Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 479: He will be the stuffing of the dumplings at the beginning of school

At the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France, after bidding farewell to the clingy Gabrielle, Zhang Xu was waiting for the plane to Edinburgh.

The recent kidnapping incident left some psychological shadow on Gabrielle. Now she is recovering mentally and is a little talkative. She just keeps clinging to Zhang.

Since the Ministry of Magic was occupied by Voldemort and the others, Zhang Xu avoided London for safety reasons.

There was still some time before boarding the plane. After inviting the legend of Charles de Gaulle Airport, Milehan Karimi Nasseri, for a cup of coffee, Zhang Xu, who was bored sitting in the coffee shop, took out the bag he had just bought from his backpack. Bought the latest episode of "Tea Time at Hogwarts" at the bookstore to pass the time.

"Very interesting comic, isn't it?" A beautiful lady in her twenties sat opposite Zhang Xu with a cup of coffee.

Did I get hit on because I look charming? Zhang thought.

Zhang Xu glanced at the beautiful woman sitting opposite, and saw her eyes sometimes looking at the comic book in Zhang Xu's hand, sometimes staring at his face.

"It's indeed a very interesting comic," Zhang Xu replied after placing the comic book on the table. "It's really interesting to live in a school like this."

"So which character in this series is your favorite?" the beauty opposite asked, with a hint of expectation in her tone.

Zhang Xu looked like he was thinking, and then said decisively: "I like the giant panda the most who always helps the students at critical moments."

"Me too," the beauty said excitedly, "Every time I draw it, its silly look always comes to mind. In order to draw it well, I often go to the London Zoo to observe the animals there. How does a giant panda live?"

"Are you Maggie Mag, the author of this comic series?" Zhang Xu asked in surprise.

"That's right, it's me." Maggie McGonagall said proudly, "Do you need me to sign your name?"

Zhang Xu handed over the comic on the table. After Maggie took the comic, she signed her name on the title page, and then drew a simple picture of a giant panda hugging a bamboo in the blank space. strokes.

Zhang, who was brought back painful memories by the stick figures, took the comic handed back by Maggie with a smile on his face, and then started a wave of commercial praise.

"How did you come up with such an interesting plot?" Zhang Xu asked pretending to be casual.

Maggie looked around and found that no one noticed them. She pulled a chair and sat next to Zhang Xu, then stretched her head next to Zhang Xu and whispered: "I can tell you quietly, in fact, in the comics Many of the stories were told to me by my aunt, and I made some modifications to the stories she told."

Then Zhang Xu asked calmly: "So there should be a character in the comics based on your aunt, right?"

"That's right!" Maggie said happily, "Guess which character in the comic is my aunt?"

Zhang picked up the comic book and turned to the character introduction page, and then pretended to study which person was based on Maggie McGonagall's aunt.

After excluding the honest and kind-hearted botany professor, the nerdy researcher-like ancient magical literature professor, and the mathematics professor of unknown age, Zhang Xu’s fingers stopped at the knowledgeable, serious and rigid professor, but he treated the students On the avatar of the professor who is always full of love and can turn into a cat.

"I think she must be your aunt." Zhang Xu said to Maggie seriously.

"That's right," Maggie said excitedly, "I didn't expect you to guess it right right away."

Zhang Xu sighed in his heart, as expected, some revenge seemed impossible to avenge.

"Do you have any suggestions for comics?" Maggie asked.

Zhang Xu thought for a while and then said: "I suggest that the giant panda should not always chew on bamboo. You can let it eat cakes, puffs, egg tarts, sandwich biscuits and other snacks.

I believe readers would like this character more if he had a different snack every time he appeared. "

After listening to Zhang Xu's words, Maggie thought carefully for a moment, and then said to Zhang Xu: "I will seriously consider your suggestion, and I will try your suggestion in the next issue."

At this time, Zhang Xu looked at his watch and found that the boarding time was not far away, so he said to Maggie: "Miss Magee, the plane to Edinburgh is ready to board. We will meet again if there is a chance."

