Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 423: Passing fruits to the bosses

Many major decisions are often made in a split second. Zhang Xu quickly gave up the idea of ​​risking his own serious injuries to blast Voldemort into a filter.

When the devil beats the hero but fails to kill him, the ending is usually when the hero regains his strength and kills the devil, Sandman's wife, and spends the devil's money.

The reverse is also true.

Harry still had a double-yolked egg in his head. Before solving this matter, he could only eliminate Voldemort physically through other methods, and Voldemort became a good man again eighteen years later.

This will affect Zhang Xu's life plan.

So the final boss is left to the protagonist to solve.

Grindelwald's knowledge was much broader than that of Voldemort. He had also seen the torrent of steel in World War II, so he had to admit that Muggles had far surpassed wizards in how to create killings.

"Then how did you come up with the idea of ​​building that 'community with a shared future for mankind'?" Grindelwald took the topic in another direction.

Zhang Xu drank the tea in the cup in one breath, refilled the tea for himself and the bosses, and then said: "There are three reasons."

Then Zhang Xu picked up an apple from the basket in the middle of the table and cut the apple into rabbit shapes while saying, "First of all, the development of wizards and ordinary people is interdependent."

"We live together on a land, and the living environment of our wizards and ordinary people is intertwined."

"In tribal societies thousands of years ago, ordinary people needed wizards to resist attacks by magical creatures, diseases, and natural disasters. And wizards needed to be separated from production activities, so they needed support from ordinary people. This is the relationship between wizards and The most primitive mutual help relationship between ordinary people.”

"After thousands of years of development, this mutual assistance relationship has not only not been interrupted, but has become increasingly strengthened."

"Therefore, if any group of wizards and ordinary people wants to develop, it must be integrated into a broad and inclusive development system, pursue the concepts and policies of open development and inclusive growth, and at the same time integrate the development strategy of the wizard group with that of ordinary people. The development strategies of human groups should be connected with each other, so that common and sustainable development goals can be achieved."

"With the development of society, the development opportunities and goals for both wizards and ordinary people are generally consistent and locally critical. No group can develop healthily without this system."

"This makes the development of the two groups of wizards and ordinary people inevitably a kind of interaction, cooperation, win-win and common development."

When Zhang Xu finished speaking, he placed the peeled apple rabbit on a plate made of apple skin, took out a toothpick and placed it beside the plate, and then pushed the plate of apple rabbit to the center of the table.

Then he greeted: "This is the American snake fruit I bought in Munich. Although it is refrigerated, it tastes pretty good. Let's try it. Your Excellency Grindelwald must have eaten a lot of it before."

"They are right, as long as you are around, there will be no shortage of food." Voldemort said.

"This is a reflection of the mutual dependence between wizards and ordinary people." Zhang Xu said while eating a piece of apple, "I don't think there are any wizards engaged in agriculture under your Excellency. In the whole of Europe, I have never heard of wizards who grow apples. . If there are no ordinary people, where will wizards find apples to eat?"

"This reason is quite reasonable," Grindelwald said.

After eating a piece of apple, Zhang Xu continued: "Secondly, the risks and challenges faced by wizards and ordinary people are interdependent."

"A series of serious problems such as natural disasters, epidemic diseases, and invasion by foreign enemies constitute challenges faced by wizards and ordinary people alike."

"The famine in Ireland between 1845 and 1850 also affected the wizards living there, and a large number of wizards immigrated to America."

"The Black Death in the mid-fourteenth century killed nearly one-third of the population in Europe, and many wizards died before an antidote could be developed."

"We've had serious lessons with foreign invasions."

After saying this, Zhang Xu sighed deeply,

Then he continued: "In the past one hundred years from more than 1,800 years ago to 1,700 years ago, the land where we live has been dominated by heroes. From the wizards Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao and Zhang The three Liang brothers relied on magic to gather hundreds of thousands of people. The uprising began, and later became the royal family of wizards. The Sima family was at the center of the war. One by one, outstanding wizards participated in this magnificent war. In the war, they were as bright as the stars in the sky. However, this also severely damaged the vitality of these wizard families. Some once-prominent families even perished in the end. As a result, they were unable to exert much power to resist the foreign wizards when the foreign invaders later invaded. "

"After that disaster, our wizards began to stay away from the political struggles between ordinary people. Except for some wizards, most wizard families chose to have limited contact with ordinary people and then recuperated. Until more than a hundred years ago, We have only re-entered that stage at a time of national crisis, until now.”

