Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 477 Everyone takes action

The night was deep, and soon it would be daybreak. The meeting in the courtyard on the outskirts of Beijing was coming to an end.

Regarding how to respond to the upcoming invitation from the International Federation of Wizards, each department participating in the meeting made a detailed analysis and judgment, and formed meeting minutes for leadership reference.

Sending peacekeeping troops abroad requires the approval of the leaders sitting in the first row of the rostrum. The minutes of today's meeting are an important basis for them to make corresponding decisions.

Just as everyone was packing up and preparing to leave the meeting, a major officer in military uniform hurried in.

The major officer saluted and reported to Mr. Zhou: "Chief, this is the latest news from the UK."

Then he placed a cassette tape in front of Mr. Zhou.

Mr. Zhou glanced at the mark on the tape and asked the major officer to put the tape into the speaker in the conference room and play it.

"Ladies and gentlemen: Today, we stand here! Standing on the land of wizards..."

Zhang Xu, who was drinking tea, choked on his lungs. When did Lao Ma make such a sonorous and inspiring speech? How many issues of "Speech and Eloquence" has he read?

After Lao Ma's speech in the speaker ended, the major officer who came to deliver the information took a document and said: "An hour ago, Lucius Malfoy took office as the British Minister of Magic. Immediately, he issued a statement at the British Ministry of Magic This inaugural address. His speech was broadcast live on the radio and heard on radios around the world."

Zhang Xu looked at Mr. Zhao and asked, "Why was he released so quickly?"

Mr. Zhao spread his hands and said: "According to Article 156 of the Criminal Law, anyone who intentionally destroys public or private property, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, or a fine. According to Article 71, those who are Criminals sentenced to public surveillance, criminal detention, fixed-term imprisonment, or life imprisonment may have their sentences reduced if they truly repent or perform meritorious services during the execution period."

"He showed remorse both at trial and in court, and he actively received financial compensation, so the court sentenced him to two months' detention and a fine."

"During his sentence, he worked actively and repented deeply, and he also performed meritorious service. He rescued a prisoner who was bitten by a poisonous snake while working in the fields, so his sentence was reduced by two weeks."

"It just so happened that he was released on the day you returned to China and went back."

There was a hole stuck in Zhang Xu's throat, and he didn't know how to spit it out.

Mr. Zhao ignored Zhang Xu, looked at the time, and said to the people in the conference room: "It's almost dawn. Let's go back to the dormitory and take a rest. We will meet again at 8:30 in the morning to discuss this matter."

????Dividing line????

Woolworth Building, New York, USA. This is the home of the Magical Congress of the United States of America.

In the lobby on the first floor of the Woolworth Building, American wizards were already in panic. They suddenly discovered that the hands of the magic exposure level clock hanging above the hall had suddenly slipped to "unexplainable severe situation" and The edge of "emergency".

On the top floor of the magic side of the Woolworth Building, Samuel G. Kohaug, the newly elected president of the Magical Congress of the United States of America, stood in front of the window of his office, frowning and looking out the window at the busy streets of New York. Beside him, Malfoy's melodious speech came from the radio.

At this time there was a knock on the door.

After the door of the office opened automatically, Mrs. Adams, wearing a smart professional attire, walked in.

"Are you looking for me, Mr. Kohaug?" asked Mrs. Adams.

"Do you know what happened in England?" Kohaug asked after turning around and nodding.

"I've listened to the radio," Mrs. Adams replied.

"Tanya, what do you think about this?" Kohaug asked.

"If the British are allowed to continue making trouble like this, the wizarding world will be exposed to No-Majs." Mrs. Adams said.

“The exposure of the magical world is a foregone conclusion, it’s just a matter of time, in the East, where it all starts.

Kohaug said, "You are one of the few wizards among us who has cooperated with the No-Maj government. Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?" "

Mrs. Adams looked at Kohaug who was bringing up old things. After thinking carefully for a while, she solemnly said: "Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing depends on how our Congress and the No-Maj government guide public opinion. I think we must take the initiative." In our hands, these talents are in our interest.”

After Kohaug walked around in front of the window a few times, he changed the topic and said to Mrs. Adams: "You also know the decision of the International Federation of Wizards. I order you to form a capable team to sneak into the UK. After receiving the order, Get into this war now.”

Kohaug sat back in his office chair, leaned back, sighed and said: "I'm worried that if the situation in the UK continues to develop like this, the Grindelwald supporters lurking here will jump out and cause trouble. ”

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British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who has just returned to No. 10 Downing Street from the Ministry of Defense headquarters in Whitehall, Westminster, London, sat behind his desk and looked at the gorgeous crystal chandelier on the ceiling of his office without saying a word.

This day as Prime Minister is different from what I expected. I originally thought that my job was to increase the employment rate and improve public security internally, and to deal with major countries in the world externally. In my free time, I drink champagne on the lounge chair in the study and pass the time with my favorite large-scale fantasy novel "Dumbledore", or read the "Dumbledore" fan comic "Hawthorne" by the young cartoonist Maggie McGonagall. "Tea Time at Gwarts" tells the children how Dumbledore's students used their ingenuity to trick a giant snake that lived for a thousand years into the kitchen with the help of a giant panda. Inside the soup pot, or the story of a panda that almost cooked a big black dog that was wrongfully imprisoned.

As a result, after he took the position of Prime Minister for the first time, someone suddenly told him that "The Biography of Dumbledore" is not a fantasy novel, but documentary literature.

That day, Blair finally learned why Jim Harker asked him to prepare emergency heart disease medicine when he handed over the job.

Fortunately, after Blair saw another world hidden in the British land, and met Dumbledore and the big black dog that was almost cooked, he did not use those first aid drugs. Because Dumbledore cured him immediately.

At this time, Blair finally knew what kind of mess he was facing.

Fortunately, there is always a way, Her Majesty the Queen told him, and we also have our own wizards.

Although I doubt whether I am living in a dream, I still have to do the necessary work.

The current situation has become so corrupt that we can only use iron and blood to eliminate those extreme terrorist organizations that rebel against the stable life of the people of Great Britain.

Following an order issued by the British Ministry of Defense, a number of elite British military personnel equipped with special equipment set out for northern Scotland in the name of exercises.

????Dividing line????

In the office of the French Minister of Magic, the French Minister of Magic responded immediately. The head of the French Foreign Wizarding Group received a piece of order signed by the Minister of Magic, and then left the minister's office happily.

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