After bidding farewell to Maggie Mag, Zhang Xu took his luggage and ran away after settling their accounts, leaving Maggie Mag sitting there alone.

You can't do it without running. Although Zhang is sometimes unruly, he still knows how to behave. If the conversation continues, he will have to introduce himself. He doesn't know if Professor McGonagall has told her niece her name, but if Maggie and Professor McGonagall say, "Aunt, I struck up a conversation with someone from your school two days ago. "A handsome guy named Zhang Xu", then there is a high chance that the dumplings given by the professors at Hogwarts this year will be stuffed with giant pandas.

It's just that people's calculations are not as good as God's calculations.

"We meet again."

On the passenger plane, Maggie greeted Zhang Xu who was sitting next to her.

Looking at the confused Zhang Xu, Maggie smiled and explained: "I live in Edinburgh, and I came to France to discuss business matters with the publisher."

"I remember I haven't introduced myself yet." Zhang Xu said helplessly, "My name is Zhang Xu, and I am an international student in the UK."

"Which school are you studying in?" Maggie asked happily, "We can go out to play during the holidays."

Zhang broke out in a cold sweat and replied: "Our school is very remote, and few people know about it. Moreover, the school's management is very strict. You are not allowed to leave the school. And you cannot even use your mobile phone."

"It's the same as my previous school. It's quite boring." Maggie said with some frustration. "We can only occasionally go to the village near the school for a walk."

Zhang Xu smiled and said nothing, he could understand this. And it seemed that Professor McGonagall had not told her niece her name, which was a relief.

During the next nearly two hours of flight, the two talked about the interesting contents of the comics drawn by Maggie. And Zhang Xu also appropriately provided Maggie with some of his "original" ideas, such as a certain beautiful academic who accidentally took the wrong medicine and turned into a cat lady, and a certain rich second generation who had a secret crush on a beautiful girl far away in the United States. Girls, the daily life of a certain "crazy girl" who was in various states and was educated by a giant panda hand knife, etc., was something that Professor McGonagall didn't know about.

Maggie took out a notebook and carefully wrote down all the ideas proposed by Zhang Xu.

After the plane landed, Maggie and Zhang Xu made an appointment to have dinner together tonight, then dragged their luggage home first.

"I'm back, Dad."

Back home, Maggie greets her father, Robert McGonagall, Jr.

"Did your trip to the UK go well?" Robert Jr., who was reading the newspaper with a cigarette in his mouth, asked his daughter.

"Everything went well, I met an interesting person at the airport." Maggie said to her father while directing the suitcase to fly back to her bedroom with her wand, "I'm going to change clothes first, and I have an appointment with him for dinner tonight. "

Like many fathers, Robert Jr. is extremely sensitive to the inadvertent information revealed in his daughter's words.

While reading the newspaper, little Robert thought, could it be that the cabbage in our family has become a pig? Why not write to the eldest sister to discuss it with her? She has always loved Maggie very much, and Maggie also likes this aunt very much. I believe the eldest sister will definitely I will help Maggie check it, but the eldest sister should be very busy at this time, so I hope it won't disturb her.

In less than a cigarette, little Robert had already thought of the names of his grandchildren.

At this time, Maggie was sitting at the desk in her room, writing a letter to her aunt on a piece of parchment.

"Dear Aunt Minerva:

I just came back from France. My trip to France went very well. Let me tell you, I met a very interesting person at the airport in France. His name is Zhangxu, and he is a student studying at a school in Scotland that is as strict as Hogwarts. When I saw him at the airport, he was reading my comics. I found that his expression was very focused when he was reading comics. It was not like he was reading humorous comics at all, but like he was reading a transfiguration textbook..."

At the same time, Zhang Xu, who had just checked into the Rockwell Hotel, suddenly shuddered while looking at the sea view outside the window.

Feeling that something big was about to happen, Zhang Xu took out a turtle shell containing copper coins. After shaking it using a specific technique, the turtle shell in his hand suddenly slipped from his hand.

"Oh no...this is a bad omen that even God can't stand!"

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