Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 379: One day Snape wants to chop someone off, it’s not for no reason

Rita Skeeter had guessed the reason behind her month-long stay in St. Mungo's Hospital, so after she was discharged, she kept an eye on the Ministry of Magic looking for trouble. Today was a day for Hogwarts students to come to Hogsmeade to relax. She had a keen sense of smell and went to the village early in the morning to look for big news. The method she used today was to follow a team of young Aurors on patrol, because young people are prone to making mistakes, and any mistake would be big news.

Rita Skeeter, who was in a state of excitement, had now caught a piece of news that could be big or small. If she made this news a big deal, Malfoy would probably have a difficult life in the future.

At this moment, the Aurors' magic walkie-talkie received a report that students at Hogwarts had been attacked, requiring the Aurors to immediately rush to the commercial street where the students were concentrated.

The three Aurors regarded the confrontation between Zhang Xu and Malfoy as a fight between students, so they didn't take it seriously.

Then Rita Skeeter left immediately with the three Aurors. Standing in the alley, Malfoy, who had been put aside, breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his head.

After wiping his sweat, Malfoy suddenly realized that Zhang Xu had not left, but was still standing in the same position, looking at him with a puzzled expression.

Just when Malfoy clenched his wand and was on guard, Zhang Xu said to him, "Why are you so stupid?"

"I..." Malfoy was about to refute, but suddenly found that he didn't know how to refute, because he was not sure what Zhang Xu was saying now, and if he couldn't explain it, it might become a cover-up.

Although Zhang Xu was prepared for what happened today, on the day of the incident, the development of the incident still made him feel strange. Because he remembered that the pony had a perfect alibi in the "plot", and today on the way to Hogsmeade, he saw the pony in the distance. So after the crime occurred, he ran to the scene to look for clues. As a result, he blocked the pony immediately.

Zhang Xu didn't think that he had an aura of subduing intelligence. Voldemort would be able to pull cannon fodder, stage ambushes, and tie up trains. There was no reason why Xiao Ma's brain was so hard to use.

"Be smarter next time." After Zhang Xu said that, he turned and left.

Ignoring Pony, whose legs were weak and sitting on the ground sweating coldly, Zhang Xu went to the Three Broomsticks bar to kill time.

As for what to do with the pony, that's Dumbledore's business, and he won't do it for him. After meeting Lao Deng by chance in front of the girls' bathroom that day, Zhang Xu was convinced that Xiao Ma's every move was under Lao Deng's control.

Because of the bad weather today, many students returned to Hogwarts early, so there were fewer customers in the bar than usual.

Zhang Xu chose a table away from Neville, who was complaining to his friends, and called the landlady to order a glass of sherry.

When the landlady brought the wine, Zhang Xu greeted her: "You look good today, Ms. Rosmerta."

"But business is not good," Ms. Rosmerta complained. "It would be nice if you could come more often."

"We also want to come here more often, but Professor McGonagall doesn't agree." Zhang Xu said helplessly, "But there are so many Aurors in the village. They all come here for a drink after get off work."

As soon as Zhang Xu mentioned those Aurors, Ms. Rosmerta became gnashing her teeth in an instant. She said, "They...all went to their place."

Although "they" and "them" are the same word in English, Zhang Xu clearly recognized who Ms. Rosmerta was talking about, so he stopped talking.

Ms. Rosmerta chatted with Zhang Xu for a few words and then left. At this time, Zhang Xu could preliminarily conclude that she had no signs of being under the Imperius Curse.

As time went by, there were fewer and fewer customers in the bar, and the whole bar only echoed with Neville complaining about being busy helping Professor Sprout farm recently.

There is a sound like there is not much time left to do homework.

Fortunately, Neville's complaints were complaints. He didn't tell what he had grown recently, and the surrounding audience would only think that he was busy in the greenhouse.

After drinking, Zhang Xu, who didn't hear any interesting news, figured it would be time for dinner when he returned to Hogwarts, so he paid and left.

It was already known to everyone that Katie Bell was attacked and knocked unconscious during dinner, because several professors were in Hogsmeade at the time. The professors immediately rushed out of the village when they learned that a student had been attacked. , which made many students know about it.

This incident spread among the students. Some said that a Death Eater sneaked into Hogsmeade and attacked her. Some said that she picked up a dark magic item that someone deliberately threw away. Some even made a guess. A love-hate soap opera.

However, when the Harry trio who were present at the time came to the cafeteria, everyone learned the true story of the matter.

