Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 312: Malfoy shaves his head to kill Black?

Zhang Xu left the kitchen and encountered a scene that stunned him on the stairs leading to the foyer on the first floor.

A student with a prefect badge was going down the stairs and came face to face with Zhang Xu.

But Zhang Xu couldn't remember when a shiny bald person appeared among this year's prefects.

The lighting in the stairs was not good, so Zhang Xu didn't recognize the other person at the first time.

But after one round of screening using the elimination method, Zhang Xu quickly knew who the other party was.

"Malfoy, why did you change your appearance?" Zhang Xu asked strangely.

Malfoy, who was naked, didn't say anything. He just lowered his head and ran past Zhang Xu downstairs.

"According to Education Order No. 1, students are prohibited from running in the corridors and stairs. Slytherin will deduct one point."

Zhang Xu saw Malfoy staggering and almost falling as he was about to turn into a corridor.

Zhang Xu shook his head and walked to the foyer. This guy probably had another conflict with Harry and suffered a big loss.

As soon as he walked into the foyer, Zhang Xu suddenly thought of something, and then he calculated with his fingers that it was the first month of the lunar calendar in China.

Malfoy's mother, Narcissa Malfoy, is Sirius Black's cousin.

So, if Malfoy shaves his head during the first month, Sirius Black will be in danger.

As Zhang Xu walked upstairs, he thought, maybe Lao Ma asked classmate Xiao Ma to shave his head.

Zhang Xu walked in the corridors and stairs of Hogwarts Castle,

Think further along with the little inspiration you just had.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Xu thought that Voldemort might be waiting for his soul to be corroded by his Horcrux. In other words, Voldemort believed that Zhang Xu's soul had been eroded by Horcruxes.

Voldemort had reason to believe that no one but himself knew that he had faked multiple Horcruxes, and even if others guessed that he made Horcruxes, they could not guess the items he used to make them.

It is speculated that Voldemort is taking a gamble, thinking that Zhang Xu cannot recognize the Horcrux, and the carrier of the Horcrux is a valuable antique ring that can be worn on the body, so Zhang Xu is likely to often put the Horcrux Wearing it on the body, Zhang Xu will be controlled by the Horcrux sooner or later.

Hufflepuff's gold cup is just transferred from one vault in Gringotts to another, and may even be transferred to a vault thousands of miles away. As long as the gold cup is not discovered or destroyed, it doesn't matter whose vault it is currently in. You can get it back as long as you win in the end.

However, what Voldemort didn't expect was that Dumbledore was too familiar with him and found his Horcrux through various clues.

What Voldemort didn't expect was that Zhang, an anomaly, had been eyeing his Horcruxes early on. When Zhang Xu got the Ravenclaw diadem many years ago, he began to think of ways to purify the Horcruxes. .

So Voldemort probably doesn't know at this moment that all the Horcruxes he made have been disposed of as lunch boxes.

Voldemort knew that Zhang Xu was a dark wizard, but for a teenage wizard who was as dark as him, Voldemort should not be able to figure it out according to his normal thinking.

If Voldemort asked Malfoy and the other Death Eaters who had planted sugar cane in Zhang Xu's hometown, the information Voldemort would get from Malfoy and the others would only be that there had been harmony there for many years, and it was only when Zhang Xu was very young that he There was a war over the border.

So Voldemort should never be able to figure out how Zhang Xu killed so many people.

So there is only one truth behind Zhang Xu becoming a dark wizard, and that is that he has been corrupted by Horcruxes.

Since Zhang Xu has been eroded, it makes sense for Voldemort to wait a little longer and let Zhang Xu sink deeper and deeper.

Zhang Xu thought for a long time before he came up with this reasonable reason.

Only a few people in Hogwarts know that he is a dark wizard, so should he further reveal this news to Voldemort and make Voldemort think that he has become darker and darker? Zhang Xu couldn't help but think.

At this moment, Zhang Xu suddenly thought of another person who had been in contact with Horcruxes for a long time and was also tempted by Horcruxes. Although the Horcrux has been purified, it is not impossible that the effects of the erosion are still retained.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xu couldn't help but become nervous.

Zhang Xu walked to a door and said to the door: "Crab roe buns!"

Walking into the dormitory, Zhang Xu saw no one in the living room, and the lights in the study were dark. I went to the bedroom and checked. There was no one in the bedroom or on the balcony.