Having said this, Zhang Xu drank the tea in the cup in one gulp.

"The cross-group and highly interconnected nature of these risks determines that no group can face these all-round catastrophic challenges alone. In the face of such challenges, no group can live in an isolated island that thinks it is safe."

"So we both need to work together in a responsible spirit, face challenges together, work together to respond to crises, and maintain and promote peace and development."

"The wizards in the Soviet Union are just like you." Grindelwald said. "They brought us a lot of trouble during the war, otherwise we would have got rid of Stalin long ago. In the winter of 1941, they We also opened several solid ice roads on Lake Ladoga, otherwise Leningrad would have been captured long ago. Wilhelm von Loeb once asked us to destroy those ice roads, and I lost a lot of men there. .”

"Do you know a Soviet wizard named Yuri?" Grindelwald asked Zhang Xu.

"Is he bald?" Zhang Xu asked uncertainly.

"Yes, he was less than thirty years old when I met him, and I burned his hair off." Grindelwald said, "I remember that his Imperius Curse was very powerful. He once controlled a A platoon of German soldiers attacked his headquarters. He later took control of a division commander, but was discovered because the orders he issued were too bizarre. If he hadn't taken control of one of my men at the last minute, he would have been Burnt to ashes.”

"With his talent growing up to this point, it is estimated that if you two encounter him without preparation, you will definitely suffer a big loss."

Zhang Xu didn't expect that he had a chance encounter three years ago. The wizard who helped him at the cost of a bottle of wine turned out to have had a fight with the boss and even ran away successfully.

Voldemort, who had only fought in the security war, found that he could not get a word in this topic. His small scenes could only make him embarrassed in front of the boss. Alas, let's eat a piece of apple. The pineapple in the basket seems to be good too. There are several fruits that I haven't seen in the UK. How about asking Lucius to buy them some other time?

"What about the third reason?" Grindelwald asked after bragging.

Zhang Xu cleared his throat and then said: "The third reason is that the goals pursued by both parties are integrated with each other."

"From a broad and long-term goal perspective, our goal is to achieve the great rejuvenation of the nation."

"Looking at the details, we wizards and ordinary people have the same goals in agriculture and industry."

"I think Lucius Malfoy should have mentioned to Lord Voldemort that the Malfoy family once cooperated with my family in the breeding industry."

At this time, Voldemort had the urge to overturn the table. You actually got my ancestor's pet into the pot, and you still have the nerve to mention it in front of me. If I had known it was so delicious, would I have given it to you?

"What are you raising basilisks for?" After finding out what kind of economic animals Zhang Xu's family was raising, Grindelwald was shocked.

"The basilisk's whole body is full of treasures." Zhang Xu replied, "Its skin has strong magical properties; its venom can treat cancer, tumors, cerebral thrombosis and other diseases that wizards and ordinary people can get; its nerves It can be used to make the core of a wand; its meat is low in fat and cholesterol, rich in a variety of amino acids, and is especially suitable for the elderly."

"We breed basilisks and achieve a win-win situation between wizards and ordinary people in terms of pharmaceuticals, catering and health care."

"To achieve this goal, in addition to using traditional wizard methods for research, we also used ordinary people's science and technology for research, and have achieved many significant results."

"What about the eyes of the basilisk?" Voldemort, who was very familiar with the basilisk, realized that Zhang Xu had missed a very important part in his words.

"Military secrets, I don't know what happened to those eyes after they were taken away by the military." Zhang Xu spread his hands and said.

Then he continued: "In addition, our country also has many research results that combine wizards' magic with ordinary people's technology."

"It is the chain of interests formed by these achievements that makes the good relationship between wizards and ordinary people closer and closer."

"If Lord Grindelwald could help the German army solve the problem of fighting in the Soviet Union in winter, maybe your plan to use Germany to expand its power and then replace it would have succeeded."

