Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 472 Hogwarts Conference (2)

At this time, all parties in the UK basically have no good solutions to deal with Voldemort's resurgence.

After Scrimgeour came to power, the Ministry of Magic prepared for an ambush based on its experience more than ten years ago. Unexpectedly, Voldemort changed its previous approach this time.

The most obvious thing is that his men have gathered a large number of dark wizards from various European countries and organized them effectively. This approach, which was very Grindelwald's style, caught the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic off guard from the beginning.

In particular, the Ministry of Magic of various continental European countries, which had seen the British Ministry of Magic dissatisfied for many years, was very happy to send their own unstable factors to the UK. In this way, the security level at home has improved, and the position of Minister of Magic will naturally become more stable. A country that is willing to cause trouble for the UK has even secretly contacted those dark wizards and promised that if you go to the UK and never come back, all your previous accounts will be written off.

With the establishment of the International Auror Organization, countries on the European continent have reached a tacit understanding, which is to block all these dark wizards on the island and prevent them from returning to the European continent.

As for what the British think, haha, don’t you have the awesome Dumbledore?

Facing the dark wizards that could be said to be rolling in, Scrimgeour was stunned.

Originally, Scrimgeour was cooperating with the British government so that they could help him build his reputation in order to become the Minister of Magic. But later, after the Ministry of Magic suffered several serious losses from the Death Eaters, Scrimgeour recognized the current situation and had to cooperate more comprehensively with the British government.

As for the British government, it has only been in the past few years that they have turned their attention to the domestic magical society. The intelligence in this area is no better than a black eye.

In order to find out what was happening in a corner of their yard that had not been paid attention to for many years, they even had direct contact with a certain communist spy, and they did not hesitate to write off his years of illegally bringing contraband into the UK, as long as he did not cause trouble in ordinary society. .

Due to the lack and lag of detailed intelligence, the British government wanted to take the initiative on its own but had no clear target. It could only carry out conservative passive defense and spread its limited power across the entire British land.

As for the Order of the Phoenix, they have always listened to Dumbledore. After Dumbledore died, they listened to the plans he left behind during his lifetime.

Dumbledore is no longer here, and they haven't elected a new leader yet. Their current situation is that they listen to Lupine when it comes to thinking, and Moody's when it comes to action.

Moreover, Dumbledore's previous plan was mainly to have Harry perform a beheading operation. Faced with the current situation where a full-scale war is about to break out, Lupine and the others have nothing to do.

So now that Harry takes out the plan that Dumbledore made during his lifetime, it is tantamount to lighting up a guiding light in the darkness.

After all, commanding a battle is one thing, but organizing a full-scale war is another level.

The last major war in the British wizarding world was the goblin rebellion in the seventeenth century, and the Ministry of Magic has become unfamiliar with how to fight big wars. Although Scrimgeour has been an Auror for many years, the police and the army are still fundamentally different.

Although the government army has professionals, it is also a big headache due to insufficient intelligence. Due to covert obstruction by some die-hards in the Ministry of Magic, cooperation between the Ministry of Magic and government forces is now limited to the tactical level.

Not to mention the members of the Order of the Phoenix, expecting them to be worse than expecting Voldemort to suffocate a bottle of paraquat.

Currently, the only person in the UK who has large-scale war experience and organizational capabilities is the retired gravekeeper from Hogwarts.

And Mr. Zhang does not have the ability to formulate such a plan for an all-out war. Bragging is fine, but in actual operation he will be blinded. However, there is a golden thigh behind Zhang's back.

The plan that all parties in the UK were studying tonight was actually formulated by the General Staff and transcribed by Zhang with a quill that imitated Dumbledore's handwriting.

For six years,

With the efforts of the spies represented by Zhang, the relevant departments collected a large amount of intelligence about the British magical world. Relying on this information, the relevant departments of the General Staff spent half a year formulating this plan based on the outline of the plan selected by Dumbledore.

Therefore, this plan must be mixed with some private goods. If all parties in the UK make next plans based on this plan, they will naturally not be able to avoid some core landmines in it.

Of course some people can see these contents, but in the face of such a conspiracy, they can only grit their teeth and step on it.

In the living room on the second floor of the Interesting Cafe in Hogsmeade, Horatio Rodney threw the plan in his hand heavily on the coffee table, then leaned back on the sofa and sighed deeply.

"What's wrong, Grandpa?" Rodney, the waiter in the cafe, put down the parchment in her hand and walked behind the sofa, rubbing her grandfather's temples.

"Is there anything wrong with this plan, Grandpa?" Nelson, who was also looking at the plan, asked with concern.

After a while, Mr. Rodney opened his eyes and said: "This plan is definitely not written by Dumbledore. Perhaps the main framework was set by him, but many of the contents in it must have nothing to do with him."

"I've had several conversations with Dumbledore before and I didn't think he would come up with such a gory plan."

"Is there anything wrong with this plan, Your Excellency?" Wales asked doubtfully, "I don't see anything disadvantageous to us in it."

"There is no problem with the plan. We will use this place as a base to eliminate the enemy's effective forces, and finally carry out beheading operations on the enemy. This can be said to be the best choice under the current circumstances." Mr. Rodney said.

"If we only eliminate the two-hole sockets, then without a unified command, dark wizards from various countries will scatter in England, Scotland, and Wales, and then the entire island of Great Britain will fall into a disaster. "

"So we can only eliminate them first, so as to prevent these locusts from destroying our country."

"However, war kills people, not only the enemy, but also our own people."

"Think about it, if these dark wizards are eliminated, how many casualties will we suffer?"

Wales and the others calculated it in their minds, and the final figure made them take a breath of cold air.

"Is there no other way we can do it?" Hood asked with a frown.

"If it were two years earlier, we could have blocked these dark wizards across the English Channel, but now we can't." Mr. Rodney said, shaking his head.

"Then our fate can only be to lose both sides?" Wales's face turned very ugly.

"Haha." Mr. Rodney smiled and said, "This plan provides us with a solution. If we don't want too many people to die, then we can only seek help from the international community."

After Mr. Rodney finished speaking, the living room fell into silence.

It is not easy to invite gods, but it is difficult to send them away. It is not easy to invite foreigners to suppress bandits. Horatio Rodney has no right to decide this matter. All he can do is wait until tomorrow to discuss the plan at a meeting, and then send their decision to No. 10 Downing Street to give the Prime Minister a headache.

"Who came up with such a plan?" Rodney asked.

"It's the young man who often comes here as a guest. I guess he and Dumbledore have formed some kind of alliance." Mr. Rodney said seriously, "I'm afraid there is the power of their country involved behind this. Although he is very good, But I don’t think he could have put together a plan of this caliber on his own.”

"Then what should we do?" Wales asked.

"The next headache is No. 10 in Downing Street. You can take cues from him and see what they want to do," Mr. Rodney said.

"It seems that I have to make some sacrifices." Wales, as a representative of the intelligence department, said, "He is not bad looking, so I am not at a disadvantage."

"Aren't you afraid that he thinks you are too old?" Hood joked from the side, "He usually doesn't treat you like those Aurors who want to eat you up."

"I heard from the students that he liked the older guys," Welsh told Hood.

Mr. Rodney raised his eyebrows, and then asked: "So which one of you is he usually interested in?"

The four ladies present looked at each other, then sighed at the same time, and then simultaneously pointed at the ginger and fish cakes sleeping in the corner.

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