Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 448 Community joint defense is the best

Community defense is nothing new to the British (wizards excluded).

The UK is the birthplace of community construction and has accumulated rich experience in many years of construction and development. The community here has various official or private organizations ranging from medical care, elderly care, education to lawn competitions. In some places where the police force is insufficient, community residents will organize their own security patrols to patrol the community.

The opportunity to establish a community joint defense system in the magical world came from Percy's resentment about the problems he encountered at work in a letter to Zhang Xu when he was first parachuted into the position of director of the Auror Office.

Aurors basically stay in the Ministry of Magic on standby, except when they go out to perform tasks. Although they have extremely high mobility and the ability to run long distances because they can use methods such as apparation to rush to the scene of the incident, their current targets often have the same mobility. This means that in many cases, when the Aurors receive the alarm and rush to the scene of the crime, the Death Eater who committed the crime has already finished the bad thing and ran away. As a result, the Aurors did not even see half of the person.

After analyzing these cases, Percy found that if "early detection, early reporting, and early stopping" could be achieved, the gangsters could be arrested in a large number of cases that were unsuccessful because the Aurors were late.

However, due to the high entry threshold for Aurors, their number is limited. If the "police force sinking" method is used to disperse Aurors throughout the UK, the number of Aurors in the Ministry of Magic will not be enough.

Faced with this situation, after a few of them put a group of owls down tiredly, a plan codenamed "Enter Wanjia safely" was initially formulated.

As a "veteran official" of the Ministry of Magic among the people present, Cedric has the most say on issues involving government work.

"Percy and I have mentioned this plan to the minister in private many times," Cedric said. "Although the minister believes that this plan is theoretically feasible, there are still many problems to be solved during its specific implementation."

"The biggest problem is communication. How can residents effectively alert the Ministry of Magic as soon as possible."

"The second issue is the funding for the joint defense team's activities. The total amount of money is not small."

"The third is how to let residents across the country know this new organization in a short period of time and organize them effectively."

Cedric then went through several of Scrimgeour's questions about the plan. Scrimgeour has served as an Auror for many years and is very familiar with grassroots work, so he can see the advantages and possible problems of this plan.

Finally he said: "The minister said that if I can solve these problems,

Then he would immediately put me in charge of the program. "

This is not the first time that several of us here have heard of these issues, and they have considered some of them in discussions via letters over the past year. It's just that except for Zhang Xu, who was in the middle of the coordination and command, no one else had fully faced these problems before.

Zhang Xu assigned these problems to people who were good at solving them when they arose from the beginning. Today it can be said that it is time to accept the results.

"How are you preparing for the communication issue?" Zhang Xu asked the twin brothers.

Instant messaging is the basis of this joint defense plan. If the communication channel between residents and the Ministry of Magic cannot be established, the effectiveness of this plan will be greatly reduced.

Fred put down the grilled fish in his hand, then took out a few palm-sized things that looked like touch-screen phones and gave one to everyone present.

"This is the latest version of the civilian contact terminal. They can send alarm information to the Auror-specific command terminal within a certain range." George introduced at the side, "It can send sounds, text and images of a certain length. , and the cost is not high.”

"The command system used by the Aurors is just like the large screen that Zhang used to take Muggle Studies classes. It can display a map of the area. When it receives an alarm message, it can display the location of the message on the large screen. and content.”

"The disadvantage is that the signal transmission distance is limited. If it is to be put into use, several counties need to share a command system."

Making such communication terminals is no stranger to the twin brothers. In Hogwarts, the "Hogwarts Defenders" each have a campus-level communication terminal, and the professors also have professor-specific communication terminals. These communication terminals are the result of the wisdom of Hogwarts students, and the twin brothers are also part of the team of creators.

Several people present followed the twin brothers' instructions to use this communication terminal. This terminal was much simpler than the one they used in Hogwarts before, and it also took into account the cultural level of the user. Like the popular touch-screen mobile phones of the next century, this terminal can even input text by handwriting, and then press the owl image next to it to send the content.

"How much does it cost? What is the price of the terminals used by Aurors? How many sets are needed to cover the UK?" Cedric asked several questions in succession.

"The civilian terminal only costs one galleon. At this price, we basically don't have much profit." Fred said.

However, Fred did not disclose how much the command system used by the Aurors was sold for, and it is estimated that the majority of their profits were there.

Then he took a product manual and handed it to Cedric.

"How long will it take before it can be put into use?" Cedric continued to ask.

"We have prepared sufficient inventory and five sets of terminals used by Aurors. As soon as you agree to use them, we can deliver them immediately." George said, "If you don't purchase them, we won't have money to give Ginny." I bought new robes before the new semester starts.”

After everyone asked a few more questions and received answers, everyone recognized the twin brothers' work.

The biggest problem in the Auror office now is the lag of information. If this system operates normally, it will greatly improve the operational efficiency of the Aurors.

Zhang Xu glanced at the proud twins and could see that the two of them were starting to get carried away. It was estimated that they would be preparing to enter the wizard's mobile communications market next.

The biggest hardware problem has been solved, and then there is the issue of cost.

"What do you think of this plan?" Zhang Xu handed a document to Cedric.

"My plan is 'who benefits, who pays'." Zhang Xu said to others, "The joint defense team members are semi-public and do not need to pay wages. The daily maintenance costs are not high. Of course, if the team members want to If they use public funds to go have a drink together after the mission, then they will have to increase the amount. The specific amount can be negotiated by each community, and the Ministry of Magic only provides guidance."

"The Ministry of Magic only needs to provide the same standards of medical benefits, disability benefits, pensions, bonuses, medals and other expenses as those of Aurors. In fact, the money is not much."

Most of the people here are heads of business and know that Chai Migui is very expensive. They can all see that the Ministry of Magic actually does not need to spend too much money to maintain the operation of this plan, so they all think that the Ministry of Magic is very good at such pie-in-the-sky things. May be accepted.

After the money issue is settled, the next most troublesome issue is personnel organization.

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