Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 334 Xiao Ma: Is it easy for me?

After hearing Tonks say that Fudge was taking people to Hogwarts, Zhang Xu and Dumbledore's eyes became sharp.

It's not surprising that Fudge wanted to bring down Dumbledore, but it's surprising that the methods he used were able to hide it from Dumbledore.

Now everyone knows that Fudge's position cannot be saved. As long as Voldemort shows his face in public, it will be the last two-hole socket that overwhelms Fudge.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that the people below have to be careful.

For example, Scrimgeour, who is standing next to Dumbledore, did not notify Fudge at all about tonight's actions, but instead informed Rita Skeeter. This shows that he is now starting to build momentum for himself in public opinion. He began to sever his relationship with Fudge in the media, and began to create an image of a tough guy who would never compromise with the dark wizard.

As for the presence of Dumbledore and several other ordinary citizens at tonight's operation, it is because they are eager to help.

As for another group of wizards with wrong style of painting, they will not appear in the "Daily Prophet" yet. Their appearance still needs a suitable opportunity.

Since middle-level officials like the Director of the Auror Office in the Ministry of Magic have this understanding, it is obvious what other smart people think.

It's just that a trap set by the Death Eaters was just launched tonight, and Fudge has a big move to make over there, which makes people have to think too much.

Is this because Fudge was being ordered around by Voldemort's men, or was Fudge secretly colluding with Voldemort? Everything is possible.

After Scrimgeour heard that it was about Hogwarts, he made an excuse and walked away, saying that he was not interested in Hogwarts affairs.

"I'll go back to Hogwarts first, professor." Zhang Xu thought for a moment and then said to Dumbledore, "If Fudge's actions are related to tonight's incident, I will contact you again."

Dumbledore thought for a moment and said, "Let's go back to No. 2 Grimmauld Place first. If there is an emergency, you can contact me through the fireplace."

Zhang Xu looked at Moody with a broken prosthetic leg, Blake with a bloody face, Lu Ping with a torn coat, and other members of the Order of the Phoenix. Most of the members of the Order of the Phoenix were injured now, and Dumbledore needed to sit outside.

As for Hogwarts, if Fudge wants to find Dumbledore, just wait. Anyway, when the newspaper comes out tomorrow morning, he will be able to explain why Dumbledore is not at Hogwarts tonight.

As for the Death Eaters taking this opportunity to invade Hogwarts again,

Hogwarts, which has been prepared for a long time, is waiting for them to come.

Dumbledore picked up an unidentifiable part from the explosion of the Knight Bus from the ground, cleaned it up with a spell, and then made it into a door key to return to Hogwarts.

Just when Dumbledore was about to hand the door key to Zhang Xu, he suddenly thought of something, and then said to Zhang Xu with a serious face: "If Fudge wants to remove me from the position of principal, then let Minerva take over my position. .”

Zhang Xu nodded solemnly, and then took the door key from Lao Deng's hand.

??Dividing line??

At nine o'clock in the evening, in the middle of the maze of Hogwarts, students who were practicing spells suddenly discovered that big holes appeared one after another in the surrounding tree walls, and then many people poured out of the big holes. In the blink of an eye, Surrounded them.

But when the students saw that the people surrounding them all wore Ministry of Magic Auror badges, they fell into confusion.

Practicing spells here by yourself is at best a violation of school rules. You shouldn't let the Aurors come to arrest you if you break the rules, right?

And many of the Aurors who had just appeared were also confused.

When they were on duty at the Ministry of Magic tonight, the Minister came personally and said that he would take them to investigate a big case.

In the blink of an eye, they were taken to Hogwarts by the Minister.

Immediately afterwards, they were asked by Mr. Minister to surround the open space in the center of the maze and not let anyone escape.

At first they thought that a dark wizard had sneaked into Hogwarts, and the minister was going to take them to capture the dark wizard.

As a result, they finally discovered that what Fudge asked them to surround were their pink juniors and juniors.

Like many places, working the night shift is a "privilege" for new employees, so most of the Aurors on duty at the Ministry of Magic tonight are newcomers who have only joined the job in the past two years.

Just a few years ago, Amelia Bones, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and Scrimge, Director of the Auror Office, introduced a new policy that all Hogs who had participated in the Battle of the Basilisk and the Defense of Hogsmeade would Gwarts students can be given priority to be admitted as Aurors. If they perform well in vocational training, they can graduate early and start working.

As a result, the newly joined Aurors in the past two years have all participated in the activities of the Defense Association, and most of them are recipients of the "Hogwarts Defender" medal.

Now they looked at the familiar logo of the Defense Association hanging on the tree wall, and then looked at the scene in front of them that was just like when they were still in school when everyone practiced spells together, and suddenly found that they had to deal with the juniors and former students. comrades, which put them into confusion.

