Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 476 You are the Minister of Magic

While Zhang Xu was meeting to study the intelligence coming from the International Federation of Wizards, Voldemort was having a meeting with his core Death Eaters in the living room of a house thousands of miles away in England.

On the windows around the living room, heavy curtains blocked out the sunlight, and rows of burning candles floated in mid-air, providing a light source for the dim living room.

A long table that was exquisite and exuded a sense of history was placed in the center of the living room. Voldemort sat at the top, and the Death Eaters sat on both sides.

Snape, with bandages on his head and hands, sat closest to Voldemort and reported to Voldemort: "It has been found that all the nails that Piers Thicknesse and others planted in the original Ministry of Magic have died. Most of them were killed in the Great Hall and Department of Mysteries on the day we captured the Ministry."

"So do we still have the original Ministry of Magic officials on hand?" Voldemort's cold words contained no emotion.

The Death Eaters below were trembling and did not dare to speak. They knew that the dark magic was very angry now and the consequences would be serious. Voldemort is not a bastard. He smiles three times before killing. He doesn't make any show before killing. Otherwise, they would have just begun to make trouble against Snape, who was at the Ministry of Magic at the time.

"Where are those who were caught?" Voldemort continued to ask.

"The Ministry of Magic was attacked twice in a short period of time." Snape said with cold sweat. "According to the investigation, the person who attacked the first time killed almost everyone in the hall and the Department of Mysteries. They They also rescued the hostages captured at the Weasley family wedding, and looted everything in the Time Hall of the Department of Mysteries. The people who attacked the second time rescued all the Ministry of Magic staff imprisoned in the dungeon."

"Do you know who these people are?" Voldemort asked, a red light flashing in his eyes.

"The only survivor of the first attack was Draco Malfoy," Snape replied. "He met the first attacker."

Voldemort cast his gaze to the other end of the long table. The pony sitting at the end of the Death Eater team shuddered under Voldemort's gaze, and then said tremblingly: "Their leader is disguised as Snape's appearance."

"Are you sure that man is not the real Severus?" Bellatrix asked, giving Snape a defiant look.

Malfoy looked at the expressionless Snape, and then at the Dark Lord who was looking at him like a poisonous snake staring at his prey, and then said cautiously: "That man's hair is washed very clean, so he must be a fake." of."

The next moment, except for Snape, whose face was as cold as liquid nitrogen, all the Death Eaters present couldn't help laughing, and even the corner of Voldemort's mouth twitched.

"Then do you know who is impersonating Severus?" Bellatrix asked.

Malfoy hesitated for a moment, then chose the former between the death penalty and the immediate execution, "It's Zhang Xu. Among the people captured that day, they were all his relatives and his close friends. He came to save people. "

"Is he the only one?" Voldemort asked.

"None of the people he brought with him were British." Snape replied. "Judging from the traces of curses on the scene and the corpses, the curses on most people were not those of Hogwarts and the Auror Office." Professor. The most important thing is that they did not hide their identities. On the walls of the Department of Mysteries, they left a lot of writings in American English, French and Russian."

Voldemort nodded slightly, coming to save people and at the same time take advantage of him. This was in line with his understanding of Zhang Xu. And those foreigners should be the foreign guests coming to the wedding. Then he asked: "What about the people who came the second time?"

Snape replied: "The people who came the second time were an Auror action team under the recently established International Auror Organization. They rescued all the people imprisoned in the dungeon, and at the same time blew up the Ministry of Magic's The reference room and the only remaining elevators and fireplaces.”

“If you meet anyone from this organization in the future, don’t leave them alive.

" Voldemort said calmly, like he was talking about having a chicken sandwich with fruit salad for lunch.

"As you command, Master!" the Death Eaters present responded in unison.

"How many former employees of the Ministry of Magic are willing to follow us now?" Voldemort turned to Snape and asked.

Snape hesitated, then said, "No more than ten people."

Voldemort snorted coldly, but judging from his expression, it was obvious that he didn't care much about this issue.

Snape went on to report: "The Daily Prophet said they would remain neutral and not take sides."

"These wallflowers will pay the price!" Voldemort said angrily.

But he was still angry, and he could not attack the most influential newspaper in the British wizarding world now, because the relationship behind them was so intricate that if he was not careful, he would lose the little support he had.

Snape continued: "The radio station has basically been controlled by us. Except for a few famous announcers who were not available at the time, the rest of the staff will serve us from today on."

After hearing the news, Voldemort's expression became a little better, which was considered a rare piece of good news.

Voldemort looked around at the Death Eaters present, and then said: "Then, I need someone to be our Minister of Magic."

Now the Death Eaters couldn't sit still. They originally planned to let the puppets take this position, but now that all the puppets were dead, they had no choice but to let them go into battle in person.

"Master, your most loyal servant is willing to serve you." Karkaroff, who contributed one hand to Voldemort's resurrection, was the first to stand up and introduce himself.

"You have been away from England for too long."

"You don't even know how many floors there are in the Ministry of Magic."

As soon as Karkaroff opened his mouth, the other Death Eaters immediately objected.

Especially those diehard factions who have been in prison in Azkaban for more than ten years, they are not willing to let those meritorious factions who have been free for more than ten years sit in that position.

Then Bellatrix also stepped up to claim the position.

After all, the benefits that can be obtained from this position are too high. When there was no chance before, it didn't matter to everyone. Now that there is an opportunity, no one wants this position to fall into the hands of another faction.

After seeing that Voldemort had no intention of stopping him, the Death Eaters began to quarrel over this position.

One said that the other party was not capable, the other said that the other party was not loyal enough, and there was a quarrel in the living room.

After a while, Voldemort, who had been silent, knocked on the table with the Elder Wand, and the Death Eaters below suddenly fell silent.

Voldemort looked at the door of the living room, and then said in an unquestionable tone: "Our new Minister of Magic is here."

At this moment, the door to the living room opened, and Lucius Malfoy, who had not been seen for a long time, walked in from the door.

"I'm back, Master." Lao Ma greeted Voldemort, "The plan is proceeding according to the planned steps."

After the old horse finished speaking, Bellatrix nodded slightly.

Voldemort ignored Lao Ma's words and asked, "Lucius, do you have any difficulty in becoming the Minister of Magic?"

Lao Ma said without thinking: "My master, under your leadership, there are always more solutions than difficulties."

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