Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 339 The exam is coming

After dealing with Harry and other impulsive guys, Zhang Xu returned to Scarlet's dormitory. WWW.SUIMENG.lā

Just when Scarlet was about to hand over the plan to Zhang Xu, Zhang Xu, who had been following Harry's actions using the Marauder's Map 2.0, hurriedly left from the balcony.

Zhang Xu glanced through the plan, and then said to Scarlet: "This amount of money is really too big. I have to find someone to help me analyze it."

Scarlet didn't expect him to answer her now. After all, this was a matter of risking his fortune. He just said: "It doesn't matter. There is still one year to prepare for this matter."

"Are you so sure that you can make money along the way?" Zhang Xu asked curiously, "On the international financial market, the only tickets to the rooftop that are sure to make money without losing money are the only ones."

"Those in this industry can make money as long as they follow the 'trend'. The question is whether they make more or less." Scarlet said seriously, "This time I just need to pick up a little bit of meat by following those great white sharks. Mo, I have collected enough money for my daughter’s dowry.”

"Don't you want to collect the money for your son's gift?" Zhang Xu said while flipping through the plan.

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Zhang Xu stopped trying to kill himself and changed the topic: "You asked me to borrow so much money. It seems that the collateral is a little short."

"Then how about I mortgage myself to you?" Scarlet asked with a smile.

"Is this depreciation calculated based on the age of sixteen or your actual age?" Zhang Xu asked seriously.



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Next, the two ended their exchange tonight during Zhang Xu's daily practice of holding his head and squatting on defense.

After leaving Scarlet's dormitory, Zhang Xu went to the prefect's bathroom and soaked himself in the warm hot water.

There were too many things that happened today, which made Zhang Xu feel a little tired. First, he and all parties worked together to siege a Death Eater's den. Then Fudge led his people to Hogwarts and suspended Dumbledore regardless of the situation. At the same time, Voldemort set a trap for Harry and then stopped him himself. Harry, who wanted to commit suicide, finally found out that this bathroom had just been used by two young girls not long ago.

Hmm, it seems like something terrible has been mixed in.

Zhang Xu went through what happened this school year.

I found that there was basically nothing going on this year, and I had to take the L exam.

As for Dumbledore who has been suspended, Zhang Xu thinks that he does not have to worry about his old man. If Dumbledore has not resumed his job as principal when the next semester starts, Zhang Xu will change his name to "Zhang Minao".

Sure enough, the report in the Daily Prophet the next day was on Dumbledore's side.

The front page headline was "Shock!" written by Rita Skeeter. The person who assisted Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror Office, in capturing the remnants of the Death Eaters and the Werewolf Army was actually the man who had just been suspended from his post! ! ”, the front page headline was a photo of Scrimgeour and Dumbledore.

On the second page, the first news was the official news that Fudge led a team to raid Hogwarts last night and then suspended Dumbledore from his duties.

The entire report has fewer words than the description of the Knight Bus being destroyed by werewolves on the front page.

The second report on page two was Rita Skeeter's interview with Draco Malfoy.

In the report, Rita Skeeter described Xiaoma as the leader who secretly organized a defense association in order to lead the students to resist the monster in the secret room. Later, just out of youthful vanity, he called the group "Draco's Army". However, last night, he resolutely refused the unreasonable request of Minister of Magic Fudge to call this group "Dumbledore's Army" in order to frame Dumbledore, and remained uncompromising in the face of the minister's threats.

"Only the character names are correct."

This is what informed students at Hogwarts have to say about this report.

To other readers who don't know the truth, Mr. Malfoy can be regarded as a man.

Now Xiao Ma was enveloped by the rain of owls, and his two followers actually read the readers' letters loudly, completely ignoring Xiao Ma's feelings. From the two of them's point of view, this was a very embarrassing thing for Xiao Ma.

Although Xiao Ma hopes from the bottom of his heart that he will get people's attention, this is not the kind of attention he wants.

Soon, Xiao Ma got out of this embarrassing situation that almost made him want to kill someone.

But he didn't expect that the person who helped him this time was actually his old enemy-Harry Potter.

"No! Harry Potter was beaten to death by Weasley again!"

As the shouts rang out from the long table in the Lion Court, the students in the entire cafeteria looked over there.

Malfoy took advantage of this moment and quietly walked out of the cafeteria door with the readers' letters.

Seeing Harry being carried away by others, Zhang Xu sat at the long table and sighed. News came from the Order of the Phoenix early in the morning that the prophecy ball and the wooden board supporting it were missing.

It is estimated that Voldemort opened the prophecy ball just now. After hearing the contents of the prophecy ball, it is not surprising that he was so angry.

I just don't know how the Death Eaters involved in this operation will be punished.

Next, it depends on how much Voldemort values ​​​​this prophecy ball. If Voldemort insists on getting the prophecy ball, he might do something else.

But overall, there is nothing to worry about outside of the .L exam.

Recently, Zhang Xu has stopped self-study in domestic courses and passed the .L exam.

"We are preparing for the exam, are you feeling nervous?" Zhang Qiu, who was sitting next to Zhang Xu, asked.

"There's nothing to be nervous about." Zhang Xu replied with a shrug. It was just an exam, he was experienced in many battles.

"Then you still read while eating breakfast." Zhang Qiu pointed to a history of magic textbook that Zhang Xu placed on the table.

"This is just to seize the time. It does not prove that I am very nervous." Zhang Xu said.

"Are you sure about the exam? Recently, people have started selling strange things in the common room. You must not touch those things." Zhang Qiu said to Zhang Xu.

"You don't have to worry about this. I haven't been pressured to seek help for these things yet." Zhang Xu said with a smile, "What you have to worry about is when I start selling all kinds of strange things." Something.”

Zhang Qiu felt relieved after hearing this. Before coming to have breakfast this morning, she caught a student who was selling fake memory potions and took him to Professor Flitwick's office.

At first, she was worried about whether Zhang Xu would be deceived, but now she was worried about whether Zhang Xu would deceive others.

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