Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter Thirty-eight I can help you so much, come on

The curative effect of the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine was good, and Ginny was discharged from the hospital after staying in the school infirmary for five days.

After Ginny woke up on the second morning of her injury, Dumbledore asked her about the situation, but Ginny, who was pale, kept shaking her head and said she didn't know.

Dumbledore only thought that she was too frightened and temporarily lost her memory.

After the students knew that Ginny had accidentally strayed into the secret passage and got injured, they dared not walk near the wall for a while.

The twin brothers spent the whole night looking for the secret path that caused their sister to be injured with the Marauder's Map.

Feeling guilty, Zhang Xu could only make up for Ginny from other places.

After Ginny woke up, Zhang Xu kicked classmate Harry to take care of Ginny.

At that time Zhang Xu grabbed Harry.

"Harry, is Mr. Weasley treating you well?"

Harry nodded.

"Is Mrs. Weasley treating you like a son?"

Harry nodded.

"So is there something you should do to repay Mr. and Mrs. Weasley?"

Harry nodded.

"Now Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's beloved Ginny is injured. Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley can't take care of Ginny in person, so you should help them take care of Ginny, isn't it right?"

Harry nods... his head. When Harry realized it, he was already standing in front of Ginny's hospital bed with his lunch in hand.

Ginny on the hospital bed was as red as her hair at the moment.

Ginny remembered what Zhang Xu said to herself after Madam Pomfrey checked herself when she woke up this morning.

"Ginny, do you like Harry?"

Ginny blushed and bowed her head.

"Do you want to be Harry's girlfriend?"

Ginny lowered her head lower.

"You can't hide it from me. You look at Harry the way my girlfriend looks at me."

Ginny covered her face.

"If you really like Harry, you must have the courage to confess. Show the courage of Gryffindor and speak out boldly. If you don't even dare to confess, what qualifications do you have to say that you like him?"

Ginny covered her face and nodded.

"I'll ask Harry to bring you meals these days."

Ginny looked up in surprise.

"Remember that your hands are seriously injured now and you can't move."

Ginny ⊙v⊙!

"Let Harry feed you then."

Ginny OvO!

"Listen to me, you're right! How can I say that I chased down Beauxbaton's school belle? You saw her in Diagon Alley the other day, right? If my method is not powerful, how could I be able to kill her in just a few days?" Chasing her down?"

Ginny nodded thoughtfully.

"There's only so much I can help you with, come on, young man."

Just as the two young men in the ward were looking at each other with blushing faces, a group of people in the office next to them were looking at the two through a mirror the size of an A4 paper.

This mirror was used by Madam Pomfrey to observe the ward in her office.

At noon today, Madam Pomfrey went to the greenhouse to pick herbs, and Zhang Xu volunteered to take over from her to take care of Ginny.

Then it became what it is now.

The instigator, Zhang Xu, was sitting in front of the table with the mirror, and Zhang Qiu and Hermione sat on both sides to watch the gossip. The twin brothers grinned and looked at the mirror, while one grabbed the hand of Ron who wanted to rush over the next door, the other covered Ron's mouth who wanted to shout, and Ron struggled to run to the ward. Percy still stood behind with a serious face while grabbing Ron's other hand.

Half an hour later, when Harry was helping Ginny wipe her mouth after lunch, Madam Pomfrey returned, and the group left with regret.

In the days that followed, Harry had question marks in his mind about the few people who often smirked at him, and Ron, who always lost his temper with him.

Then Zhang Xu's life became normal again. Regular classes, regular meals, regular letters to Sister Fleur and other friends of Beauxbatons and Nicole Flamel. Before going to bed at night, I will play two sets of table tennis with my classmates in the common room, so that they can feel the horror from the Eastern Demon King City.

The only thing that has changed is that Zhang Xu joined the Quidditch team of the Eagle Academy.

Since Zhang Xu's performance in all positions is good, he has become a super substitute in the team, and whoever is absent will fill in the position.

In such a peaceful atmosphere, a ghost found Zhang Xu.

When "Almost Headless" Nick appeared in front of Zhang Xu and greeted him, Zhang Xu was stunned. Since he beat up Peeves last semester and turned into a ghost again, the ghosts in the school dare not talk to Zhang Xu.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang." Nick said.

"Hi, Nick. What's the matter?"

Nick struggled a bit on his face, and said, "Mr. Zhang, I have something I want to ask you for help."

Nick raised his head as he spoke, showing Zhang Xu his almost severed neck.

"Forty-four blows to the neck with a blunt ax. I wish more than anyone that it would be done cleanly, and that my head be completely and utterly severed, I mean, that would spare me a great deal of pain , and will not be laughed at.”

Then Nick produced a transparent letter, shook it open, and read angrily: "We can only accept hunters whose heads are separated from their bodies. You will be fully aware that if this is not the case, members will not be able to Participate in Hunters events such as back and head shots. I therefore regret to inform you that you do not qualify for us. Regards, Mr. Patrick Debord."

Nearly Headless Nick tucked the letter into his clothes angrily.

"Only a little bit of skin and tendons are attached to my neck, Mr. Zhang! Most people would think that this is actually the same as losing the head. But no, in the eyes of Mr. Debomo, who has completely lost his head, this not enough."

Nick took a few deep breaths, and then said in a much calmer tone: "Then, Mr. Zhang, can you cut off my neck completely?"

After Nick finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Xu anxiously, for fear that Zhang Xu would refuse.

Zhang Xu thought for a while and replied: "Nick, are you sure that after cutting off your neck completely, it will not cause you great harm? For example, your body or head will disappear."

Hearing that Zhang Xu did not refuse, Nick said happily: "No, no! Mr. Zhang, we ghosts maintain our bodies by our own consciousness. When using magic to destroy parts of our bodies, if our Consciously thinking that this part of our body is going to be lost forever, so we lose this part of our body. If consciously thinking that we are going to die, then the ghost will die. More importantly, we mean that we are all wearing clothes, That's why we're wearing clothes, otherwise..."

The corners of Zhang Xu's mouth twitched, otherwise this scene would be enough to kill Harry Potter.

Raindrops the size of bullets crackled on the windows of the castle. Harry returned from training and returned to Gryffindor Castle. He was drenched and covered in mud.

The preoccupied Harry was walking in the empty corridor, and suddenly he saw the ghost of Gryffindor Castle—"Almost Headless" Nick was talking to Zhang Xu, one person and one ghost said at the same time , while nodding.

Just as Harry was about to go up to greet them, he saw Nick lift his head up, exposing the little bit of his neck.

Then Zhang Xu seemed to have wrapped something on the wand, and saw a flash of white light, and he stretched out his wand and swiped it across Nick's neck.

Then Nick let go of his hand, and his head fell to the ground in his hand.

Harry walked forward dumbfounded, looking at Nick who was happily holding his head up, and Zhang Xu who had just brushed off his clothes.

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