Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 462: Zhang used a very scary plug-in

When the Death Eaters took the hostages, Zhang Xu was entangled by several other Death Eaters on the other side of the venue, and watched helplessly as the three of them were taken away.

After using his "mechanized mind" to force himself to calm down, Zhang Xu took out some of the medicine reserves and handed them to Mrs. Weasley who was treating the wounded. Then he hugged Fleur and said to her, "I'll go get Gabrielle and the others." After bringing it back", he left the Burrow alone.

Zhang Xu, who walked out of the burrow, was filled with self-blame. He originally thought he had made thorough preparations, but an unexpected accident happened.

He was not worried about Harry being captured by some Death Eater who ran away after seeing the shampoo. What he was worried about now was that after Gabrielle, Cho Chang and Luna were captured, Voldemort would use them as hostages. What conditions do you propose?

The worst outcome now is that Voldemort asks him to use Harry in exchange for three hostages, and the best outcome is that the Death Eaters involved in the operation failed to complete the stated goal of this operation - to capture Harry alive - and then use the hostages to Force Harry out, and after catching Harry, they ask Voldemort for credit.

As long as Voldemort is not involved, everything will be easy to handle. If there are only Death Eaters, there is still a lot of room for maneuver.

However, Zhang Xu did not dare to take too risky actions at this time. If any one of Gabriel, Zhang Qiu and Luna had an accident, it would be an unbearable disaster for him. Therefore, when there was no reliable information, he could only collect as much detailed information as possible.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Xu could only turn to the most unreasonable cheat in the world.

The time turner is both a fascinating and dangerous existence for Zhang Xu.

Although it cannot change what has already happened, and when using it, one needs to face the dangers of space-time backlash and space-time turbulence, but if it is used to obtain intelligence, it is simply unbelievable.

A few years ago, Zhang Xu stole all the time turners from the British Ministry of Magic, then took them back to China and sold them for a good price. After nearly two to thirty years of research, relevant domestic departments have mastered its use. Moreover, many people use time converters to travel and observe (tou) in the long river of time, causing those liberal arts candidates who need to take the history test for the college entrance examination to complain endlessly.

Zhang Xu secretly left behind the time turner he used back then. Now it's time for the time turner to come into play. As long as the information about what is about to happen can be obtained from future history, the next action will be easy.

Zhang Xu made up his mind to go all out, then took out his mobile phone,

A phone number was dialed.

After the phone rang for 55 seconds, the other end finally connected.

"Alas..." A girl's sighing voice came from the other end of the phone.

"You know what I'm going to ask, right?" Zhang Xu said to the person on the other end of the phone while paying attention to whether anyone was eavesdropping, "As long as you tell me where they are kept, you pretend to be your mother and take pictures for me at the zoo. I just wrote it off."

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then said, "I'll wait for you at the top of nearby Stoat Mountain."

Less than two minutes later, Zhang Xu arrived at the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain, he saw the figure wearing a pink dress who looked very similar to her mother.

(° Dis°)つ?(..)?

Zhang Xu first used a hand knife to knock the opponent into a defensive state, and then said: "Didn't I tell you a long time ago not to play with the time turner? It turned out that I just wanted to make a phone call to try my luck, but you are really still here. .”

"Smelly dad, stop hitting me on the head!" Remilia Scarlet squatted on the ground and yelled, "Didn't you agree that you won't stop after you turn twelve?" Did you hit me on the head?"

"According to chronicles, your current age is a negative number." Zhang Xu said after stopping the sword combo, "The time turner is so dangerous, if you continue to play around, believe it or not, I will ask your mother to come over and play mixed doubles together. "

"It's okay," Lemi said after standing up and rubbing her head. "If there is danger, my eldest sister and brother-in-law will come to save me."

Seeing her father's sudden murderous look, Lemi waved her hands hurriedly and said, "Don't ask about the eldest sister and brother-in-law. There are too many causes and effects involved. You will know when the time comes. Auntie didn't object to them either. You Don’t worry about it, let’s talk about my aunt, great aunt, and sister Luna first.”

Zhang Xu suppressed his strong curiosity, returned to the topic, and then said, "Tell me everything you can."

"I won't go into the details. The next few times you brag after drinking, the content you say will be different. You are often asked by your younger sister and second brother, so you pretend to be drunk and doze off." Remi said with a black line about her current age. The father, who is like himself, said, "But what my aunt told us is much more reliable."

Zhang Xu pretended to look at the scenery around the mountain and automatically ignored some of what his daughter said.

Remy couldn't do anything to her father, and then continued: "They are now locked up in the Ministry of Magic, located in the dungeon on the tenth floor underground. After a thrilling story, you successfully rescued them. .”

"I can only say so much. If I say more, I'm afraid it will cause chaos in the timeline." Remi finally said.

"That's enough." Zhang Xu nodded and said, "I won't chat with you anymore because I'm in a hurry. Remember not to play with fire anymore and go back quickly."

"How can I compare with you, dad, when it comes to playing with fire?" Remi said in a flattering tone.

Zhang Xu's eyes widened, and then he said: "If it weren't for the small note you gave me that imitated my notes and asked me to use the time turner to find Harry who flew away, how would I have fallen into the fire!"

"It's a blessing in disguise anyway." Lemi said with a smile, "Otherwise, my little sister and I would most likely not have appeared in this world. Maybe you would have been beaten to death by my mother by now."

It is a headache to discuss such issues involving time and cause and effect. Zhang Xu, who still has urgent things to do, once again reminded his daughter to return to her time with a knife, and then returned to the Burrow with a "biu" sound.

His daughter who came from the future and was playing time travel just now provided him with enough information, so he needed to prepare first.

The people in the Burrow were shocked at first when they saw Zhang Xu appearing, and then they all stepped forward to ask about the situation.

But Zhang Xu only said to two people: "I have found out that the kidnapped hostages are being held at the bottom of the British Ministry of Magic. Comrade Yuri, Ms. Adams, I will give you 1,500 gold coins each to hire you. Come with me to rescue the hostages."

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