Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 412: A destined calamity

After Madam Pomfrey announced that Ron was out of danger, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. After a while, they found that Ron was no longer a problem and went about their business.

Although everyone was so nervous just now that even Ginny forgot to inform the Weasleys that something happened to Ron, the magical clock in the Weasley home would definitely respond immediately, so Dumbledore had to go back to the office Give permission to the fireplace and let Mr. and Mrs. Weasley rush to Hogwarts.

Snape came here out of responsibility as a professor, and he was the first to leave now that the students were fine.

Professor McGonagall, as Ron's head of house, will help Dumbledore receive the upcoming Weasley family.

Slughorn either left or stayed, and Dumbledore called him away when he left.

Professor Babuling, who had been silently helping, left after asking for a sample of the poisoned wine.

Then the other professors also left to do their own things.

The students outside the door were waiting for Madam Pomfrey's permission to enter and visit.

After a while, Madam Pomfrey allowed them to enter the ward.

After Madam Pomfrey's cleaning, all the peculiar smell in the ward disappeared, and Ron, who had changed into hospital clothes, lay quietly on the hospital bed.

At this moment, there was no blood on Ron's face and he looked very pale. Fortunately, his breathing was relatively stable, which reassured everyone.

Zhang Xu touched Ron's carotid artery and found that the pulse was not beating strongly.

After taking his hand back, he nodded towards Harry and the others to reassure them. If he frowns and shakes his head, the people around him will definitely start jumping up and down again.

Zhang Xu, who breathed a sigh of relief, realized that Neville had also come with him today. And judging from his uneasy expression, if Zhang Xu didn't know who was behind this incident, this alone would put him on the list of key suspects.

Zhang Xu saw Neville fidgeting, looked at the time and found that it was past dinner time, so he asked Neville to go with him to the cafeteria to get something to eat.

On the way to the cafeteria together, Zhang Xu asked, "Neville, are you in a bad mood?"

"If I had been more careful, Ron wouldn't have been poisoned," Neville said ruefully.

Zhang Xu looked at Neville in surprise. He couldn't figure out why Neville said that.

Neville then explained: "When I was helping in the greenhouse yesterday evening, Professor Sprout told me that today's arrangement to go to Hogsmeade was cancelled. So I called Dobby and asked him to help me go to Honeydukes. Buy a box of honey cakes there as a birthday present for Ron."

Zhang Xu nodded after hearing this. Today is Ron's seventeenth birthday. In the magical world, seventeen means adulthood, so many people, including him, gave Ron birthday gifts.

Neville continued: "Because I was busy in the greenhouse very late yesterday, I asked Dobby to take the cake he bought back to the dormitory for me and put it under my bed first."

"When I took the cake out from under the bed to give it to Ron this morning, I accidentally picked up the wrong box of cakes."

"Uh..." Zhang Xu felt the malice of World Line at this moment,

"So there's something wrong with getting a box of cakes?"

"There is a love potion in that box of cakes." Neville said helplessly. "If I had not taken the wrong cake, Ron would not have gone to Professor Slughorn's office for detoxification."

At this time, Zhang Xu looked at Neville with an embarrassed look, and then patted his shoulder. He didn't know what to say for a while. It seemed that Ron was destined to survive this difficulty. He could avoid Harry, but he couldn't avoid Neville.

According to Zhang Qiu's gossip, Neville is now a high-quality potential stock.

He has a very pure bloodline and comes from one of the twenty-eight famous families in the British wizarding world.

Moreover, his attainments in Herbology are among the best among the students at Hogwarts. Rumors indicate that Professor Sprout will hire him as an assistant professor after he graduates and pass the position to him after he retires. This kind of treatment is unique among students in these years. Maybe he can go from the position of professor to the position of dean, and then to the position of principal?

And a very important point is that among the male figures in the sixth grade of Hogwarts, Harry Potter's height is fixed at 1.65 meters, and Malfoy has a hairline crisis at a young age. Ron's development is just okay, but Neville's appearance has been slowly improving since last year.

There are many people who are jealous of such a potential stock with a prominent family background, a promising future, and above-average looks.

So a group of girls started poaching corners with hoes.

Under Ginny's strict defense, those girls who wanted to poach Harry could only fail, and over time the girls gave up.

At first, Hannah Ironclad Abbot was able to keep Neville, but things were unpredictable, and people had their own misfortunes. Last fall, Hannah's mother was killed, and she left Hogwarts for a long time. Didn't come back until last month.

During this period of time, the girls launched a fierce offensive against Neville, and the box of cakes with the love potion added to it was in Neville's hands at that time, but Neville threw it under the bed after taking it back to the dormitory.

As for Mr. Zhang, the entire Hogwarts knew that he was engaged, so no one except some stubborn girls flirted with him. And this guy can blow the bottle with a love potion, which means that after he accepts the girl's food, he also has to accept the complaints from his twin brother. Because the girls who didn’t know Zhang Xu’s background saw that the love potion didn’t work, they asked the twin brothers for a refund.

After walking to the basement, Zhang Xu could only comfort Neville and said: "What happened is what happened, there is no need to be sad. Fortunately, there is no end to the problem and Ron is fine."

"Think about it from another direction. If it was someone else who was poisoned instead of Ron with Harry beside him, that person might have been killed. So you can be regarded as saving someone else's life in disguise."

After listening to Zhang Xu's words, Neville just sighed deeply.

After entering the kitchen, the two of them found that the place was in a mess.

Dobby was crying and jumping towards the fire in the fireplace. A Hogwarts house elf first hugged his waist, and then a group of house elves swarmed up and pinned Dobby down like a stack of arhats.

Just as Zhang Xu and Neville rushed over, Dobby used magic to lift the house elf on top of him, and then continued to jump into the fireplace.

Zhang Xu immediately cast a coma spell and knocked down Dobby, who was covered in injuries.

The two of them walked to Dobby's side and saw several bleeding wounds on his body.

At this time, a house elf came over and said to Zhang Xu and the others: "Dobby said that the cake he bought poisoned Wei Zai, so he wanted to commit suicide."

"Well, I understand, thank you." Zhang Xu said to the house elf, "Leave Dobby to us, and I would also like to trouble you to help me prepare lunch for ten people."

Except for Zhang Xu and the other five students, Madam Pomfrey also didn't have lunch. Considering that Ron might wake up later and the Weasley family was coming soon, it was a good idea to be more prepared.

Since the plants in the Hogwarts greenhouse are quite lethal, Neville, who often takes care of the plants, has developed the habit of carrying some first-aid medicine and bandages with him, which can be used to bandage Dobby's wounds at this time.

After Neville had bandaged him many times, he said to Zhang Xu: "Let me take Dobby to the ward first, and let Harry enlighten him when he wakes up."

"Okay." Zhang Xu replied, "I'll just bring lunch over later."

When Zhang Xu came out of the kitchen and walked to the foyer with a plate full of chicken sandwiches, he saw the backs of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley walking up the stairs.

Zhang Xu put the sandwiches in Madam Pomfrey's office, and then drove Harry and the others into the office for lunch.

At this moment, Ron's brothers also rushed to the school doctor's office.

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