Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 331 The sudden change in the maze

Two flowers bloom, one on each side

At Hogwarts, the weather has become warmer and sunny since May.

On the first Saturday night in May, a group of fifth- and seventh-grade test prep students came to the maze to begin their weekly practice.

Students from other grades did not disturb these already highly nervous exam preparers, and gathered in a group to practice by themselves.

The bright full moon hung in the night sky, and the slightly cool breeze blew through the maze, taking away the unique plants in the maze mixed with the smell of the sweat of young men and women.

Next to the tree wall, Harry held a piece of parchment in one hand and a wand in the other. From time to time, he used transfiguration to conjure the shapes of some dangerous magical animals, and used them as imaginary targets for Neville to use magic spells to deal with them. .

After Neville got rid of a fire crab, Harry stopped casting spells.

Harry wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Neville, "Well done, Neville."

Neville nodded while wiping his sweat, and at the same time kept looking around.

When practicing magic spells with a group, the most important thing is to keep an eye on all directions and listen to all directions, because you don't know when a magic spell will change its trajectory after collision or miss the mark and fly towards you.

Just now, if Neville hadn't reminded Harry in time and allowed him to dodge a curse that came from nowhere, Harry would have been petrified like Ron who didn't dodge in time not far away. .

Harry handed the parchment in his hand to Neville and read the exam contents, and the two of them studied the previous years' papers according to the contents on the parchment.

Next, Neville randomly cast spells on Harry according to the past exam questions recorded on the parchment, and Harry cast the corresponding spell-removing and defensive spells.

After the two practiced for a while, Neville and Harry sat on the grass to rest.

"Harry, what seems to be on your mind?" Neville asked Harry, who was sitting next to him.

Harry looked at Neville, then shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'm just too nervous to prepare for the exam."

Although Neville looked unbelieving, he couldn't ask any more questions. Everyone would have something on their mind, and he was not the kind of person who loved gossip. So Neville followed Harry's words and started chatting with him.

"I think you shouldn't be nervous,

Your usual grades have always been good. Neville said to Harry.

Harry curled his lips, not saying anything. With Hermione and Grandpa Gandalf here, if his homework scores were not good, he could ask Zhang Xu for an explosive pack, and then go and die with Voldemort.

So Harry didn't take up the challenge, but asked Neville: "Have you ever thought about doing anything after graduation, Neville?"

Neville raised his eyebrows after hearing Harry's question, and then said while flicking the grass on the ground with the wand in his hand: "My parents hope that I can also become an Auror."

"That's good." Harry said happily, "I also want to be an Auror, but Professor McGonagall said I need to work harder."

"I think you'll be fine." Neville looked at Harry who was beaming with joy and said, "Your Defense Against the Dark Arts exams were pretty good, and you were pretty good in Charms and Transfiguration, but you were a little worse in Potions. "

"You should be fine too," Harry said to Neville.

"But I don't really want to be an Auror." Neville said to Harry in a low mood, "You know my Herbology is pretty good. I want to work on Herbology in the future."

"Wouldn't your parents be disappointed?" Harry asked.

Every time Neville's parents were mentioned, Harry felt a dull pain in his heart.

More than two months ago, Dumbledore handed Harry a crystal ball that recorded a prophecy. After listening to the prophecy in the crystal ball, Harry knew that Voldemort had two choices at that time, himself and Neville.

At first, Harry thought in his mind whether his family would be better off if Voldemort went to Neville's house.

It was only later that Ron quietly told Harry that his mother saw the Longbottoms at St. Mungo's during last Christmas holiday when they went to the hospital for a physical examination. Only then did he know that the Longbottoms were murdered after the mysterious man disappeared. Latrix Lestrange and several other Death Eaters were tortured to the point of madness for ten years and were only cured in the past few years.

Outsiders have no way of knowing what Harry was thinking after that day, but to outsiders it seemed that he had not changed much.

Neville didn't know that Harry had so many thoughts in his mind, so he replied as usual: "My grandma said that as long as I can live a happy life, it doesn't matter whether I go to the Ministry of Magic to be an Auror or to grow herbs in the greenhouse."

The two of them just took advantage of the break to chat about their future work.

Harry was indeed worried about something tonight, but he couldn't tell Neville about it because the things he had dreamed about in his dreams had become increasingly strange recently.

He didn't know whether he was crazy or Voldemort was crazy, because one night a while ago, he saw himself biting Mr. Arthur Weasley from the perspective of a snake, and he experienced a preparation from Voldemort's perspective. At the age of sixteen, he had not yet entered the adult world.

It's just that the scene was too dark at the time, and Harry only knew that "he" was Voldemort, but not who the other party was.

As for the content of the dream that night and what happened the next morning, Harry decided to bury them deeply in his heart. No matter who it was, not even Dumbledore or Ginny, he would tell each other.

While having breakfast in the cafeteria in the morning, Harry suddenly remembered that Zhang Xu quietly mentioned that Voldemort should be living in the Malfoy family now. Then Harry looked at Malfoy sitting on Dean Snake's table, and then remembered the dream he had last night. What happened there, a ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Originally, Harry wanted to talk to Black about what he saw in other dreams last Hogsmeade week. For example, he once again saw Voldemort in his dream reading a latest book with great interest by a candle. Published "The Biography of Dumbledore". It turned out that neither Black nor Lupine were in Hogsmeade. After coming back, Harry wrote to Black, but he didn't expect that the other party never replied. Later, Ron and Hermione, who went to find Dumbledore, found that their principal was missing again.

Harry and the others were used to the frequent disappearances of the principal and other members of the Order of the Phoenix, but recently Harry felt a little uneasy, as if something was about to happen.

Just when Neville and Harry finished their rest and stood up from the grass to continue contacting each other, a sudden change occurred.

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