Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 481 Wind speed of 5 meters per second

Arthur's Seat, this is not the throne of some stupid king, but a mountain in Holyrood Park, Edinburgh, Scotland. At the same time, it is an extinct volcano with a history of 350 million years. In other words, it has witnessed from the second to the fifth mass extinction of life on earth, and it has also circled the Milky Way.

Under the influence of the cold air mass, there is no cloud in the sky tonight. A waning moon hangs in the sky, and the stars in the night sky complement the lights of Edinburgh.

On the top of the mountain, Maggie McGonagall sat on the ground, and Zhang Xu stood on her right. Against the backdrop of the starry sky, it was quite reminiscent of the scene of Takaki Tono and Akari Shinohara waiting for the sunrise in the wild.

After happily eating a seafood dinner and chatting about comics in the restaurant, the two went for a walk in nearby Holyrood Park.

Starting from the moment they came out of the restaurant, the atmosphere between the two suddenly became strange. No one spoke first, they just walked quietly in the park together, and then unknowingly came to Arthur's Seat.

Feeling the cold wind blowing at a speed of five meters per second, Zhang Xu thought about how to speak.

After a brief contact, Zhang Xu got to know Maggie's character. She is almost a replica of Professor McGonagall. She is self-reliant, independent-minded, and good at expressing her thoughts. In addition, she has an innocence that Professor McGonagall rarely shows in Hogwarts.

{Delete} If a cat in Hogwarts catches butterflies in the flowers and plays with it, all the professors will pretend they didn't see it. {/delete}

Now he didn't know what Maggie thought of him, whether he regarded him as a friend who could talk about anything, or whether she fell in love with him at first sight.

If it's the former, then everyone is happy. And if it's the latter, it's going to be big trouble.

And if he speaks randomly without understanding clearly, if he expresses the wrong feelings, Mr. Zhang will suddenly be embarrassed and have terminal cancer.

"Who was the person you were chatting with at the beach this afternoon?" Maggie suddenly asked.

In the afternoon, she decided to go to Zhang Xu in advance, and saw him chatting with a woman who seemed close to him. And they also have two cats, and the two cats seem to be very affectionate with them.

It wasn't until now that she asked this question.

Maggie saw herself talking to Ginger, Fish Cake and Wales on the beach, which made Zhang Xu feel a little relieved. He asked a little surprised: "You don't know her? I thought you had met before."

"Why do I know her?" Maggie asked curiously.

"They are tenants of your aunt's house. I thought you had met before." Zhang Xu replied.

"Oh, one of the proprietresses of that cafe." Maggie said in surprise, "You know my aunt, so you are also a wizard? You said you came to study abroad, are you a student at Hogwarts? ?”

Because his actual physical age is a bit older than his certified age, and his temperament is even more mature than his age, after Zhang Xu deliberately dressed up, people who were unfamiliar with him would think that he was in his early twenties when they looked at him. .

There is no way, who told his wife to be a "female junior, holding a gold brick", otherwise it would be a bit inconsistent to be together. There is not much market for "little fresh meat" these days, and those who look more delicate are said to be "sissy." The standard for handsome boys is still Zhu Shimao and Cai Guoqing.

So Maggie was a little surprised that Zhang Xu's actual age was more than two gold bricks younger than her, but at the next moment, she remembered Zhang Xu's other identity.

"You are the giant panda!" Maggie jumped up excitedly and said, "Can you change and show me?"

Looking at Maggie's eyes full of excitement and expectation, Zhang Xu realized that he had seen this kind of eyes when Ginny and the others played "Miracle Harley".

"Ahem, it's inconvenient here." Zhang Xu flatly rejected Maggie's request and turned into Animagus form on the top of the mountain next to the city. This is the rhythm of death.

"Let me introduce myself again. I am Zhang Xu, a seventh-year student at Hogwarts Ravenclaw House." Zhang Xu hurriedly avoided the topic of turning himself into a giant panda.

"My aunt only told me that there is an international student from the East at Hogwarts whose Animagus form is a giant panda, but she never told me your name." Maggie complained.

Zhang Xu thinks this is inevitable, because he has often committed suicide in human form, feeding small fishes, sucking the wrong cats, etc. If he were another student, he would probably have spent the past seven years at Hogwarts. It’s time to keep your tail between your legs.

"How come you are so close to the proprietress of that cafe? Is she your girlfriend?" Returning to the original question, Maggie's voice became deeper and deeper.

Zhang Xu sighed in his heart, and then said: "No, she is my partner. My girlfriend is over there in my hometown."

Maggie, who was a little happy at first, suddenly became lonely and lonely.

After a while, Maggie readjusted her mentality and forced a smile, and then asked: "Are you and her going to open a coffee shop together?"

Zhang Xu secretly sighed again. It seems that Professor McGonagall's niece is far away from the political circle. Now everyone in the circle knows the origins of those four people, and her name is almost spread throughout the circle, but she is Unheard of.

"No." Zhang Xu shook his head and said, "We are like-minded partners on the road to resisting the mysterious man."

"You also want to participate in this war?!" Maggie asked in surprise, and at the same time nervously grabbed Zhang Xu's sleeve.

"Yes." Zhang Xu raised his head and looked at the waning moon in the sky and said, "Six years ago, I came to Hogwarts just for this war."

"When this battle is over, I will go back to my hometown and get married."

Zhang Xu's words are obvious.

Tonight's cold wind came from the Arctic Ocean, passed through the Norwegian Sea, through the Firth of Forth, through Edinburgh, and then passed between the two people at a speed of five meters per second.

I don’t know how long it took, but Maggie asked: “If I write you a letter, will you reply?”

"I want to ask you about some comic plots." Maggie continued.

"Yes." Zhang Xu nodded and replied.

"Then...I'm going back first." After Maggie finished speaking, she turned around and apparated away with a "biu" sound.

Zhang Xu stood alone on the top of the mountain, overlooking the brightly lit Edinburgh and the surging sea.

A cat silently walked into a shadow not far from Zhang Xu, and then a man walked out of the shadow.

"That child Maggie looks a lot like me when I was young." Professor McGonagall said to Zhang Xu, who was looking into the distance.

"I can tell." Zhang Xu replied.

"What I fear most is that she will follow my same path." Professor McGonagall continued.

Zhang Xu, who knew what Professor McGonagall meant, sighed and didn't know how to answer the question.

Professor McGonagall met her first love when she was eighteen years old, but the two were not destined to be together. It was not until almost thirty years later that her first love died unexpectedly that Professor McGonagall was freed from the shackles of love and agreed to the proposal of another suitor who had been pursuing her for almost thirty years.

"If it doesn't work, I'll give her a Forgetting Charm." Zhang Xu said, "If it doesn't work, I'll ask Hermione to do it. She's very good at this spell."

The next second, he flew down from the mountain peak nearly 200 meters high.

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