The air suddenly fell into silence. Everyone knew some things, but just tacitly understood them. ◢Щщш.sUimEnG.lā But when it was suddenly exposed, it only brought endless embarrassment.

Fortunately, Dumbledore ignored this and announced the things to pay attention to this school year.

After Dumbledore announced that the dinner was over, the students walked out of the cafeteria and towards their common room.

When they first walked to the foyer, Zhang Xu and the others met the Harry trio.

Zhang Xu walked up to Ron, patted him on the shoulder, and said to him in a very heavy tone: "Isn't it good to be alive?"

Before Ron could react, Zhang Xu walked away.

The next moment, Anthony Goldstein patted Ron on the shoulder like Zhang Xu did and said in a sad tone: "You are indeed a brave Gryffindor."

Immediately afterwards, Michael Corner came over and imitated the previous two, patted Ron on the shoulder and said to him: "You are just too honest. What are you talking about?"

Finally, Terry Butt also patted Ron on the shoulder and said, "Eat more good food lately."

After the guy from the Eagle Court played tricks on Ron, he walked to his common room without looking back, leaving only Ron standing there with a confused look on his face.

Along the way, many students were discussing the truth that Ron just told. After all, the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is too evil. So far, no one has been able to be re-elected, and in recent years, half of the inductees have not. Good ending.

Fortunately, none of the students at Hogwarts like gambling, otherwise there would be students who would start gambling to follow suit.

Zhang Xu returned to the common room while discussing Snape's "tragic future" with Anthony and the others.

But when they entered the common room, they noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere. ..

Zhang Xu looked around and saw that the source of the low pressure in the common room was a table of sixth grade girls.

Zhang Xu and Anthony walked over and found Padma Patil, the sixth-grade female prefect, sitting among several girls with her head lowered.

"What's wrong, Padma?" Zhang Xu asked, "What happened?"

Padma raised her head to look at Zhang Xu.

Then he said in a very sad tone: "My family believes that Britain is no longer safe, and they plan to take my sister and me home."

After Zhang Xu and the others heard this, they could only sigh.

Then Zhang Xu said to her in a firm tone: "Don't worry, as long as Professor Dumbledore is here, we will be safe at Hogwarts."

Padma and the other girls' expressions improved slightly after hearing Dumbledore's name.

However, some Ravenclaw students still understood another meaning in Zhang Xu's words: If Dumbledore dies, everyone should run away.

As for whether Dumbledore would die, it is estimated that except for a very few people in Hogwarts, no one else has seriously considered it.

The students all followed Zhang Xu’s words:

"With Professor Dumbledore here we are naturally safe."

"I think Professor Dumbledore can be Headmaster for another fifty years."

"Even if something happens to Professor Snape, Professor Dumbledore will be fine."

Padma glanced at Zhang Xu and was about to say something, but after looking at the classmates around her, she chose to shut up.

"Is there anything else, Padma?" Zhang Xu noticed her abnormality and asked her.

Padma delayed for a second, and then replied: "Are you okay, Zhang?"

At this time, the surrounding students all cast inquiring glances at Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu just replied calmly: "It's not a big problem. It's just that I need to rest for a long time in the next period of time, so I can't be too nervous."

After hearing that Zhang Xu had no major problems, the students were relieved.

After chatting for a few words, Zhang Xu returned to his dormitory in Yingyuan to rest.

After returning to his dormitory, Zhang Xu took out a bottle of potion and drank it in one breath.

After Zhang Xu took off his robe and put on his pajamas, he suddenly thought of something, so he shouted "Dobby" to the empty space in the room.

After a "pop" sound, Dobby appeared in Zhang Xu's bedroom.

"Go and tell Peeves, Nick and the Fat Friar that they will pay close attention to Draco Malfoy's actions from today on. This matter must be kept secret." Zhang Xu said to Dobby, "If there is anything strange about him Please notify me as soon as possible of your actions. If you are unable to notify me, please notify Professor Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall."

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, Dobby bowed to Zhang Xu and then disappeared with a "pop" sound.

The biggest variable in this school year is Draco Malfoy, but how to deal with him depends on Dumbledore's wishes.

After arranging this matter, Zhang Xu got into bed and went to sleep.

A night of silence.

The next morning, after breakfast, Zhang Xu came to the ancient magic text classroom.

The N.E.Ts course is different from previous courses. Only students whose Ls scores meet the requirements of the professor can take the course.

Therefore, there are many fewer students in N.E..Ts courses than before. Basically, students from four colleges take classes together.

In the ancient magic text course, there are even fewer students taking N.E.Ts courses.

Last school year, Professor Babuling asked Zhang Xu to continue choosing his own courses this school year.

Although Zhang Xu had no intention of giving up this course, he was still a little curious about Professor Babuling's requirements.

The ancient magic text class in sixth grade is no longer on the same level of difficulty as it was in previous years.

In the first three years, the main content taught in the class was how to translate magic texts. Starting from this year, Professor Babling began to teach students how to use magic texts to "compile" magic.

In Zhang Xu's view, learning ancient magic texts and learning computer languages ​​are similar.

After the class ended, Zhang Xu was left behind by Professor Babuling.

Professor Babuling said to Zhang Xu: "Zhang, you are my student who has the best grasp of ancient magic texts in the past few years."

"Although I heard from Professor Flitwick that the job you are going to do in the future has nothing to do with my course, I hope you can study ancient runes as a pastime or a way to pass the time in your spare time."

Looking at Zhang Xu who looked confused, Professor Babuling explained: "So far, the research and use of ancient magic texts have gone through thousands of years, and now its development has entered a bottleneck period. In recent years, the research and use of ancient magic texts has entered a bottleneck period. The research on ancient magic texts has not published results that have made great strides in development. Therefore, we place our hope on the leaders who have achieved success in other fields, hoping that they can give ancient magic texts new vitality from a new perspective."

Seeing Professor Babuling's sincere eyes, Zhang Xu nodded and agreed to her.

Anyway, it's not that he needs to change his career. If he just uses his imagination to reinterpret ancient magic texts in his spare time, Zhang Xu thinks he can still accept it.

After all, Zhang Xu was taking this class to kill time, and he didn't have any high requirements for grades. The "Ls" grade he got was purely due to his talent and intelligence, so he could use it as a pastime in the future.

After seeing Zhang Xu agree, Professor Babuling handed him a book.

After Zhang Xu took the book, he found "Runes - From Getting Started to Giving Up" written on the cover.

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