homework, he looked at the time. It was already February 19, 1996, the first day of the Lunar New Year in China.

So Zhang Xu bowed his hands to Scarlet and said, "Happy New Year, congratulations on getting rich. I wish you a happy new year."

A red envelope that had been prepared on Scarlet's desk flew in front of Zhang Xu.

After Zhang Xu took the red envelope, he thanked him and left, ending his three-day confinement.

Zhang Xu, who was walking back to his office, squeezed the red envelope. The coin inside should be a copper coin.

Time has passed by like this, and now the students' attention is focused on the newly formed Hogwarts school, which will represent Hogwarts in the three-school Quidditch match at Beauxbatons during the Easter holiday. on the team. The students were so concerned about this matter that few people even discussed the weekend Quidditch match between Badger House and Snake House.

Just when the Badger Court and the Snake Court were having a Quidditch match on Saturday, Zhang Xu came to Hogsmeade, and someone asked him to come out for a talk today.

The safest place in Hogsmeade today is the Interesting Café. The customers in the café are all Aurors from the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic who have a day off today.

Since the bloody Valentine's Day, the Aurors in the Auror Office have started working overtime, working at least ten hours a day. It was not until this weekend that the Director of the Office, Rufus Scrimgeour, gave them a day off at the weekend.

So those single Aurors came to this cafe with a good reputation in the office to relax.

Just as the Aurors were playing games and trying to attract the attention of the three waiters on the first floor with witty words, a sudden silence started at the door and swept the entire cafe.

The appearance of Rufus Scrimgeour made the Aurors immediately quiet down and look at him quietly. During this time, they had been scolded by the leader many times.

"What are you looking at me for?" Scrimgeour waved his hand and said to the Aurors, "Keep playing with you."

Zhang Xu, who was feeding ginger with small dried fish, heard the Aurors heaving a sigh of relief. At the same time, one of them whispered, "I thought you were here to catch us and go back to work overtime."

The café soon returned to its lively mood.

Scrimgeour sat across from Zhang Xu and said to him: "Sorry, Mr. Zhang. I'm late."

"It doesn't matter. Sometimes you can't help yourself when doing this kind of work." Zhang Xu smiled and said to Scrimgeour, "So, do you want to play Gwent first?"

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