Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 40 The Incident Happened

On Halloween, Sunday (the author checked the calendar, Halloween was Sunday in 1992). The students at Hogwarts were mainly talking about two things today, the attack on Mrs. Norris last night, and the Howling letter received by Draco Malfoy this morning.

Regarding the conflict between Draco Malfoy and Zhang Xu last night, the students from the magic family in the school wrote letters overnight to report to their families as soon as they returned to the dormitory.

Even Percy wrote a letter to Mr. Weasley overnight. Don't look at other families who regard the Weasleys as traitors, it's just the nine members of Arthur Weasley's family. And the entire Weasley family is a force not to be underestimated in the wizarding world. After the Death Eaters took control of Hogwarts in the future, Ginny was also alive and kicking in the school.

Although Draco Malfoy repeatedly claimed that it was a misunderstanding when he returned to the common room, and that he was talking about Hermione Granger, no one around believed him. You said that while staring at Zhang Xu next to the cat, you said you didn't tell him, who would believe it?

To say that a wizard of a magic family is a mudblood is equivalent to denying the other party's entire family, which is an insult and provocation to the other party's entire family. There is no deep hatred between the two families, and such a move would not be made. What's more, it was the young patriarch of a family who said such words. In the thinking of ordinary people, such important words said by such important people must have been approved by the family. Just like what the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said is the meaning of his own government, not the spokesperson's own personal meaning.

That night, Lucius Malfoy received letters from various families overnight, asking if the Malfoy family really wanted to start a fight with Zhang Xu and the forces behind him, and they all expressed that they would not participate in this matter.

The families couldn't help being so nervous. The younger generation didn't know, but the older generation knew that the current patriarch of the Malfoy family, Lucius Malfoy, had planted sugar cane in Zhang Xu's hometown for several years. Draco Malfoy would be running when it was put back. Who knows if your old horse wants to avenge the past.

The old horse who figured out the cause and effect of the incident was Sparta at the time, and wished to strangle his son to death and have another one.

As a father, he knew his son's urination, it must be his son's habit of pretending to be aggressive, and ended up pretending to be an idiot.

After Lao Ma wrote letters overnight to the families explaining that the trouble was caused by the bear kid's own initiative, he wrote a letter of apology in Chinese to Zhang Xu, which shows that Lao Ma did not give up his cultural studies while breeding sugar cane.

In the end, Lao Ma sent a roaring letter to his son with the subject of "Cub, Dad is very disappointed in you".

Early in the morning, Zhang Xu read the letter of apology sent by the old horse, and then looked at the Snake Court in the hourglass of the college branch, which suddenly lost 50 points. I can't care about this matter like a brat, as long as you discipline your brat well in the future.

After breakfast, Zhang Xu went for a walk outside the castle. He had to think carefully about how to take the next rhythm.

It is to guide everyone to discover the secret of the Chamber of Secrets in a short period of time. After the secret of Harry's Parseltongue is discovered, a group will go down to hunt the basilisk, and finally everyone will have a happy hot pot together.

It is better to give limited guidance to everyone, wait until there are a few victims, and then form a group to go down to fight the basilisk when Ginny is caught, and finally everyone will have a happy hot pot together.

It is not difficult to guide everyone to discover the secret room in a short time.

The first thing is to confirm the existence of the Chamber of Secrets. This is just a matter of asking the professor to answer in the History of Magic class.

Secondly, determine the location of the secret room. As long as you dig deep into the history of the secret room, it is easy to know that the victim who opened the secret room fifty years ago was the Crying Myrtle, and then use the locations of previous incidents as suspicious areas to find out With a simple search, it is easy to find the faucet.

At this time, Harry probably revealed that he was a Parseltongue.

Let him open the door at that time, and then you can form a team to kill the basilisk.

The problem with this plan is how to ensure the safety of the students when brushing the basilisk. After all, the eyes of the basilisk are too lethal.

In fact, there is an easier way to deal with the basilisk, that is, let everyone confirm that the monster in the secret room is a basilisk, and then find a way to use the Hogwarts broadcast system to broadcast the crowing of the rooster throughout the school when the basilisk comes out, so that A few more basilisks are not enough to eat.

As for the Horcrux notebook, as long as you get it in your hand afterwards, there are many ways to destroy it. In fact, Zhang Xu really wants to try whether equipment such as thermal power plant boilers, tens of thousands of tons of hydraulic presses, and laser cutting machines can destroy Horcruxes. .

If you want to follow the "plot", usually fish, occasionally reveal something, and then form a team to hunt basilisks at the last moment, then it's not impossible.

But Zhang Xu has never believed in the "plot", because the "plot" has been changed by him a long time ago. Although the first attack is the same as the "plot", no one can guarantee what will happen next, maybe someday It is not surprising that the basilisk runs into the cafeteria to ask for food during the meal.

It depends on whether Zhang Xu dares to bet on the "plot". Although he had no problem saving his own life, the worst-case scenario in last year's plan for killing basilisks was that the basilisks ran out and killed Hogwarts in the end.

But it is also beneficial to do so, and that is the basis of the current mutual understanding between Zhang Xu and Dumbledore - "Harry Potter Warrior Development Plan".

The reason why Dumbledore can agree with some of Zhang Xu's actions is mainly because what Zhang Xu does can help the "Harry Potter Warrior Development Plan", as long as it can help cultivate Harry Potter The role of doing anything is easy to say.

At the end of last semester, Zhang Xu teamed up to brush Quirrell. It was Zhang Xu's test of Dumbledore, but he stepped on Dumbledore's red line. The black face of Dumbledore when he came out of the magic mirror was unbelievable. than Hermione. Fortunately, it was remedied afterwards, and Harry Potter took advantage of this incident to collect a lot of reputation, and then Dumbledore was settled.

After that incident, Zhang Xu and Dumbledore had confessed to each other, and the two had a better understanding after that.

Zhang Xu told Dumbledore yesterday that he wanted to investigate, implying that he would bring Harry Potter to play together, so Dumbledore agreed.

Zhang Xu needed to use this matter to cultivate Harry Potter, otherwise he would have gone to find Ginny's notebook long ago, and this would be the end of it all.

Undecided, Zhang Xu took out a coin and decided to toss it.

Just as the coin was flying, Zhang Xu saw someone pulling his robe.

Zhang Xu turned his head and found that it was Ginny standing behind Zhang Xu with a blushing face.

Zhang Xu suddenly remembered something. He shook his hand and missed the falling coin. As a result, the coin fell into an inconspicuous mouse hole on the ground.

At this moment, Zhang Xu heard Ginny ask in a mosquito-like buzzing voice, "I heard from Madam Pomfrey that you checked me when I was unconscious that day."

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