Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 467: Hogsmeade’s 1st Counter-Encirclement and Suppression (1)

As the evening glow gradually climbed into the sky, Scrimgeour sat on the ground beside the Hogsmeade train station without any concern for his image, breathing heavily against the wall of the train station.

Ten minutes ago, the Death Eaters who attacked Hogsmeade finally retreated. After arranging the aftermath, Scrimgeour could finally sit down and take a breath.

At this time, he no longer cared about the image of the Minister of Magic. Many wizards around him were sitting by the wall and resting like him.

(: ̄⊥ ̄)つ?(▔__▔;)

"Want one?" A wizard sitting not far from Scrimgeour handed him two 555s.

"Thank you." Scrimgeour took a cigarette from the other person's hand, lit it with his wand, took a deep breath, and then the smoke he exhaled formed into a lion running towards the sky.

The next moment, a swan made of cigarette smoke flew into the sky next to the lion.

Next, like children competing with each other, the two people kept spitting out various animals made of smoke.

The two of them were having so much fun just to adjust their extremely nervous state of mind as soon as possible.

"What's your name?" Scrimgeour, who had just dealt with the cigarette butt, remembered to ask the name of the wizard who just handed him the cigarette.

"Bear," the wizard replied, "Bear Grylls, nice to meet you, Lord Scrimgeour."

Scrimgeour nodded, and then said, "Thank you very much for your helping hand today."

"You're welcome," Bell said, shaking his head, "This is also our responsibility."

Among the people resting around the train station in Hogsmeade, in addition to wizards wearing robes like Scrimgeour, there were also many government army wizards wearing military uniforms like Bear Grylls.

"Although I don't know the reason, I'm glad that the Death Eaters retreated at the last moment." Scrimgeour sighed and said, "If they had persisted for five more minutes, the first protective magic here would have been broken. .”

Bell, who was still frightened on the side, nodded. Just now, they almost failed to stop the Death Eaters who were suppressed by Voldemort himself.

At the same time, in the reception room on the second floor of Hogsmeade's coffee shop, Zhang Xu was arrested to treat the wounded as soon as he entered the door.

Wales, Nelson and Rodney sat aside, while Hood, whose chest was stained with blood and whose blue dress was torn, was lying on the couch with a frown, and their eyes fell on Zhang Xu.

After looking around, Zhang Xu said to Hu De while applying medicine to the wound: "The trauma on the chest has been treated with first aid, and the bleeding has stopped now. This is not a big problem."

Then while palpating around the wound, he said: "What's a little tricky now is that several ribs are broken. The ribs need to be reset before the bones can heal. Fortunately, the broken ribs did not puncture the heart and lungs."

"I'll trouble you next." Hood said after heaving a sigh of relief.

After some bone touching and bone setting, Zhang Xu was able to pick up the injured and broken ribs.

After giving him some potion to treat fractures, Zhang Xu placed the fish cake, which fell asleep immediately after drinking the medicine, on the mat where it usually rested.

"Just don't let it run around for 24 hours." Zhang Xu said to Hu De.

Just now, after Zhang Xu comforted Gabrielle and sent her back to the Burrow for her family to take good care of, he immediately rushed to Hogsmeade alone.

On the outskirts of Hogsmeade, many wizards from the Ministry of Magic could be seen carrying corpses on the ground, as well as some slightly injured Aurors bandaging their wounds or drinking potions.

Zhang Xu, who appeared in the distance, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Hogsmeade had withstood Voldemort's siege.

Just now he was thinking that if the two sides were in a stalemate when he appeared, he could harass the Death Eaters from outside and reduce the pressure on Hogsmeade.

As early as a year ago, Zhang Xu quietly submitted the overall framework of the "North Atlantic Barrier" plan to Dumbledore and Scrimgeour.

This plan analyzed the inevitability of Voldemort's capture of the Ministry of Magic and the necessity of the Ministry of Magic moving into a new fortress.

Although the protective magic in the Ministry of Magic was powerful, it was so powerful that Voldemort had to rely on internal tactics to capture it. But these magics have existed for so long that it was easy for Voldemort and his gang to find some loopholes.

Especially not long after this plan was submitted, a series of explosions occurred at the Order of Merlin awarding ceremony held in the Ministry of Magic auditorium, which made Dumbledore and Scrimgeour determined to perfect and implement this plan.

Zhang Xu avoided suspicion and did not participate in the specific details of the national-level operation of building a wartime fortress for the head of government. He only participated in the formulation of the "Generator Plan" and the "Cockroach Pile Plan" as subsidiary plans to a limited extent.

Dumbledore, the Ministry of Magic and the government forces quietly built a complete defense system in Hogwarts and Hogsmeade based on the government forces' nuclear arsenal protection magic and absorbing the expertise of various companies. This defense system will only be activated when the "Generator Plan" and "Cockroach Pile Plan" are launched.

Zhang Xu only got a hint about this matter from Scarlet, one of the participants, and the detailed information was unknown.

Judging from the current actual situation, the "North Atlantic Barrier" plan is successful. It seems that faced with different defense systems, Voldemort will have to spend a lot of effort to crack the defense magic here.

Zhang Xu was finally able to enter Hogsmeade after being identified. His first stop was to go to the coffee shop to find out what happened.

Just from the fact that both Ginger and Fish Cake were injured, it can be seen how fierce the battle that just happened here was.

After Zhang Xu placed the fish cakes and ginger, he sat on the sofa in the living room and asked Hu De across from him: "Is your injury okay, Ms. Hu De?"

"If there was no problem, would I still lie like this?" Hu De turned his head and rolled his eyes at Zhang Xu.

"Do you need me to call 999 for you?" Zhang Xu saw that the other party still had the energy to joke with him, indicating that the problem was not serious.

What Zhang Xu didn't know was that there were 41,785 Oscars running wildly in Hood's heart at this time.

"The hem of my long skirt is torn and exposed at the back. I was busy treating fish cakes just now, so I didn't have time to change clothes. If you hadn't come in suddenly, I would have had to lie here to avoid you taking advantage of me."

Hood looked at the other three people with pleading eyes, and the result...

"It's getting late and I have to prepare dinner."

"I'm going to write the report first. Call me when dinner is ready."

"Sister, let me help you make dinner. Mr. Zhang, take a rest here and let's have dinner together later."

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