Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 373: The Dementors are finished

As the saying goes, if you don't listen to the advice of the elderly, you will suffer the consequences. At Hogwarts, sometimes if you don't stop talking about someone, you will suffer the consequences later.

Of course, there are many people who are not afraid of death, such as Harry who wears glasses that enter the sunglasses state to see what will happen next.

What happened next left Harry stunned. The dementors in the light wall were flying around like flies.

After they had no hope of breaking through the light wall outside, they began to turn around and crash into Zhang Xu and the others inside.

Within a minute, the protective shield controlled by Zhang Xu shrank to less than two meters in diameter.

The dementor that crashed into the shield failed to break through the defense, but came face to face with Harry.

Facing the dementor's distorted face at almost zero distance, Harry was so frightened that he screamed.

After Xiaoma, who had closed his eyes obediently, heard Harry's cry, he opened his eyes curiously, and then he saw a dementor "pop" in front of him.

This time it was Xiaoma's turn to be so frightened that he sat on the ground again.

Now Zhang Xu no longer has the energy to pay attention to the two of them. As long as the two of them don't rush out and kill someone, it will be fine.

The space for the dementors to move became smaller and smaller. They were struggling like the fish in the fishing net, trying to knock out a hole in the surrounding net to escape.

But they have no chance. The encirclement is getting tighter and tighter, and the last moment is coming.

Next, there was a flash of golden light, and Harry and Malfoy's eyes went dark. Stimulated by the bright light, the two of them were temporarily blinded.

Then the two of them heard the constant "crack" sound coming from all around, which was the sound of dementors exploding in the air.

At this time, the protective shield controlled by Zhang Xu changed from passive defense. After accumulating enough power, the energy contained in it suddenly exploded and surged around like a tsunami.

The same goes for the golden wall of light outside, crashing towards the Dementor in the middle like a tide.

With almost no room for action, and being attacked from both sides, the Dementors could only be annihilated in the positive energy that was opposite to its own energy.

This spectacular scene cannot be hidden from the residents of nearby towns and tourists camping nearby.

A huge wave composed of golden light that was taller than the trees swept around, and then continued to become thinner until it completely disappeared into the air.

Naturally, this situation cannot be hidden from the relevant British departments. Bear Grylls and the others conducted a careful survey after arriving at the scene, and the final results made them relieved.

The town and surrounding camping grounds were attacked by a horde of dementors tonight, and residents and visitors were suddenly plunged into painful flashbacks.

Then these dementors were attracted by something unknown, and the dementors in the entire forest park gathered in the woods not far away.

In the end, these dementors were wiped out in one fell swoop, as if they had encountered natural enemies.

Part of the golden energy that eliminated the dementors swept through the town. The residents of the town were infected by the positive, optimistic and enterprising mood of the golden energy, and the entire town became victorious for a while.

The person involved had already left before the government personnel arrived, and they left a mark to let the other party know who they were.

Harry and Malfoy, who were temporarily blind, knew that the reinforcements just came from the wizards from their country called by Zhang Xu, and now they also knew that they were under each other's protection.

Just the smell of the sea water he smelled when breathing and the sound of the waves around him made Harry unsure of where he was for a moment.

Harry was just about to ask where he was when he heard Malfoy ask: "Where are we now?"

I came here for a while and no one answered.

At this point Harry replied: "I think we're at sea. Is there anyone here just yet?"

At this moment, footsteps sounded beside them, and then Zhang Xu's voice came from the direction of the footsteps: "We are at the mouth of the Thames River, on one of the fortresses planned to be built by the Meinsel Marine Fortress. It's safe here."

"I have just contacted Professor Dumbledore. We will return to Hogwarts early tomorrow morning. After Madam Pomfrey has treated you, you can still catch up for breakfast."

"The sofa you are sitting on now can allow you to take a nap. You go to sleep first and call me if you need anything."

"That's good." Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

As a result of his own suicide, he can no longer see, making him extremely insecure.

He didn't care what plans or fortresses he had, as long as he knew that he would be able to return to Hogwarts soon, the stone in his heart would fall to the ground.

Malfoy had the same idea. As long as he could return to Hogwarts, everything would be easy.

Then Zhang Xu fumbled around in a closet and dug out two damp blankets and two pillows. After cleaning them, he threw them to the two of them.

Zhang Xu gave them a few more instructions and left, leaving Harry and Malfoy to lie down on the sofa alone.

Perhaps what happened tonight consumed so much of their energy that they fell asleep not long after they lay down.

During World War II, Britain built many sea fortresses at the estuaries of the Thames and Moses Rivers to resist German invasion. Later, these forts were abandoned and used by some people for other purposes. During this operation, they secretly occupied a building and used it as a safe house.

Not far from the room where Harry and the rest were resting was the restaurant of the original Sea Fortress.

In the restaurant, Zhang Xu was chatting with a few big guys who had little red riding hoods with "Sunset Red Tour Group" printed on them on the table in front of them.

"So, we are taking care of the Dementors today to sell them well to the British side?" Zhang Xu asked in surprise.

"After all, we just burned a house on someone else's land not long ago, so we have to do something good for the owner." The person sitting opposite Zhang Xu said.

Zhang Xu didn't have any other ideas for this answer. He was now from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Security, and the other party was from the military. Our systems are different. We can cooperate when necessary, but their planned actions are for the country. It was planned and arranged, but I couldn’t say anything about it. Zhang Xu also knew that trouble started from talking too much, so he suppressed his thirst for knowledge and changed the topic.

"Uncle Liu, does my classmate without glasses look familiar to you?" Zhang Xu asked an upright middle-aged man sitting diagonally across from him.

Zhang Xu had just informed them of the information about the terrorist attack that occurred at the Ministry of Magic Awards Night tonight. He had finished talking about other official matters, and the next step was to pass the time with small talk.

The middle-aged man named Liu thought for a moment and then said, "When you say that, it does seem familiar."

"In Hong Kong, his father was pushed to the ground and beaten by you and my father," Zhang Xu said.

"Oh, I remembered it when you said that," Uncle Liu suddenly realized, "No wonder he looks familiar to him. By the way, does he know that his house was burned down by us?"

"I don't know." Zhang Xu shrugged and said, "What if he knows?"

"Anyway, it was those idiots who suggested the burning of the house. He wanted revenge and asked him to go to Lubyanka Square." Uncle Liu said nonchalantly.

"That's right!" Uncle Liu suddenly remembered something and asked Zhang Xu: "That big girl we rescued in Hong Kong back then, I heard that she is also a teacher in your school now?"

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