Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 452: Become Harry, Harry

When Zhang Xu walked into the kitchen of the Burrow with a pair of panda eyes and yawned, Bill, who was going to be the groom's official the next day, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Young people must know how to be moderate."

"Go, go!" Zhang Xu glanced at him angrily, "I just came back from Newcastle and was busy there all night last night."

When Zhang Xu sat at the table, a piece of breakfast floated in front of him.

"Thank you, George." Zhang Xu thanked George who handed him breakfast, "How is the sales situation of your alarm terminals over there?"

George replied while eating breakfast: "An agent came to us yesterday, and we asked them to be responsible for the retail sales of the regular and VIP versions. Currently, there are only ten units of the Supreme Edition, all of which have been sold to Gringotts."

"What are the regular edition, VIP edition and supreme edition?" Ron asked curiously.

George explained for Ron: "The regular version only has the most basic function of alerting Aurors, the VIP version has a few more functions such as a clock, calendar, notebook, etc., while the Supreme version reuses high-end materials to package the appearance. .”

It must be said that the twin brothers are very talented in business, and this time they came up with the method themselves.

At this time, Zhang Xu remembered what he had heard yesterday afternoon when he was helping the Aurors in Sheffield install and debug the command system, and asked others: "What happened to Percy yesterday? I heard other Aurors say that he He was blown into more than a hundred pieces, and then St. Mungo's medical staff finally managed to glue him back together? Did you go see him?"

"He only had over a hundred broken bones," Fred said. "The medical doctor said he would be discharged from the hospital this morning. Mom went to St. Mungo's early in the morning. She was determined to bring Percy back."

As soon as Fred finished speaking, Percy's voice came to mind at the door.

"I can move on my own, Mom!"

"My dear, your injury hasn't healed yet, so it's better not to move around," Mrs. Weasley said.

After a while, Mrs. Weasley came to the restaurant in a wheelchair, and then she said to Percy who was sitting in the wheelchair: "You have breakfast with everyone first. The medical doctor said you should drink more milk."

Mrs. Weasley spent five minutes telling Percy to stay safe and not get hurt again before leaving.

"You look much better than yesterday, haven't you recovered yet?" Bill said as he handed a glass of milk to Percy, "If you had appeared in the pyramid yesterday, I would have regarded you as a mummy."

After taking the milk, Percy said: "The broken bones have been reattached.

But it's not strong enough yet, so it's best to exercise less today to avoid breaking it again. "

"So as long as I touch you gently with this palm, you will have to lie on the bed again?" Zhang Xu's left hand turned into a giant panda's arm and kept waving beside Percy, making a whirring sound.

Just as a few unscrupulous people were making fun of Percy, who had mobility issues, Lupine and Black walked into the restaurant.

"Hey, where are the girls?" Blake asked curiously. He didn't see any women outside or on the first floor.

"They are all upstairs, choosing tomorrow's wedding dresses for the brides." Bill replied.

At this time, Lupine said in a very serious voice: "Next, we need to discuss a problem, that is, how to disguise Harry tomorrow."

"Why?" Harry asked doubtfully.

"Because there are many guests coming tomorrow, we can't use a spell to prevent all of them from telling about seeing you." Lupine said to Harry, "And if any of the guests drinks too much, I’m afraid what you hid at the Burrow will be revealed.”

"Then how am I going to disguise myself?" Harry asked. "Polyjuice potion or Transfiguration?"

"I saw a red-haired Muggle in a nearby village. I think you can use Polyjuice Potion to look like him and say he is a distant relative of the Weasley family," Lupine said.

"I have a question, Professor Luping." Zhang Xu interrupted at this time, "Many people know about Harry's relationship with Ron, Hermione and Ginny. If there is a strange young man who often stays with the three of them tomorrow, Together, then others will become suspicious. Especially Ginny, unless you announce in the Daily Prophet tomorrow morning that Harry and Ginny have broken up. Otherwise, their closer relationship will give people clues. "

"That's also a question." Lupine nodded and said, "How about pretending to be Harry's classmate?"

This method was quickly rejected because if the same person appeared in two places at the same time, everyone would think there was something wrong.

When it comes to Harry's safety, no matter how cautious you are, Lupine and the others don't dare to bet that Voldemort won't find out the clues and come over to take a look.

"If Harry can transform into an Animagus, then he can pretend to be the Weasley family's pet," Black said.

His twin brother immediately recommended to Harry the various deformed biscuits they developed, but Harry refused to follow them.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Zhang finally tore off the veil of hypocrisy and revealed the face of the devil.

"How about, Harry, you become a girl?" Zhang said pretending not to care, "That way it won't seem strange for you to be with Ginny and Hermione, and Ron will probably be the same." I won’t object.”

Then Zhang pointed at Rolf Scamander, who was eating melon and watching a show, and said: "You can pretend to be Rolf's sister. I don't think anyone would suspect a young lady from the United States who came to attend the wedding. "

Zhang finally said: "If you change your speaking habits, I don't think even your aunt will recognize you."

Harry tried to resist, but failed.

Lupine did it for safety reasons, the twin brothers did it for the sake of watching the fun and not taking it too seriously, Ron's consciousness told him not to express his opinion at this time, and Black did not know what he thought about it in the end. Showing support, his support was the final straw for Harry.

"So who do you want me to be?" Harry asked gloomily.

Zhang Xu took out a bottle of potion and put it on the table, and then said to Harry: "You can try this potion. After changing your gender, it can also adjust your appearance according to your physical characteristics."

Harry picked up the rather small bottle of medicine and looked at it, but the label was written in Chinese characters, such as "Quanjingshan Pharmaceutical Factory, Curquan Township, Dari County, Goluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province". He was Can't understand.

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