Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter Thirty-Six The pit dug last year has been filled this year

Eagle Academy's Defense Against the Dark Arts class is after Lion Academy.

When they were going to the classroom, Zhang Xu and others heard the students of the Lion Academy talk about the process of Harry Potter showing off his power in class.

Lockhart desperately unleashes a group of Cornish elves, who are then single-handedly picked up by fellow Harry Potter before they can cause a big mess.

It can be seen that under the training of Grandpa Gandalf in the glasses, Harry's magic level has been greatly improved.

However, the delusional Lockhart decided to do it all over again in this lesson.

"I, Gilderoy Lockhart, 3rd Class Order of Merlin, Honorary Member of the Anti-Dark Arts League, five-time Wizards Weekly Award for Most Charming Smile - but I don't talk about that, I'm not The one who exorcised Wan Lun's female ghost with a smile!"

In class, Lockhart introduced himself as usual.

Then, Lockhart handed out test papers for the reading quiz.

Zhang Xu was helpless, although there were merits in those books, he didn't have time to read them after buying them. That's not enough time to spend with my girlfriend and sister-in-law, who would read books?

After writing in a mess, Zhang Xu quietly tapped on the test paper with his magic wand, and added a confusion spell to the test paper, so that people would automatically ignore his test paper.

After collecting the test papers, Lockhart let out a round of whining after discovering that there were no students like Hermione in the Eagle Academy.

Then Lockhart took the large, cloth-covered cage from behind the podium and set it on the table.

"Now—beware! My mission is to teach you to defend yourself against the worst things the wizarding world has ever known! You will face the most terrifying things in this classroom. But remember, as long as I am here, you will not No harm will come. All I ask is that you remain calm."

Zhang Xu felt that what Lockhart said made sense. After all, many people have never encountered those dangerous magical animals once in their lives.

For ordinary wizards, they encountered more common creatures that were not very dangerous but could cause a lot of trouble.

Just like the chances of seeing cockroaches in ordinary people's homes are much higher than meeting tigers and lions running out of zoos in the street. And for some people, seeing cockroaches at home is an appearance, especially the cockroaches in the south that are as big as disposable lighters.

For a twelve-year-old child, it is normal to teach them to get rid of pests in the house.

Of course, the premise is that the professor will not be eliminated by pests.

Like Lockhart now, hiding under the podium, the chandelier was dropped by the Cornish elf and fell right on the podium.

Zhang Xu, who was sitting in the back row, used his magic wand to command a textbook to fly up, and with a "snap", he slapped a Cornish elf flying towards him like a ping pong ball.

Anthony Goldstein, Terry Boot and Michael Kona, who were sitting next to Zhang Xu, also learned from Zhang Xu, commanding the textbooks to fly up with a magic wand and using them as rackets, using the Cornish elves as ping pong ball to hit.

Seeing this, the other students followed suit and played Cornwall Poke Ball with their textbooks.

This is also due to the table tennis brought by Zhang Xugang yesterday.

After the dinner last night, according to Zhang Xu's instructions, Zhang Qiu set up two table tennis tables and took out table tennis rackets and table tennis balls.

Ping-pong tables, ping-pong paddles, and ping-pong balls aren't magic at all, they're just ordinary products.

But the gameplay is very magical. Participants can only use the wand to control the racket to play the ball, not the ball.

In this way, the requirements for the students' magic manipulation level are higher, and those with poor skills can make the racket fly to the heads of the crowd of onlookers.

The eaglets who got the new toys went crazy at that time. Except for the first-year freshmen, the other students basically walked around the table.

When Zhang Xu came back from the reading room and let everyone experience the horror from the Ping Pong World Demon City,

Everyone just went back to sleep.

You know, in China, the most important way for alchemists after the age of six to learn to control mana is to play table tennis with mana in this way, and play badminton when they are older. In addition, the alchemist world also has its own table tennis and badminton competitions, so the training Zhang Xu received in elementary school was professional in terms of mana and table tennis skills. Zhang Xu also heard that an alchemist once went to the national team to play, and the result was not bad.

With a little experience of playing last night, the students in the classroom are getting better and better. By the end of the class, there is no longer a Cornish elf flying over the classroom.

After adding 10 points in the Eagle Academy, the eaglets walked out of the classroom happily.

After dinner, Zhang Xu copied useful parts of Lockhart's book in the reading room.

Although Lockhart's book was written after his experience of robbing others, it was also something that the victims had personally experienced. The fact that the victims survived and waited until Lockhart came to the door showed how the victims coped at that time is desirable.

Therefore, after removing the chaff and saving the essence of these books, the content obtained is still very valuable.

While Zhang Xu was reading the book, an automatic quill pen next to him recorded the content on the paper.

This automatic quill pen was made by Fu Rong and given to Zhang Xu after hearing that she was not used to using quill pens.

At this time, the Harry trio found Zhang Xu.

The reason they were looking for Zhang Xu was Ron's wand.

Ron's wand was nearly snapped in two by the Whomping Willow, with only a few splinters of wood attached. If the wand has health, the wand now has only 1 health left. Although Ron taped it up with magic tape, it was barely usable.

Zhang Xu looked at the wand, and told Ron that it could not be completely repaired, and after repairing it, it would only last this semester, and he had to buy a new one next semester.

What else could Ron do? fix it.

Zhang Xu said that the adhesive used to bond the wand needs to be boiled for a week.

What else could Ron do? wait.

As a result, Ron suffered a disaster before his wand was repaired.

On Saturday morning, the Quidditch teams from the Lions and Snakes played. The reason is that when the members of the Snake Academy were showing off their new broomsticks to the Lion Academy, Malfoy, who became the laughingstock of the academy because his father was beaten to the ground by Hermione's father, severely insulted Hermione and set the group on fire. The fuse of the rack. When Ron cast a spell on Malfoy, it hit him and made him vomit slugs for a day.

The next day, the adhesive for repairing the wand was boiled, and Ron took his broken wand to the reading room to find Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu, who was gluing the wand, saw Ron protruding from the seat with two slugs and went into a rage.

After disposing of the slug spit out by Ron, Zhang Xu asked Ron to go to the school infirmary first, and then sent it there after he repaired the wand himself.

After Ron drank the potion amid Madam Pomfrey's preaching, Zhang Xu brought over the repaired wand.

At this time, there was a noise outside the door of the school doctor's office.

Two girls carried a little red-haired girl in. The little red-haired girl seemed to be seriously injured, the robe on her body was torn, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth.

Looking at Ginny who was injured and unconscious, Zhang Xu suddenly remembered something that he had never thought of.

When I went to dismantle the basilisk parts in the secret room last year, the magic trap buried in the tunnel in front of the secret room just in case was not dismantled when I left.

At that time, I had IFF magic items on my body and stepped on the magic traps, and I was too excited after getting the parts of the basilisk, and I was in a hurry to send them away, so I didn’t dismantle those magic traps, and then I forgot about it. up.

The result is that Ginny is now cheated.

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