Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 445: Lao Deng is not afraid of death, but why should he be afraid of death?

At this time, Harry was also watching the memory given by Zhang Xu. The current memory was the content of Zhang Xu's conversation with Dumbledore after he asked Zhang Xu to search the secret room.

Ever since Dumbledore's death, Harry had felt guilty that the Death Eaters had come out of the Chamber of Secrets, and he believed that his careless search had allowed the Death Eaters to enter Hogwarts.

Some people in the Order of the Phoenix suspected that Zhang Xu, who was searching the secret room with Harry at the time, was a major suspect.

At this time, Harry was in the principal's office, listening carefully to the conversation between Zhang Xu and Dumbledore.

This conversation has been going on for a while, but Zhang Xu was asking Dumbledore why he didn't let him tell Harry about the discovery of the cabinet, and Dumbledore replied that Malfoy's actions in the Chamber of Secrets were part of his plan. a part of.

When Harry heard this, he opened his mouth so wide in surprise that he could almost swallow the dessert on the table in one bite.

Zhang Xu sat on a chair and nuzzled Dumbledore's dessert as usual and said: "I think when the power in Voldemort's hands gathers to a certain extent, he will start to take action."

"Voldemort is a very cautious man," Dumbledore said. "He will not take action until he has accomplished something."

"So what preparations do you think Voldemort has to complete?" Zhang Xu asked.

"Obviously," Dumbledore said, pointing to his nose.

"Isn't it good to be alive?" Zhang Xu sighed and said, "There are many ways to eliminate Voldemort. There is no need to choose this method with a ridiculously low error tolerance."

"Whether it is Voldemort, Grindelwald or you, although the three of you are powerful, it is impossible for you to finish the matter alone. So Voldemort has Death Eaters, Grindelwald has his wizard army, and you also have Order of the Phoenix. We don’t need to confront Voldemort head-on at the beginning, we can eliminate all the Death Eaters first.”

“Can’t we purposefully and step by step engage in small wars of annihilation, use small bites to gradually expand, constantly annihilate the enemy’s effective forces, accumulate small victories into big victories, strategically consume the enemy, and gradually transform the war situation? It must be done. Are you making such a huge sacrifice in exchange for—or even gambling on—an opportunity that you don’t know will come up?”

"Your suggestion is very feasible," Dumbledore said.

"But, you also know, I don't have much time." Dumbledore continued, "I just let some things that are destined to happen happen earlier, so that I can do my best to make the final arrangements. .”

"So you just indulge Malfoy's actions?" Zhang Xu frowned and said,

"A student was almost killed last time. If left unchecked, it may have irreparable consequences."

"You know, if something goes wrong with Qiu and Luna, I will go crazy and even myself will be scared. Tying Malfoy to a stone and sinking it to the bottom of the lake is not just talk."

"Malfoy still has a bottom line in his heart." Dumbledore said in a tone that left no room for doubt.

"I judge a person's good and evil not just by his heart," Zhang Xu said, shaking his head, "What I value more is the results of his actions."

"Even if he does bad things out of good intentions, he will have to pay the price for the bad things he did."

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he and Dumbledore looked at each other. Both of them had their own ideas, but neither could convince the other.

Then Zhang Xu continued: "Since you want to continue to help Malfoy hide that broken cabinet, then I don't care. But I must take a series of preventive measures for this matter."

After thinking for a while, Dumbledore nodded and approved Zhang Xu's action.

"Then how do you plan to explain this to Harry?" Zhang Xu asked, "I'm afraid he is the biggest loser in your plan."

"I'll leave it to you then," Dumbledore said.

As a result, Zhang Xu slapped the hot pot back and said, "Don't ask me to help. Maybe they will suspect that I and Voldemort are together."

The content of the subsequent conversation was that Zhang Xu kept persuading Dumbledore not to make fun of his old life, while Dumbledore said that he would use his remaining life to shine the last light and the last ray of warmth.

Harry on the side became more and more shocked as he listened.

Harry knew that Dumbledore's health had been getting worse and worse in his last few months, which was caused by his overtaxed body fighting Voldemort last summer.

When Harry was in solitary for falling asleep in class, Slughorn asked him to turn on the stove. At that time, Slughorn once revealed that he was helping Dumbledore make a potion to replenish his overdrawn body. It’s just that the effect of the potion is very bad.

Especially after April, Dumbledore began to ask Harry to quietly go to Slughorn at night to help get medicine, and the time between Dumbledore's medicines became shorter and shorter. By late June, the time between taking pills was even shorter than the time it took to make the potion.

At that time, Harry already had an ominous premonition in his heart.

It's just that he didn't expect that the man behind Dumbledore's death would be Dumbledore himself. Dumbledore had made a plan from the beginning, not to die of illness, but to die fighting against evil forces. among.

After reading this memory, Harry looked up from the pensieve. Suddenly, he saw Zhang Xu looking at him like he was studying herbs in the greenhouse.

"Take your wand and come to the open space outside. We haven't competed for a long time. Let's do two tricks tonight." Zhang Xu seemed to have made up his mind and said to Harry.

Harry looked at Zhang Xu who stood up and left, confused. He didn't know why Zhang Xu fought with him after reading his memories.

Could it be that he was angry because he didn't protect Dumbledore at the last moment? Harry thought.

On the grass outside the burrow, you can hear the chirping of insects. If you listen carefully, you will also hear that the cry of a certain insect suddenly stopped. At that time, the insect was eaten by goblins or other creatures.

When Zhang Xu stood in the open space and took out "This Is Enemy", Harry also walked over with his wand.

Although Harry couldn't figure out why Zhang Xu wanted to fight him, he didn't take it lightly. In their minds, Zhang Xu's strength was comparable to that of the deans.

The two of them stood in the open space next to the Burrow with their wands in hand. At this time, their actions were noticed by people in the living room of the Burrow through the window. Out of curiosity, a group of people came to the window to watch.

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