Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 361: An existence more terrifying than Voldemort

Zhang Xu is now very lucky to have found Professor McGonagall today. If Professor McGonagall hadn't come forward to resolve this matter, who knows what would have happened to Zhang Xu's innocence. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

Less than ten minutes after the Petil sisters left, there was another knock on the door of Zhang Xu’s dormitory.

This time it was Harry Potter and his party of four.

After seeing Harry take out the old textbook, Zhang Xu knew what they were looking for.

"Well, do you have any questions about potions that you want to ask me?" Zhang Xu asked knowingly.

Harry opened the textbook, placed it on the coffee table, then pointed to the notes on the side pages and asked, "Zhang, were some of the notes here written by you?"

Zhang Xu glanced at the line that Harry pointed at, "Using a pressure cooker to heat can reduce the heating time by about 75%", then nodded and said, "Yes, some of it was written by me."

"It's you!" Harry shouted in surprise.

"It's me, what's wrong?" Zhang Xu asked curiously.

"Thank you!" Harry said to Zhang Xu, "Without your help, I would not have received Professor Slughorn's reward today."

"I didn't help much with the Living Hell Decoction today," Zhang Xu waved his hand and said, "I think the other person taking notes in the book will be more helpful to you."

"Do you know who the other person is?" Ron asked expectantly.

"I don't know." Zhang Xu shook his head and said, "After I got Professor Snape's permission to look through the old textbooks in the classroom, I accidentally found this book "Advanced Potion Making"."

"After I discovered the note above, I also asked Professor Snape who owned this book before."

When Harry heard Snape's name, he couldn't help but curl his lips.

Zhang Xu pretended not to see it and continued: "Professor Snape said after reading this textbook that he didn't know which previous student's textbook it was. He only knew that judging from the notes on the book, this student should He is a genius in potions!"

Back then, Zhang Xu asked Snape this question with the idea of ​​causing trouble, but was fooled by Snape's boastfulness.

"From this point of view,

You are also a genius in potions. Ron said looking at Zhang Xu with envy.

"I'm not a genius." Zhang Xu said, "In terms of potions, I just benefited from the family inheritance."

At this moment, the door to the dormitory was pushed open, and someone walked into the dormitory.

"But you are also very strong in other aspects," Ron continued to say enviously, "You have always been very good at transfiguration and charms."

"That's because you didn't see how much he sweated in a place where no one was around." Zhang Qiu, who had just walked into the dormitory, said after listening to Ron's words.

"Since first grade, he has been running to the Room of Requirement to practice his spells almost every night, and then running to the kitchen to get food every night after he was exhausted."

"It took me a lot of effort to track him down and find out why he left the common room every night and whether he was going on a date with a girl."

"These are all things of the past, aunt." Zhang Xu said to Zhang Qiu who just walked in.

I saw Zhang Qiu holding a thermos bottle and placing it next to Zhang Xu, and then said: "This is your medicine tonight. Remember to drink it on time."

This was the first time Harry and the others had heard this in so many years, and they were a little surprised for a moment.

After all, in the first grade, Harry's trio and Zhang Xu were not very familiar with each other. When Harry and the others went to clear the Quirrell dungeon, they never thought of calling Zhang Xu.

"Zhang, how did you become so strong now?" Ron asked.

"As long as you are not afraid of death." Zhang Xu said, "Actually, my strength is not as exaggerated as you think, it's just that I am not afraid of death in battle. When you are not afraid of death, people will become calmer, so You can fight with your brain, so that you can use your best strength in the battle."

At this moment, a paper crane carrying a message flew in from the living room window and landed in front of Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu opened it, read it, and then replied.

After replying to the letter, Zhang Xu picked up the medicine that Zhang Qiu had just brought and drank it in a few sips.

Although Harry and the others still had many questions to ask Zhang Xu, they only remembered that Zhang Xu was still half a patient after seeing Zhang Xu drinking the medicine that Zhang Qiu brought just now. So they greeted each other, and Zhang Xu asked them to pack up all the Indian snacks they had just prepared for the twin sisters and take them away.

The twin sisters were preoccupied just now and were not in the mood to eat snacks at all. However, Zhang Xu and Professor McGonagall were a little averse to the overly sweet Indian snacks, so they gave Harry and the others an advantage.

"Sorry to trouble you." Zhang Xu said to Zhang Qiu.

The medicine Zhang Xu just drank was made with Zhang Qiu's help. The prescriptions and medicinal materials were brought from China. Zhang Xu's family troubled Zhang Qiu to urge Zhang Xu to drink the medicine on time every day.

As the saying goes, good medicine tastes better than Laoshan White Snake Grass Water, but Zhang Xu is sometimes like a child who would rather recover slowly than drink medicine, so he can only leave some things to Zhang Qiu.

"How is your health now?" Zhang Qiu asked worriedly.

"It's basically fine," Zhang Xu said. "Except for some insomnia and palpitations, there are basically no other problems."

"Then don't be tired." Zhang Qiu said to Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu nodded in agreement, and Zhang Qiu left after sitting for a while.

After Zhang Qiu left, Zhang Xu walked into the study, sat at the desk, picked up the "Tianli 38 Sets of Physics" next to him and started to answer questions.

There is not much time left for Zhang Xu now. In ten months, Zhang Xu will face the college entrance examination that is more terrifying than Voldemort!

If you can't defeat Voldemort, you can still run away, but in front of the college entrance examination, Zhang Xu can't run away no matter what.

Over the years, Zhang Xu has been preparing for the college entrance examination by relying on self-study and resting on his laurels. However, the current situation seems not to be optimistic. There are not big problems in the magic class, but the problems faced by the cultural class are not small. During the summer vacation, he brushed aside this year's The college entrance examination questions, but he found that if he didn't hurry up, he might overturn next year.

This year, Zhang Xu resigned from his position as acting professor. Why didn't he take the opportunity to get rid of his baggage, travel lightly, and go all out to prepare for the college entrance examination?

Zhang Xu is ready to give up his Hogwarts courses this year to save his career. Anyway, the blame for his declining grades can be placed on Voldemort's head.

In the foreseeable next ten months, Zhang Xu will be the most miserable protagonist among all "Harry Potter" fans.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, after Zhang Xu finished a set of questions, he stretched himself, left the study and walked towards the bedroom.

When he came to the balcony of the bedroom, someone was already waiting for him.

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