One of the Aurors also asked his seventh-year girlfriend among the students what was going on today. When he started this relationship by picking up a girl who had been frightened by a basilisk and fell down in the foyer and ran to the kitchen, he never thought that he would come to Hogwarts to arrest his girlfriend. day.

At this moment, Minister of Magic Fudge came in, walked under the tree wall with the Defense Association logo, and said to the students: "Look what I found. A group of students blatantly violated the Ministry of Magic's education order. You Where does this place the authority of the Ministry of Magic?"

The students didn't speak, and just watched the performance of His Excellency the Minister quietly.

At this time, Professor McGonagall and four other deans, as well as Senior Investigator Weasley, rushed into the maze.

When Fudge saw Professor McGonagall arriving, he said to her: "Minerva, how do you think these students should be punished?"

At this time, Professor McGonagall's face turned ashen, and she only heard her say in an extremely cold voice: "I think their house points should be deducted as a punishment for them. Gryffindor will be deducted 100 points, Ravenc A hundred points for Law, a hundred points for Hufflepuff, and Slytherin..."

Although everyone trusts Professor McGonagall's character, in this situation everyone is a little afraid that she will take the opportunity to attack the Snake Yard.

Just when all the teachers and students in the Snake Academy were sweating nervously, Professor McGonagall continued: "A hundred points will be deducted from Slytherin."...

Not only the students present, but also the Aurors looked at Professor McGonagall with eyes that said, "I didn't expect you to be such a professor."

Fudge turned red with anger. He turned to Percy and asked: "Mr. Our Supreme Investigator, I remember that the Education Order of the Ministry of Magic gives you the punishment, sanctions and deprivation you have imposed on other teachers." The right to modify rights. Do you think the vice-chancellor’s decision on punishment needs to be modified?”

Percy cleared his throat and said, "I think Professor McGonagall's punishment is too light."

Fudge smiled and nodded to his young assistant, gesturing for him to continue.

Percy then said loudly: "Each house should be penalized twice as much."

Then Fudge waited for a long time and found that Percy had nothing to say. After realizing that Percy had finished speaking, his whole face turned red again, and he looked at Percy in disbelief.

If Fudge had a table in front of him right now, he would flip it into Percy's face.

For the purpose of today's action, what kind of punishment is deducting college points, and what is the difference between deducting points and not deducting them?

"I want to know, who is your organizer and why would he organize such an event?" Fudge simply stated the goals of today's action.

At this moment, Harry Potter was about to stand up, but found that his head suddenly hurt, and he also felt a little dizzy.

He didn't want to make a fool of himself at this time, so he used Occlumency, which relieved the pain on the scar.

Fudge saw that no one answered his words, so he could only continue: "The name of your current organization is D.A.? I think it should be someone's army (Ary)."

Fudge talked to such a point that no matter how stupid the students were, they could see that he was going to create an opportunity to attack the principal tonight. Everyone knows what the other names of the Defense Association are.

At this moment, an unexpected voice came from not far away.

"The name of this organization, D.A., simply means Defense Assiatin, Your Excellency."

The speaker was an Auror brought by Fudge.

At this time, many senior students who knew the inside story looked at him with suppressed smiles.

"Because I came up with the name, and Mr. Percy Weasley was present at the time," the Auror said.

Percy, who knew what the minister wanted to do, found that he was actually being dragged into the water at this moment, and his heart was filled with tears.

Fudge also didn't expect that he would be slapped in the face by the Auror he brought. He could only say to him with a dark face: "Maybe you meant that when you gave him this name. I have thought about it after so many years. The meaning may have changed.”

Hearing Fudge's strong words, the students present couldn't help but burst into an uproar.

Fudge now discovered that Dumbledore had never appeared, and there must be something fishy about it, so he felt that it was time to get to the point and end it as soon as possible.

"I wonder if any of my classmates can tell me what it really means?" Fudge said to the students, pointing to the logo of the National Defense Association.

At this time, among the students who were standing still, one student walked out with his head held high. He also wore a silver badge on his chest that few people had seen.

"Good evening, Your Excellency Minister." Draco Malfoy walked up to Fudge and bowed slightly to him and said, "As a member of the investigation team authorized by the Ministry of Magic, I think it is my obligation to tell Your Excellency, what this symbol represents.”

When Fudge saw the person who wrote the report to him appeared, he immediately said to Malfoy in a soft voice: "Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Malfoy."

Malfoy raised his magic spell and cast a spell on the flag on the tree wall: Reveal quickly!

The two letters "D.A." on the flag were deformed like a ball of silver mercury, and then formed two words.

“Dras Ary”

For a moment, the students, professors, Aurors and Fudge present were all confused.

And Xiao Ma, who was full of confidence just now, turned pale and almost transparent.

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