Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 384: No more movies for Voldemort

The trio of Harry Potters took baskets of apples and plums that their classmates had picked back to the centaurs tribe to hand in tasks, and then the group happily returned to Hogwarts Castle with a basket of packed medicinal materials.

When they returned to the castle, they saw Professor McGonagall and Zhang Xu talking in front of the gate.

Zhang Xugang took his harvest to the Potions classroom in the basement and handed it to Slughorn. When he returned to the foyer, he met Professor McGonagall.

Lao Deng was away recently, and Professor McGonagall was the one who made the decision on everything, so Zhang Xudi reported the news on the Centaur side to her and asked her to pass it on to Lao Deng.

"Do the centaurs have enough food for the winter?" Professor McGonagall asked worriedly.

As the vice principal of Hogwarts, she naturally understands the importance of the centaurs tribe to Hogwarts.

Zhang Xu replied unoptimistically: "Judging from the number of fruits that have not been picked so far, although the centaurs will not die of hunger this winter, they will certainly not be as well-off as before."

The normal daily food intake for horse people is about three percent of their body weight.

And the centaurs are huge. An adult centaur like Firenze weighs more than 500 kilograms. Lolita weighing 300 kilograms in the tribe are running all over the streets.

Due to the high altitude and long winter of the Forbidden Forest, the horse people will not be able to collect food on a large scale until the end of next spring, so they need to stock up on winter food for nearly five months from mid-November to April.

Based on this calculation, each adult centaur must prepare two to three tons of food to survive the winter relatively easily. Therefore, the entire centaur tribe needs a very large amount of food to survive the winter.

"If we help the centaurs collect food..." Professor McGonagall frowned and began to think about the feasibility of this matter.

"I don't think this is a good choice," Zhang Xu said, shaking his head. "Maybe the horse people will have the illusion that we are raising them. Some horse people have already had such an illusion today."

Professor McGonagall was also helpless about this. It would be very difficult for her to deal with such an ally whose views were inconsistent with her own.

So Professor McGonagall decisively decided to push the matter to Dumbledore.

At this time, Harry and the others came back with the medicinal materials.

Dividing line

Shortly after dinner, the news that Katie Bell had woken up after receiving treatment spread throughout the common rooms of the four houses.

Now Zhang Xu was avoiding a lot of things on the grounds that he needed to recuperate, so he naturally had to go to Madam Pomfrey's for regular check-ups and get some auxiliary medicines to drink as health supplements.

Zhang Xu, who had just left the school doctor's office, also ran to the ward to visit Katie Bell. However, although she woke up, she was not very energetic. Under the influence of Madam Pomfrey's auxiliary medicine, , and soon fell asleep.

As for the fact that Madam Pomfrey gave Zhang Xu and Katie Bell the auxiliary medicines that were poured from the same large bottle, Zhang did not know.

After returning to his dormitory, Zhang Xu went to the study room, took out a thickly folded map from a brown paper bag and laid it on his desk.

After hearing the centaur elder's prophecy today about mechanized troops' air-ground collaboration sweeping through the Forbidden Forest, Zhang Xu suddenly realized that there was a problem that he had not paid attention to for so many years, and that was the terrain around Hogwarts.

Due to the wizard's unscientific mobility, Zhang Xu has always ignored this point.

Although the magic of Hogwarts prevents it from being marked on the map, it is not difficult to find the location of Hogwarts on a map, especially a topographical map, through indirect methods. Zhang has long ago determined the longitude and latitude of a circle around Hogwarts through GPS positioning. As long as these coordinates are connected into a circle, the location of Hogwarts can be known.

Due to various considerations, Zhang Xu did not discuss this method with Dumbledore.

It can be seen from the topographic map that the area where Hogwarts and Hogsmeade is located is located in a basin between several high mountains.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides, only the side of the Forbidden Forest is not blocked by mountains, and the terrain is relatively flat.

For the first time, Zhang Xu carefully studied this topographic map from the perspective of a Muggle attack on Hogwarts. Soon after, he discovered that he wanted to attack Hogwarts on a large scale, which was "surrounded by three towers" by high mountains, and the relatively flat Forbidden Forest. is the only option.

After confirming it at this time, Zhang Xu put it aside and ignored it.

If things really get to that point, it's not something he can solve personally.

After packing up the things on the desk, Zhang Xu opened the door to the study and returned to the living room. The moment he walked into the living room, a sweet smell of apples poured into his nose.

Scarlet, who was sitting on the sofa, waved to him and pointed to the coffee table.

Zhang Xu walked over and found that the aroma coming out of the coffee table was a huge apple pie.

Scarlet cut off a few pieces of apple pie and placed them on small plates, and handed them to the Harry trio sitting around the coffee table, and finally divided a piece for herself and Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu looked at the four people who appeared in the living room of the dormitory at an unknown time with a confused look on his face. He picked up his share of apple pie and started eating it.

As confused as Zhang Xu was the Harry trio. The three of them originally came to Zhang Xu for something, but they didn't expect that after knocking on the door, it was Professor Scarlet who opened the door for them.

Now Harry and the others were thinking about making an excuse and running away quickly, pretending that tonight's incident never happened.

The atmosphere was a little weird for a moment, Scarlet said there that she and a few girls had left a lot of apples, and had just made a lot of apple pies in the kitchen. The other four people were eating the sweet apple pie in silence, each with their own thoughts.

Not long after, Zhang Xu finally found a topic to break the atmosphere.

"Harry, can you still dream about what Voldemort saw and heard recently?" Zhang Xu asked.

Everyone here knows that Harry once had a telepathic connection with Voldemort, but Harry hasn't mentioned such a thing recently, so no one pays attention to it.

"No more." Harry shook his head and said, "Professor Dumbledore said that he used Occlumency to seal his brain. He realized that this kind of thing was a double-edged sword for him."

"That's a pity," Zhang Xu said regretfully, "It turns out that I planned to show him something good."

As the saying goes, don't reciprocate. Since Voldemort can show Harry a short video of Black being captured and tortured by them, why can't Harry retaliate in the same way?

Zhang Xu has even written the script:

In the entrance hall of Hogwarts Castle, the person standing opposite Voldemort was the tall and burly Hagrid.

Hagrid: "You're back. I've been waiting for you for more than fifty years."

Voldemort: Σ(ц|||)

Hagrid: "It's been more than fifty years. I knew what the monster was from the beginning, and Aragog told me the true identity of the monster."

Voldemort: (ц)"

Hagrid: "I know that you will be homeless after leaving Hogwarts, but I can still have a place to stay. So I let you know that I am secretly raising Aragog, so that you can Stay at Hogwarts."


Hagrid: "For more than fifty years, I want you to understand that I..."

Voldemort: (°Ц°)┻━┻

Zhang estimated that there was a certain chance that he could drive Voldemort crazy.

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