What happened was almost the same as in the "plot", except that some details seemed to be slightly different, but Zhang Xu didn't care about it anymore.

When Zhang Xu returned to the door of his former professor's dormitory after dinner, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

For some purpose, he spent a lot of time researching a magic that seemed to be able to be used on the door to surprise possible intruders.

When he thought of it, he was about to do it. After conceiving the magic in his mind, Zhang Xu took out "This is the Enemy" and began to cast the spell on the door.


The wand was like a pen that could write and draw in the air. It drew an animal pattern out of thin air, and then disappeared through the door the next moment.

At this moment, a cold and emotionless voice sounded from the side: "What are you doing, Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Xu turned around and saw that Snape had walked nearby at some point, so he replied: "It's just a little magic, leaving a mark for people who break into my dormitory without my permission, Professor. "

"It looks like a curse to me," said Snape.

Zhang Xu had to admire Snape's professional knowledge and he got to the point immediately. He nodded and said, "That's right. This magic was developed from a curse, but it won't hurt people. "

"I don't remember being taught how to curse in Hogwarts." Snape frowned and said to Zhang Xu.

"Ah, don't worry about these details." Zhang Xu waved his hand and said, as if he was talking about nothing important, "There are many good books in the restricted book area."

For a good student like Zhang Xu, going to the restricted area to read is like searching for something.

"Are you interested in trying this little magic, Professor Snape? It won't hurt anyone." Zhang Xu then challenged Snape, "But I haven't figured out how to break the curse yet."

In the past few years, Zhang Xu has often played this kind of little game with professors to pass the time in the faculty lounge, but of course he has never won once.

Snape glanced sideways at Zhang Xu, then walked to the door and placed his hands on the door.

A few minutes later, a puzzled expression crept onto Snape's face, because he found that there were several normal access control spells on the door, but he did not find the curse that Zhang Xu had just cast.

The next second, Snape, who had prepared a bunch of shields for himself in advance, pushed open the dormitory door with both hands.

Snape, who had been nervously alert for a while, found that his body was not hurt or changed.

Snape turned to look at Zhang Xu and asked doubtfully: "This spell seems to have no effect, meow~"

There was a "click", and Professor McGonagall, who was walking over from the other side of the corridor holding something unknown, seemed to be so frightened that he didn't even notice that the thing in his hand fell.

Professor McGonagall looked at Snape with wide eyes and asked, "Severus, why did you..."

Snape looked at Zhang Xu in confusion, then at Professor McGonagall, and said strangely: "What's wrong with me, McGonagall~"

At this time, Zhang Xu interrupted: "What do you two professors want?"

Snape took out a rolled piece of parchment from his robe and handed it to Zhang Xu, saying, "I studied it with Slughorn. The medicine to treat Katie Bell requires some rare herbs in the Forbidden Forest. Meow~”

"I know you have a good relationship with the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest, meow~"

"So I hope you can help meow~"

After Zhang Xu took the parchment, Snape glanced at the petrified Professor McGonagall in confusion, then turned and left.

With Snape's thinking, he could tell from Professor McGonagall's reaction that he had been tricked, but he would not notice it himself, so he had to return to the office immediately to study how to get rid of this trick on him. magic.

"What did you do to him?!" Professor McGonagall asked Zhang Xu sternly.

Zhang Xu pointed to the dormitory door and explained the little magic just added to the door to Professor McGonagall.

"So Snape couldn't break the magic?" Professor McGonagall asked, "This magic should be a curse, right?"

The trouble with talking to smart people is that they can easily spot where you are breaking the law.

Professor McGonagall can't tolerate any sand, and Snape himself is a master of black magic. In view of the differences between Professor McGonagall and Snape, Zhang Xu decided to tell her the general idea of ​​​​this magic.

Zhang Xu said: "This magic only triggers conditions similar to curses, but its effect on the target is very different from those curses. It will not cause substantial harm to the human body."

"Then what about changing its function to a curse?" Professor McGonagall asked in a stern tone.

Yes, many people can actually replace artificial rainfall rockets and fire-extinguishing rockets with warheads.

"That will be discovered by Professor Snape." Zhang Xu answered honestly, "The more powerful the spell, the easier it is to be discovered."

"So the effect of this curse is just to make people add 'meow~' at the end of every sentence, and it makes me ignore this."

"How about you, Professor McGonagall, also challenge me?"

Professor McGonagall: "Haha..."

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