Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 389: The reward for clearing the level is the best equipment (borrowed)

Panting, Harry Potter lay on his back in the safe area on the platform, silently looking at the slowly descending spiked ceiling.

He couldn't remember which platform this was. He forgot the number after the sixtieth floor. He only knew that he couldn't hold it anymore, so he was lying down waiting for the spiked ceiling to arrive. .

"Hopefully it won't hurt too much then," Harry thought in his mind.

He knew that the enemies on this platform were not something he could deal with alone. Regardless of whether he fought hard or used tricks, he didn't think he could deal with the opponents in front of him.

At this moment, outside the safe area where there was only enough space for him to lie alone, a giant dragon that he had never seen in books was staring at him eagerly.

Experience on other platforms told him that if any part of his body goes out of the circle, the safe zone will disappear immediately, and then the fire dragon sitting next to him will spray dragon breath in his face.

Harry believed that it was impossible to escape the attack of the dragon in front of him. If he could bring all his friends from Hogwarts, there might be a glimmer of hope, because it could be seen from the extremely cool appearance of this dragon. Show its power.

Not only does this giant dragon's huge body have bone spurs that are more ferocious than other giant dragons, but what's even more terrifying is that the extremely high-temperature flames burst through its body, constantly shooting out from under its black dragon scales. gush out.

Harry was guessing at this time that the dragon claiming to be Deathwing should be the so-called boss at the end of the level.

Due to some mistakes he made not long ago, he now has no magic power, and can't even use magic such as lighting, so he resigned himself to his fate and decided to try out what it felt like to have a spiked ceiling for the last time. It's just that for some reason the ceiling was falling much slower at this moment. He estimated that this was because he wanted to leave enough time to clear the level.

As a result, after a long period of time, the huge Deathwing was impaled to death by the descending spiked ceiling...



After Harry was stunned for a few seconds, he quickly took advantage of the opportunity before the ceiling could hit him, and used all the strength he had just accumulated to crawl and launch a final sprint towards the edge of the huge platform.

When he jumped off the platform, the shoe on his right foot was even scratched off by the spikes on the ceiling.

"Is this what you call a reversal loophole?" Dumbledore asked, drinking a cup of hot cocoa.

"That's right." Zhang Xu replied, "Although we are in the safe zone, I don't think everyone can do it by staying next to this giant dragon for so long. If Harry hadn't done it for He used up all his magic power to make up for his mistakes, so I guess he’ll rush out and try his luck.”

Dumbledore nodded, and then said: "The rest is up to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Dumbledore apparated away with the cup of hot cocoa in his hand with a "biu" sound, leaving behind a stunned Zhang Xu.

"We agreed that we would take the blame together, but you ran away on your own!"

It's a pity that Dumbledore couldn't hear Zhang Xu's roar.

At this moment, there was a "bang" sound from the empty space deep in the classroom. This was Harry suddenly appearing from mid-air and then falling to the ground.

Then there was a second "bang" sound, which was Harry's shoe hitting his face.

"Dobby, Kreacher, go help Harry over." Zhang Xu shouted, "Twinkle, a big cup of hot cocoa and some chocolate snacks."

As soon as Zhang Xu finished speaking, Dobby and Kreacher appeared in the classroom.

After Kreacher helped Harry put on his shoes, he and Dobby helped Harry, who was out of strength, to the chair where Dumbledore was sitting just now in a very uncoordinated posture. At this time, Shining brought a large cup of hot cocoa and a plate of chocolate cake.

After taking a breath for a while, Harry looked at Zhang Xu across the table with resentful eyes while eating.

Just now he saw the image displayed in the large crystal ball on the table was fixed on Deathwing who was tied into a filter.

At this moment, he confirmed that he had been tricked by Zhang Xu tonight.

"Professor Dumbledore watched your performance just now. He commented that your performance was 'extremely good. I didn't expect him to pass the last level.'" Zhang Xu used a voice-changing spell when he said the last sentence. The bow tie imitated Dumbledore's usual tone to the ninety-nine degree.

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he pointed to the pile of cockroaches with half a plate left on the table to prove that Dumbledore had indeed stayed here just now.

"So you're just eating snacks here while watching me fight those scary monsters?" After Harry finished speaking, he stuffed a piece of chocolate cake into his mouth and served it with hot cocoa. After putting down the cup, he stretched out his hand He pointed at the plate with cake crumbs in front of Zhang Xu.

"We are not just watching here." Zhang Xu said, "We are looking for various bugs. For example, when you win in the end, that is a serious vulnerability."

Zhang Xu didn't want Harry to reveal the strategy for the last level and make this level useless. Modifications in some key positions were necessary.

"What on earth is going on?" Harry asked after eating.

"Professor Dumbledore wanted to give you a little surprise for the students who will take night tours in the castle in the future." Zhang Xu replied, "However, he found that you are the best candidate for the test, so Dumbledore decided to give you a little surprise. "

"I knew you would definitely spy on Malfoy tonight and then follow him to see what happened, so we decided to do it tonight."

"Why did Professor Dumbledore do this?" Harry asked, half complaining and half curious.

"Well, Professor Dumbledore is old, so he wants to do more things while he is still able to move quickly." Zhang Xu sighed and said.

"Then what is this?" Harry asked. "Is this a secret realm? Or is it his inheritance? Anyway, I will get some reward for working so hard, right?"

"Your reward has been decided from the beginning." Zhang Xu placed the jewelry inlaid with the Resurrection Stone on the table. "If you perform well, I will lend this to you for a period of time."

"Is this the stone on that ring?" Harry said in surprise.

"That's right." Zhang Xu said, "Write an IOU first, then go to the prefect's bathroom to take a bath, and then go back to the dormitory to sleep. We'll discuss the details this weekend."

At this time, Zhang Xu found that Harry was so tired that he was about to doze off, so it was better to rest and explain the matter clearly. Moreover, Zhang Xu was sleepy now and too lazy to stay up late with Harry.

When Harry wrote the IOU on a piece of parchment, Zhang Xu said to him: "From today on, you will wear it with you, and don't tell anyone the origin of this stone. Just say that this is the stone you got from Diagon Alley." I bought the exam amulet from a wandering merchant."

"Is it precious?" Harry asked after finishing writing the IOU.

As far as magical objects are concerned, "precious" often means "powerful".

Zhang Xu pushed the Resurrection Stone in front of Harry, then took back the IOU and put it away, and then continued: "It is very precious, maybe it will save your life."

After hearing this, Harry hurriedly picked up the Resurrection Stone necklace and hung it around his neck, then stuffed it into his clothes.

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