When Zhang Xu was walking out of the bedroom and into the living room in confusion, the dormitory door suddenly opened. Zhang Xu and Scarlet, who was standing in front of the door, were stunned for a moment.

Zhang Xu immediately walked over, holding Scarlet's hand and walking into the dormitory and said, "There's no time to explain, come with me to the bedroom."

Scarlet, who didn't react at first, was suddenly pulled into the dormitory by Zhang Xu. After taking two steps, she realized what she was doing. She stopped and asked loudly: "What are you doing?"

"I want to check your body for you." Zhang Xu said.

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he saw that Scarlet could not be pulled away, so he simply turned around and walked over to hug her up, closed the door with his feet, and walked directly to the bedroom.

Zhang Xu didn't notice the whole time that there was a person standing outside the door who was petrified by the scene in front of him.

After entering the bedroom, Zhang Xu laid Scarlet flat on the bed, and then began to take things out of the treasure bag.

"Relax." Zhang Xu said to Scarlet, who was lying on the bed and glaring at him.

After speaking, Zhang Xu took out a white box and placed it on the bedside table.

"How can you let me relax like this?" Scarlet said angrily, "You want to make it clear first whether you want to rob money or sex?"

"I just suddenly thought of a very serious problem, so I want to help you check your body." Zhang Xu said while looking for something in the box.

Finally, Zhang Xu took out a jade plate about thirty centimeters in diameter with dense patterns carved on it from the box.

Zhang Xu took the jade plate and turned around to look at Scarlet, only to see that Scarlet had taken off her robe and thrown it to the end of the bed.

"Do you want me to continue taking it off and let you check it carefully?" Scarlet said angrily.

Only then did Zhang Xu react. He placed the jade plate on the bedside and covered Scarlet tightly with a quilt, leaving only one head outside.

"Sorry, I was too impatient at the moment." Zhang Xu said softly to Scarlet: "I suspect that the Horcrux ring still has an impact on you."

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he picked up the jade plate again and raised it above Scarlet's face, and said to her: "Please focus on the plate later."

Scarlet sighed and said, "Oh, forget it, it's up to you."

Zhang Xu placed the jade plate on Scarlet's face, and then let go of his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the lines on the jade plate gradually brightened.

Due to the different technology trees between the East and the West, both sides have their own strengths. For example, the East is ahead of the West in detecting mana and souls, while the West is much ahead of the East in time research.

Zhang Xu was just complaining in his heart. The jade plate that detects soul and mana has been known for hundreds of years, and its functions have been gradually improved, but its appearance has not changed for hundreds of years.

In other words, people who have been tested for hundreds of years have been lying like this, with the center of the jade plate aligned with the eyebrows, placed on the face, and then a bare plate on the face.

Fortunately, this is not a routine inspection, otherwise the manufacturer would have been beaten to death by the customer.

After about two minutes, not only white lines appeared on the jade plate, but also many black thin lines appeared.

When the lines on the jade plate were stable, Zhang Xu fiddled with them for a few times to save all the lines before taking the jade plate down.

"See for yourself." Zhang Xu handed the jade plate to Scarlet.

Scarlet took the jade plate and looked at it carefully. Although it was too detailed to interpret, the black lines divided into two parts, one large and one small, could still be seen.

"There are a few more things than when I checked them in previous years." Scarlet said while sitting on the bed and looking at the jade plate.

She had seen the large black line that represented the curse on her body many times, and now she was so helpless that she didn't feel anything at all. But the new black line the size of a fingernail appeared, making her nervous.

"Forget it, forget about it." Scarlet handed the jade plate back to Zhang Xu and said, "Anyway, I'm already in ruins. It doesn't matter if I get stepped on a few more times."

Zhang Xu took the jade plate and put it away and said: "I thought you were going to say to me next, 'Don't pity me because I am a broken flower.'"


"It seems to be fine recently. Let's go to the hospital for a checkup after I go back during the summer vacation." Zhang Xu said, "It's not good to keep this thing in your mind after all."

"I got it." Scarlet pulled up the quilt and covered herself and said, "I'm going to sleep, please kneel down."

It’s strange that the cold war between the two for many days finally came to an end due to today’s events...

Zhang Xu flew out of the dormitory door.

Just when Zhang Xu peeled himself off the corridor wall, he finally found someone standing in front of the door of Scarlet's dormitory.

"I think you should explain something that happened just now, Mr. Zhang." Professor McGonagall said.

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