Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 394 The best way to solve a problem is to leave it to others to solve

(; ̄д ̄)?(o.o;)

After Dumbledore raised his head from the pensieve, he sat behind his desk in a daze for half an hour.

He couldn't help but have a headache now, and even his balls, which hadn't been used for who knows how many years, felt sore.

At this moment, he even wanted to cast a forgetting spell on himself and Zhang Xu, so that everyone could forget about it together, so that he would not have to worry about it.

If I had known earlier, I would have pretended not to be in the office and not let Zhang Xu come in.

It's a pity that no matter whether it is the wizarding world or the Muggle society, no regret medicine is sold, otherwise he would definitely buy several kilograms at a time and eat it.

Dumbledore's pet phoenix looked at the two people in a daze, wondering what they were doing, so he lowered his head to repair the nails on his paws.

Also confused are the past principals in the oil paintings on the wall. At this moment, they are all quietly pretending to be ordinary oil paintings, but they are all paying attention to Dumbledore's every move.

The entire office was immersed in an eerie silence, accentuated by the clicking sounds of the magic items placed on the shelves and in the cabinets of the principal's office.

Finally, it was Dumbledore who broke the silence and said, "Zhang, how are you going to handle this matter?"

Zhang Xu, who was sitting across from Dumbledore's desk, was still confused at this moment, although he had thought that it would happen when he first took the Hogwarts slow train and met his first classmate six years ago. This incident, but he never thought at the time that this incident would eventually fall on him.

After hearing Dumbledore's question, Zhang Xu straightened his face and said seriously: "My approach to this matter is to hand it over to the principal for resolution."

( ̄Д ̄≡ ̄Д ̄)

It was the first time in so many years that Zhang Xu saw Dumbledore shaking his head so hard, and his long beard began to tremble.

Then Lao Deng said: "He left this problem to you to solve because he trusts you, so you should solve it."

"No, no, no!" Zhang Xu waved his hand and shook his head, "In Europe, your reputation is much better than mine, and your wisdom and connections are beyond my reach, so this matter should be resolved by you. .”

( ̄俣)っ??┬┴┬??(o?o)

The past principals on the wall in the principal's office just looked at the two people in front of them, an old man and a young man, playing table tennis in order to reject something. It's just that these principals are all wondering what the trouble caused by Zhang Xu is. Even Dumbledore finds it so troublesome. It's just that the two parties present didn't say a word about the content of this matter, and all communication was resolved through the pensieve.

This matter was too sensitive, and Zhang Xu had to treat it with such caution. If it was not handled properly, it would cause a devastating blow to his cooperation with Dumbledore. So Zhang Xu did not explain the matter to Dumbledore in words, but directly let him watch a "movie" that took place in a coffee shop by the Thames River.

Dumbledore was no less shocked after watching the "movie" than Zhang Xu, one of the protagonists, because what happened in it was something he hadn't expected in all these years.

The two argued with each other for more than half an hour, and found that the other party showed no signs of relenting, so they simply put the matter aside for now. There would still be a lot of time to resolve it in the future.

After Zhang Xu recovered his memory, he left the principal's office and decided not to consider this issue again before the college entrance examination.

Today is the day when students at Hogwarts return to school after the holidays, but most of the students are in the common room of their home college sharing stories about the holidays with their classmates. There is almost no one in the corridor.

Of course, Peeves, who was setting a trap for a piece of armor standing in the corridor, was not a human being.

In the deserted corridor, Peeves, who had set a trap, was dancing around, waiting for Filch to be startled by the fallen armor when he passed by.

Just then, Peeves heard a voice that frightened him.

"Peeves, did you patrol the secret passage today?"

Peeves immediately rushed to Zhang Xu who was at the other end of the corridor, saluted Zhang Xu and said, "I'll go right away, Mr. Zhang."

There are many traps set up by Dumbledore and Zhang Xu in the secret passages entering Hogwarts, waiting for Death Eaters to step in again, but the inspection of these secret passages has become a moderate problem.

So Zhang Xu asked Peeves to check the traps in the secret passages every night for signs of being touched on the condition that he allowed Peeves to play pranks as he did before.

After Peeves left, Zhang Xu ignored the tampered armor in the corridor and turned around to leave.

At this time, Zhang Xu heard the sound of a girl humming from the stairs. From the singing, she could tell that the girl was quite happy.

More than half an hour later, Zhang Xu and Scarlet, who were about to fight, were called to the school doctor's office by Dumbledore.

They were both startled to see Hermione lying unconscious on the bed.

"What happened to Granger?" Scarlet asked.

Professor McGonagall said worriedly and hastily: "Just now Filch heard a loud noise in the corridor, and when he rushed over, he found Miss Granger unconscious in the corridor."

"Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley said she left the common room to find Ms. Scarlet."

("Actually, you can also call me miss." Someone whispered.)

"Dumbledore just asked about the portraits near that corridor. Mr. Zhang should have been the only one who passed through that corridor before that."

"So do you know any clues?"

Scarlet looked at the paper bag placed on the bedside table of the hospital bed and said, "I made an agreement with Granger to ask her to come to me to get some information after school starts."

Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore looked at each other. They had just looked at the bag full of math papers in the paper bag, and considering Hermione's habit of often asking professors for extra tutoring, this was right.

Then the principal and vice principal looked at Zhang Xu, who might have been present at the time, and saw that he was pinching his brows and looking like he had a splitting headache.

"Do you know anything, Zhang?" Dumbledore asked, frowning.

Zhang Xu nodded, took out his wand and called Peeves.

A few minutes later, Peeves appeared in the ward. He said to Dumbledore: "After my inspection, everything underground is normal."

Zhang Xu ignored his inspection report and said to him: "Peeves, please tell me what happened before you went underground to inspect."

Peeves had already seen Hermione lying on the hospital bed. Looking at the battle in front of him, he knew that he was in trouble.

Peeves shouted "I just want it to hit Filch with that armor!" and then ran away through the wall.

"But she showed signs of being hit by the Stunning Curse." Madam Pomfrey, who had been standing beside Hermione's bed, said.

"Maybe it's because the magic spells on those armors rebounded." Zhang Xu said with a wry smile.

"What is that?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

At this time, Dumbledore explained to her: "The armor in the castle has recently been upgraded. One of its functions is that it can rebound evil spells that hit it, and another function of it is that it will automatically return to its original state after falling to the ground and scattering. .”

Then Dumbledore looked around at the people present, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It seems that what happened is like this. When Miss Granger was passing by the armor, the armor that had been tampered with by Peeves fell towards her. "

"Then Miss Granger, who didn't have time to see that the armor was falling towards her, thought she was being attacked, so she cast a stun spell on the armor with her wand, but was hit by the rebound spell."

"We only have to look at the last spell cast by Miss Granger's wand to see if that's the case."

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, Professor McGonagall picked up Hermione's wand next to the paper bag on the bedside table, then raised her own wand with her other hand and docked the two wands together.

Under the action of the flashback spell, Hermione's wand sprayed out a pattern of silver-white mist. Professor McGonagall confirmed that the last spell used by Hermione's wand was the coma spell.

At this time, Professor McGonagall also breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "It seems that this was an accident caused by Peeves' prank, rather than someone invading Hogwarts."

"That's good." Zhang Xu said, "I'm also afraid that someone will enter Hogwarts disguised as a student returning from vacation."

Not long after, Hermione woke up under the influence of the potion that Madam Pomfrey had poured.

After Dumbledore made a brief inquiry and received an answer consistent with his reasoning, he was kicked out of the ward by Madam Pomfrey.

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