"In short, we live together on the same land, and the two sides will inevitably become increasingly interdependent and share a common destiny, becoming more and more a community with a shared future in which you are among us and you are among me."

After finishing this topic, Zhang Xu picked up a pineapple in the fruit basket and started cutting it.

"Then your approach is to use interests to closely connect wizards and Muggles. Aren't you afraid that the two sides will be hostile because of interests?" Grindelwald asked Zhang Xu who was peeling a pineapple.

Zhang Xu said while peeling the pineapple: "Just like what I said at the beginning, 'Equality of human rights, dialogue and consultation, win-win cooperation, exchanges and mutual learning, and sustainable development', if there are any conflicts, everyone can sit down and talk about it calmly and slowly." .”

"When we do business, making money together is the most important thing. As long as money can solve the problem, it's not a problem."

"As long as the two sides have in-depth and extensive exchanges and eliminate the barriers between the two groups, there will be nothing that cannot be discussed."

"Making money is a long-term thing, and no one will have trouble with money just because of a temporary dispute."

Voldemort pretended to look at Zhang Xu's cut pineapple pieces with disgust, and then pretended that he reluctantly ate a piece at Zhang Xu's warm invitation.

"So back to the most important point." Voldemort asked after eating the pineapple, "How do you manage to make sure there is no mutual discrimination between wizards and Muggles?"

Grindelwald is obviously also interested in this issue.

"Because we don't have a tradition of mutual discrimination at all. For thousands of years, ordinary people have been full of respect and envy for wizards. They long for a wizard to appear in themselves or their descendants, and they are not afraid of wizards." Zhang Xu replied.

"If a family has a child with wizard talent, then after this child becomes a qualified wizard, the economic conditions and social status of their family will be greatly improved."

"Although wizards are better than ordinary people in terms of strength, they don't have much discrimination against ordinary people, because they all know that there is a mutually beneficial relationship between everyone, and there is no need to do things that harm their identity. "

"In this environment, after thousands of years of development until now, there are not many wizards and ordinary people who discriminate against each other."

"So after they become qualified wizards, they will cast levitating spells on their chickens and dogs to celebrate?" Voldemort asked.

Zhang Xuze was stunned for a moment before he realized it. This was the first time he heard someone explain that "one person can achieve enlightenment, a chicken or a dog ascends to heaven".

Could it be that someone was lazy in cultural class?

The conversation was over, and for a moment the whole room fell into silence.

Zhang Xu was a little worried. If Voldemort wanted to ask Grindelwald about the Elder Wand later, or even kill him, should he run away or flee?

Gradually, the atmosphere between the three of them became oppressive.

Just when Zhang Xu was about to take the first step, Voldemort stood up and flew out of the window.

Seeing Voldemort's figure getting smaller and smaller in the sky until it disappeared, Zhang Xu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It is not easy to deal with such a calm and intelligent Voldemort. Today he finally passed this level.

What happened after Zhang Xu appeared today was probably just a pastime for him. It seemed that he had to find a chance to thank him for not beating him up.

Zhang Xu looked at Grindelwald and saw him sitting there in a state of thinking. After feeling Zhang Xu looking at him, he waved to Zhang Xu to indicate that he could leave.

Zhang Xu breathed a sigh of relief again. The huge threat of Voldemort was gone. He didn't know what this big boss would do.

So Zhang Xu took out other gifts that he had prepared, walked to the hard bed where Grindelwald slept, and helped him lay out a set of down quilts and pillows.

After finishing his work, Zhang Xu said goodbye and left.

Three days later, Hogwarts.

There hasn't been any big news in Hogwarts recently. No one paid attention to Zhang Xu's long leave the next day. During the Easter holiday, the Hogwarts team held a three-school Quidditch match in Durmstrang. No one is talking about the last-minute comeback by the host.

In the cafeteria during breakfast time, students chatted about things around them while eating breakfast.

When today's owl rain arrived, the students saw four exhausted owls pulling a large wooden box and flying into the cafeteria, then flew to the professor's chair, and finally threw the wooden box on Snape's desk. before.

Confused, Snape opened the wooden box and found that it was full of fruits and a note.

"Please help me give this box of fruit to the Dark Lord next time I go to a meeting. - Zhang Xu"

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