Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 371 Standing still and waiting for help

Zhang Xu looked warily at the dementors surrounding him, while taking out his cell phone and pressing the call button.

There was good news and bad news on the phone.

The good news is that reinforcements are nearby, but the bad news is that there are too many Dementors around, making it difficult to attack them in a short period of time.

"So how long should I hold on?" Zhang Xu asked.

The other end of the phone said: "If we just rush in and rescue you, it will take less than five minutes. If we want to eliminate all these guys, we need fifteen minutes to prepare. At that time, we will need your cooperation to coordinate internal and external cooperation and central control." Blossom, flank attack..."

Zhang Xu listened to the arrangements for the reinforcements, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Zhang Xu wiped the cold sweat on his head and said: "Chief, you want to think of this place as Meng Lianggu, and you want to think of me as Zhang Lingfu."

"Don't worry, we are not Li Tianxia." said the other end of the phone.

"Okay, then I'll stick around and wait for help."

Anyway, there is no Gundam in Dementors. After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he closed his phone.

Since the dementors left Azkaban to follow Voldemort, they, like giants and werewolves, have been used by Voldemort as a tool to create terror.

Voldemort treated them like huskies, threw them outside and left them alone. Anyway, all Voldemort needs is the terror they create, and he ignores everything else.

In the eyes of Voldemort, even half-blood wizards are not worthy of being on the stage. Those werewolves who are not even human beings, including dementors, giants and half-humans and half-monsters, are just tools like pots and pans in his eyes.

In recent times, the dementors, which have continued to multiply and expand their population, have caused great trouble to both wizards and Muggles. They have regarded the island of Great Britain as their hunting ground.

However, Mr. Zhang seized this huge business opportunity. Back then he discovered that door gods could resist dementors, so this time he teamed up with Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes to sell the newly developed European medieval style door gods. , and made a lot of gold coins in a short time.

At the same time, the elimination of Dementors on the island of Great Britain has become an important task for the Ministry of Magic, and even a large reward has been offered.

Zhang Xu saw that the fog in the woods was getting thicker.

It can be seen that there are more and more dementors inside. He felt strange why the dementors found them, and there was a tendency for more and more dementors to gather. He wanted to talk to the dementor leader who had eaten the takeaway he delivered, but it never showed up.

Harry's face became paler and paler at this point, and he was now relying on his own willpower to hold on. Malfoy had already fallen down and could only tremble on the ground.

There are too many Dementors around, and some magics such as Mechanized Mind are of little use.

Zhang Xu looked at Harry and then asked him: "Harry, can you buy me a minute later? I won't be able to maintain the Patronus Charm by then."

Harry looked at the situation around him and said, "I'll try my best."

Zhang Xu can't put too high demands on him. If his patron saint runs around everyone, it's not impossible to hold on for one minute.

Then Zhang Xu said to Malfoy: "Can you stand up? If not, we may leave you behind later?"

When Malfoy on the ground heard this, he immediately got up from the ground and stood up, fearing that Zhang Xu and Harry would really throw him down.

Just when Zhang Xu and the others were about to take action, a particularly tall dementor suddenly walked out of the woods and walked towards Zhang Xu and the others.

After it got closer, Zhang Xu discovered that this guy was the dementor leader who had eaten a lot of his takeaways back then.

It's just that I haven't seen it for a while, and its figure has actually grown a lot. It seems that those takeaways are quite nourishing.

Just when Zhang Xu was about to say hello to the leader of the Dementors who floated over, Harry's patron saint, the stag, suddenly rushed towards the Dementors.

Zhang Xu glanced at Harry, who looked panicked next to him, and could only sigh secretly in his heart.

It was too stressful for Harry tonight, it was good that he wasn't as overwhelmed as Malfoy was. So just now he was under pressure and didn't notice Zhang Xu's hint not to make the first move. He took the lead and pushed the dementor leader away.

Now that the matter has come to this, there is nothing to talk about and we can only continue to work.

Back then, Zhang Xu had once wiped out the Dementors once on the Quidditch pitch. At that time, except for Harry, who turned into a kite and was blown away by the wind, all the teachers and students in the school saw the golden storm that Zhang Xu released, swatting away mosquitoes like electric mosquitoes. Killed a lot of dementors.

Although Zhang Xu lay in bed for a while afterwards, few people knew about it, so he gave Malfoy a lot of confidence.

Malfoy, who was not as strong as Zhang Xu and Harry, was already on the verge of collapse. If Zhang Xu hadn't been accumulating power for a long time, Pony would have called for reinforcements.

Malfoy, who was standing there thinking about something, suddenly felt someone patting him on the shoulder. After his whole body trembled, he saw that it was Zhang Xu patting him.

Then Zhang Xu smiled and said to Malfoy: "Don't worry, your first kiss will not be given to a dementor."

For a moment, Malfoy didn't know how to answer Zhang Xu's words, so he could only blush and turn his head and ignore Zhang Xu.

As for Harry, who was already laughing out loud, Malfoy said that he should write it down in his account first.

Zhang Xu looked at the Dementors that started to drift toward him, then turned to Harry and Malfoy and said, "Okay, you two can hold on for a minute, and then we're ready to finish."

The dementors began to take action, and Zhang Xu also started work ahead of schedule.

Harry and Malfoy's mouths twitched when they saw Zhang Xu take out a beautifully decorated wand as tall as a person.

At this time, all Zhang Xu's patron saints disappeared, and the dementors floated over a little faster.

Harry hurriedly released his Patronus again, and then let it run in circles around him, driving away the approaching Dementors.

Dementors are not as friendly when they suck people as they are when they suck cats. They will die when they suck enough people.

So Malfoy could only improvise and learn the Patronus Charm from Harry on the spot, but it turned out to be of no use. If the Patronus Charm were so easy to learn, Dementors wouldn't be used as prison guards by the Ministry of Magic.

At this time, Zhang Xu, who was concentrating on preparing spells, did not create a golden storm to drive away the dementors like he did on the Quidditch pitch. Today, he only needed to prevent the dementors from breaking through his defensive circle.

Harry directed his patron saint to keep driving away the closer and closer dementors, while paying attention to Zhang Xu's spellcasting.

He saw golden light beginning to gather at the top of Zhang Xu's extra-large wand, and at the same time he heard Zhang Xu reciting a spell in Chinese.

"With little strength and heavy responsibilities, the spirit will be exhausted. If we continue to exhaust ourselves and become mediocre, we will no longer be able to survive."


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