Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 465: Sneaking into the Dungeon

The Department of Mysteries, located on the ninth floor of the Ministry of Magic, is the most mysterious organization in the Ministry of Magic. The Department of Mysteries conducts various top-secret research that are unknown to outsiders. It can be said that this is the scientific research department directly under the Ministry of Magic and represents the pinnacle of magic technology in the British wizarding world.

Against this background, when a multinational force comes here, how can they not take some local products back with them?

In other words, I am afraid that the Aurors from France are more interested in this place than rescuing the second young lady of the Delacour family.

However, everyone knows that the first task of today's operation is to rescue the hostages, and Zhang, who is leading the team, is not easy to fool, so we have to bring some souvenirs or something to check the situation at the scene.

Someone who had been here once quietly introduced the situation in the Department of Mysteries to everyone, and everyone quickly reached an agreement. If there was a chance, they would send someone to collect some local products first, and then proceed after the matter was completed. Distribution, and finally put the blame on the Death Eaters together.

Death Eaters are also salivating over this place. When the Death Eaters occupied the Ministry of Magic, many ambitious Death Eaters came here, trying to obtain some powerful magical items.

However, the huge movement upstairs just now alerted the Death Eaters here, so they gathered in the corridor in front of the black door, pulling out their wands and preparing to attack people coming out of the elevator.

After a "ding" sound, the elevator arrived. After the elevator door opened, Snape, who had long flowing hair, walked out of the elevator, followed by a group of people wearing the same black robes as Death Eaters and wearing hoods so that their faces could not be seen. wizard.

Bee Flower Hair Care Snape led a group of people to the Death Eaters who breathed a sigh of relief. He gave these people a cold look and said, "The master has ordered us to come and get some things."

These Death Eaters were all peripheral members who joined later. Basically, the old ones were taken to Hogsmeade by Voldemort. The two who were left to preside over the work at the Ministry of Magic were both injured upstairs.

Many of these new Death Eaters have never met Snape a few times, they just know that there is such a person. After all, the potion that Snape participated in developed helped many Death Eaters escape from the suffering of withdrawal reactions.

Mr. Zhang had known Snape for so many years and was already very familiar with his demeanor and tone. After using the human body transformation technique to transform into Snape, he was confident that he could deceive many people.

At this time one of the Death Eaters asked: "What happened upstairs just now? Mr. Snape."

Pantene Dandruff Remover Snape looked at the Death Eater the way the real Snape looked at Harry, and then said in an emotionless and hollow voice: "It's just that a few rats got in, and they have been cleaned up." Lost."

Head and Shoulders for Itching After speaking, Snape ignored the Death Eaters and continued to move forward with the people behind him.

Those new Death Eaters knew Snape's temper, so they didn't notice anything wrong for a while.

Just when Rejoice Oil Snape and his men were about to walk to the black door of the Department of Mysteries at the end of the corridor, a figure appeared on the left side of the stairs leading to the tenth floor dungeon.

Draco Malfoy, who had just come out of the dungeon, was stunned for a moment when he saw Snape, and then he was stunned again when he saw the other person's smooth and flowing hair. Finally, he said: "Professor Snape, please talk to me. Come down here."

Overlord Snape nodded calmly, and then said to the wizards behind him, "You go get your things first, and I'll go down for a while." Then he followed Malfoy alone and turned around and walked into the stairs, heading downstairs. Go.

Walking in a passage with almost no light, a wand pressed against the back of Malfoy's neck. He was about to say something, but found that he couldn't move. Then a hand pinched his mouth open, and a packet of something like powder was poured into it. After these things entered his mouth, he could feel them making crackling sounds while still beating.

After a while, when everything in Malfoy's mouth melted into his stomach,

Sassoon Snape, who was still pinching him, asked: "Where are the three of them being imprisoned? If you don't tell the truth, I can't guarantee that you will have a good ending."

Malfoy, who had known this would happen, sighed in his heart, and then replied obediently: "The three of them are locked in the innermost room, and there are people guarding them outside the corridor."

Malfoy fell down as soon as he finished speaking, and was kicked to the edge of the stairs by Snape.

When Icaru Snape walked up the stairs to the landing, she raised her wand to the torch stuck on the rough stone wall of the corridor.

?`д′)つ━? Thousands of miles of snow falling?

Suddenly, a blizzard blew in the basement corridor, all the torches were blown out, and the corridor fell into darkness.

At this time, the Death Eaters in the corridor were in chaos, shouting and raising their wands.

But when they used their wands to illuminate, they found that the corridor had been filled with thick black fog from unknown time, forcing them to rely on sound to communicate with others.

However, these Death Eaters found that there were fewer and fewer companions around them responding to them, and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground and the "pop" of objects hitting the stone wall became more and more frequent.

A few minutes later, Zhang Xu stood up from the ground and put away the Hogwarts goggles with thermal imaging function. He then held the Type 95 automatic rifle with a silencing spell in one hand and used a wand to cast a whirlwind in the corridor. curse and several pseudo-fire spells.

After the black mist was blown away, under the light from the pseudo-fire spell, it could be seen that all the Death Eaters in the corridor were lying on the ground.

Zhang Xu remembered that in this corridor, there was a trial room outside and a cell temporarily holding prisoners preparing for trial inside. Moreover, the space inside each courtroom is not small. If there are a few Death Eaters in it, something might happen.

So after giving all the Death Eaters on the ground a shot, Zhang Xu took out a stack of sealing talismans and slapped them on the wooden doors on both sides of the corridor. Now he didn't have time to slowly clean up each room, so he had to first They are all sealed so that no one can get in the way later.

When Zhang Xu came to the end of the corridor, he found that there were two cells facing each other. He was not sure which one Gabri and the others were locked in.

The door of the cell was obviously enchanted, and no sound could be heard from inside. The iron latch on the door showed signs of being opened recently.

Zhang Xu could only seal the door of the cell on the left first, and then try his luck in the cell on the right first.

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