"The Chinese People's Government calls on all peace-loving, justice- and freedom-loving humans around the world, especially the nations and peoples in Western countries who have been persecuted by extremist terrorist organizations, to rise up together and stop the new aggression of extremist terrorism in the West. As long as we are not intimidated, Resolutely mobilize the broad masses of the people to participate in the struggle against the war makers. This kind of aggression is completely defeatable. The Chinese people express sympathy and respect for the British people who are persecuted by extremist terrorist organizations and carry out resistance struggles, and firmly believe that the oppressed nations of the world and The people will surely be able to bury the war makers of the heinous extremist terrorist organizations in the fury of the great people's struggle."

After representing the relevant national departments and reciting a diplomatic statement of several hundred words to the British Minister of Magic Scrimgeour in the tone of "News Network" and accepting the thanks from Scrimgeour on behalf of the British wizards and the Ministry of Magic, Zhang Xu left. Went to the Pig's Head Bar.

In addition to Zhang Xu, Mrs. Adams, like Mr. Yuri and Mr. Delacour, expressed condolences to the British Ministry of Magic on behalf of the Ministry of Magic of their respective countries, and then expressed their belief that the British Ministry of Magic will be able to overcome the difficulties ahead.

After the routine was over, three other diplomats from the United States, Russia, and France left together.

"Mr. Zhang, as the host, won't you buy me a drink?" Mrs. Adams pointed to the Three Broomsticks bar on the roadside and said to Zhang Xu.

Yuri thought of what happened in the elevator during the day, whistled and pulled Mr. Delacour to leave.

Mr. Delacour glanced at Zhang Xu, raised his eyebrows, and then smiled and prepared to enter with Yuri.

Faced with this proposition, Zhang Xu hurriedly pulled the sleeves of his future father-in-law and Yuri, and said while walking to the bar: "This is a rare occasion, let's go have a drink together."

There were many customers in the Three Broomsticks bar today, most of them were residents of Hogsmeade, and some of them were still wearing bandages. But everyone in the bar was not very talkative. Most people were drinking and only a few people were talking in low voices about what happened today.

"It seems that the morale of the British guys is not high." Mr. Delacour, holding a cocktail, said with a slight frown.

The group of them sat near the middle of the bar and could easily hear the conversations of other people in the bar. While they were talking, Zhang Xu used a small spell so that sounds from outside could come in, but their voices would not come out.

As the person most familiar with the local situation, Zhang Xu replied: "After all, the mysterious man can stop children from crying at night in the UK. Younger wizards grew up frightened by his name. And Deng, who is now the banner figure, With Blido gone, people will inevitably lose confidence.”

"Can the British stand it?" asked Mrs. Adams.

Obviously, Mr. Delacour and Yuri are also very concerned about this issue, and they also want to hear Zhang Xu's opinion.

"If the commander handles it properly, I think although the process may be tortuous and require some sacrifices, victory will definitely be on our side." Zhang Xu said confidently.

"If you are in danger, you can escape to France without fighting for the British." Mr. Delacour said to Zhang Xu, "As long as you are alive, everything can turn around."

Zhang Xu understood what his future father-in-law meant and immediately nodded in agreement.

In the following time, Zhang Xu introduced the entire process of Voldemort's comeback in detail. Some of the details had never been disclosed to the outside world by the British Ministry of Magic before. This information was enough for them to report to their superiors.

It's dark at night, and Hogsmeade is destined to be restless tonight. Zhang Xu and his group returned to the Burrow after finishing their glasses of wine.

Mrs. Adams kept hinting to Zhang Xu that she had something serious to talk to him about, but Zhang Xu never gave her a chance.

The helpless Mrs. Adams could only write a letter overnight after returning to the Burrow and asked Zhang Xu to forward it to the relevant domestic authorities.

Then after breakfast early the next morning, he took Rolf Scamander back to the United States.

Most of the guests attending the wedding had already evacuated overnight yesterday, so after finishing breakfast and seeing off Rolf and his party, the Burrow seemed much deserted than before.

Two members of the Order of the Phoenix, Lupine and Black, have gone to Hogwarts to protect Harry. Scarlet was also recalled to Hogwarts yesterday by Principal McGonagall.

Mr. Weasley went to Hogsmeade yesterday after settling down at home. It seems that he will have to work overtime there and will not be able to come back.

Percy also followed the "Rainbow Team" to Hogsmeade. He found Zhang Xu in the bar last night, and then rented Zhang Xu's villa as a temporary residence in the UK.

The two newlyweds were about to embark on their honeymoon trip. Originally, they wanted to stay, but Mrs. Weasley strongly urged them to stick to their original plan. After all, it is much safer abroad than in the UK now.

Zhang Xu also wanted to go back to China, and Furong went with him.

After Zhang Xu came back last night, Furong strongly requested to stay with him in the UK. After a whole night of intense negotiations, Furong could only follow Zhang Xu's advice and go back to school.

As a result, in the next period of time, only Mrs. Weasley, the twins, Ron, Ginny and Hermione were left in the Burrow, and the twins had to go to Diagon Alley to check out the store.

Because Voldemort has a tradition of capturing family members as hostages to threaten others into submission, under Zhang Xu's persuasion, they first moved to Black's old house in the next period, which was better than the Burrow that had been breached once. Much safer.

Before leaving, Zhang Xu called Ron and Hermione aside and handed them a thick envelope.

"In the next period of time, Harry will begin to be set up as a banner against the mysterious man." Zhang Xu said seriously to Ron and Hermione, "Soon, people from all walks of life will be in Hog Maud holds a meeting on the next course of action, to which Harry will certainly be called."

"Inside this envelope is a plan that Professor Dumbledore and I made together before he was alive. You should hand him over to Harry as soon as possible. If this plan can be implemented, then life will be easier in the future."

After Ron and Hermione listened, they took the thick envelope handed over by Zhang Xu very solemnly. The envelope was as heavy as Ben Nevis in their hands.

Ron and Hermione said that they would ask Kreacher to deliver this report to Harry today.

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